
  1. 她已经有了北京学校成绩单的复印件和翻译件.但你们学校要不要托福成绩呢?

    Oh , she already has a copy of her transcripts and a translation from her Beijing school record , but will she need a TOEFL score to enter your school ?

  2. 由于一处缺陷,微软最新iOS版空气质量检测应用缺乏预测功能。在最近的雾霾“红色预警”期间,北京的学校暂停教学,但中国网球公开赛和IBM共同推出的空气质量预报大数据却推荐民众“轻度运动”。

    The latest version of Microsoft 's iPhone app lacked the forecasting function advertised , which the company blamed on a bug , while during a recent " red alert , " when the air was considered hazardous and schools were shut , the China Open IBM-based forecast recommended " light exercise . "

  3. 北京市学校体育发展的战略研究

    Tactic Study on Development of School Physical Education in Beijing

  4. 北京戏曲学校排演剧场暖通空调设计

    HVAC design of rehearsal & performance theatre in Beijing Traditional Opera School

  5. 北京中小学校、幼儿园建筑抗震调查研究

    The Seismic Survey Research of Beijing School and Kindergarten Buildings

  6. 你何时来北京会计学校学习的?

    When did you come to Beijing Accounting School ?

  7. 为了保持身体健康,他养成了晨练的习惯来源北京安通学校。

    He has fallen into the habit of doing morning exercises to stay healthy .

  8. 北京某学校雨水利用设计

    Rainwater utilization in a school in Beijing

  9. 北京德语学校及公寓

    German School and Apartment House , Beijing

  10. 1993年创办北京新东方学校。

    Founded in1993 Beijing New Oriental School .

  11. 卡格女士作为加拿大教育代表团成员,在2006年访问了北京的学校。

    Mrs Coggles visited schools in Beijing in2006 as part of a Canadian educational delegation .

  12. 我喜欢你北京的学校,但我现在感觉不舒服。

    I like your school in Beijing , but I 'm not feeling well at eh moment .

  13. 美国纽约州学校艺术教育与北京市学校艺术教育的比较研究

    Research on Beijing Primary and Secondary Schools of Arts Education Based on New York Arts Education in Schools

  14. 我喜欢你北京的学校,但是我目前感觉不太好。我很累,而且头很疼。

    I like your school in beijing , but I 'm tired and have a lot of headaches .

  15. 2008年奥运会与北京市学校体育区域互动发展研究

    Study on the Mutually Promoting Development of Physical Education in Beijing Area Following the Chance of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Game

  16. 不知是否方便在2003年5月31日把货物发给北京新东方学校总部。

    We wonder if it is convenient for you to deliver the goods to the headquarters of Beijing New Oriental School on May31,2003 .

  17. 在著名的公立学校北京景山学校,老师引导学生们通过网络课程学习数学、语文等科目。

    At Beijing Jingshan School , a prestigious public school , teachers led online classes for students in subjects like math and Chinese .

  18. 我们打算帮北京的学校与美国积极参与水保护项目的伙伴学校建立联系。

    We intend to link Beijing schools with partner schools in the US that are actively involved in water protection and conservation projects .

  19. 别把东西寄到我在北京的学校地址,那个地址就是个黑洞,通过那个地址寄给我的东西从来没有寄到的。

    Don 't use my university address in Beijing . It 's a black hole and nothing sent to me ever seems to arrive !

  20. 据不完全统计,北京新东方学校已经占据全国70%的出国培训市场,年培训学生达到45万人次。

    It is estimated that Beijing New Oriental School has accounted for70 % of the international tests training market with an annual enrollment of450 thousand .

  21. 她是第一任国家舞蹈团团长;第一任北京舞蹈学校校长;第一任中央芭蕾舞团团长。笛洛娃夫人的国际芭蕾舞剧团。

    She became the first president of the National Dance Troupe , the first headmistress of the Beijing Dance School and the first president of the Central Ballet Theater .

  22. 安德鲁说现在并没有意识到当时自己正在被测试,或许是因为孩童记忆力的问题,这也许是对北京国际学校的一种证明。

    It is a testament to the International School of Beijing or to the malleability of childhood memory that Andrew now says he did not realize that he was being tested .

  23. 北京英国学校的巴滕表示,选择招收在华外国学生,并用外国教学大纲对他们进行教育的学校,不能同时招收中国公民。

    Schools that choose to take in expats and teach them using a non-Chinese syllabus cannot also take in Chinese nationals , says Mr batten of the British School of Beijing .

  24. 1953年,于北京电影学校动画班毕业后到上海美术电影制片厂工作。历任美术设计、编剧和导演。

    After graduating from the class of animation in Beijing Film Academy in1953 , he joins Shanghai animation film studio , taking up art direction , script writing and directing positions .

  25. 北京职业学校的规模也将会受到控制,这一举措旨在降低对非京籍居民的教育吸引力,缓解流动人口带来的压力。

    The scale of vocational schools will also be controlled in Beijing , which aims to decrease the attraction of education among non-Beijing residents and ease pressures brought by transient populations .

  26. 它是北京舞蹈学校第一届编导班的进修生在查普林与中国著名京剧艺术家李少春指导下的毕业实习作品。

    It was a graduate work by the first choreography class of the Beijing Dance School under the guidance and instruction from Soviet expert Choplin and well-known Peking Opera master Li Shaochun .

  27. 从另一种意义上讲,中央美术学院的魂魄并不仅仅来自于1918年成立的国立北京美术学校,其实来自更为丰富和久远的历史遗产。

    From the other perspective , the soul of CAFA is not only inherited from the National School of Fine Arts established in1918 , but also from the profound and abundant historical legacy .

  28. 为探讨北京市学校体育如何利用2008年奥运会契机,实现学校体育和区域体育互动发展,采用文献法、问卷调查法和访谈法等研究方法进行研究。

    The aim of this study was to discuss the physical education and sport for all how to mutually promote and develop in Beijing area , following the chance of 2008 Beijing Olympic game .

  29. 阿达珍是一名美国人,是北京国际学校的一名行政助理。她说解决争议太难了,“因为中国的法律和法律程序很少有翻译成英文的。”

    Ada Jen , an administrator at a Beijing international school who comes from the United States , said it is difficult to resolve disputes , " because few resources about Chinese laws and legal procedures are translated into English . "

  30. 英国BBC《犯罪观察》节目曾在2012年发布通缉令,称罗宾逊曾在北京一所学校当外籍教师并在北京生活。

    A Crimewatch appeal in 2012 provided information that Robinson had been living and working in schools in Beijing .