
  1. 将Ff化去,取代为,这个量除以。

    I can eliminate Ff and I will substitute for Ff in R here this quantity divided by R.

  2. 从前形象化去最后的产品,全部与同样看。

    Go from pre-visualization to final output , all with the same look .

  3. 发现伊拉克在制造生物武器化去武器检查人员四年的时间。

    It took the inspectors four years to find out that Iraq was making biological agents .

  4. 她把我带入了科技的世界,并且告诉我怎样用那些科技化去写一首歌。

    She taught me about the technical world and how you can write a song in that way .

  5. 因为湖面的冰几周前刚化去,寒冷的湖水几分钟内就冻僵了我们的身体。

    Since the ice had cleared only weeks before , the frigid water numbered our bodies within minutes .

  6. 可是,在图灵的模型中,均化去起到了从最初不统一的媒介中创造一个有组织化的格局。

    Instead , in Turing 's model , diffusion acted to create organized patterns out of an initially uniform medium .

  7. 考虑使用主题化去强调那些对于任务来说是非常关键的页面元素,同时弱化那些次要的元素。

    Consider using theming to emphasize screen elements that are crucial to the task , and de-emphasize elements that are secondary .

  8. 通过实例综合利用基于小波变换的阈值化去噪方法和计算增强系数的实用算法,实现了对煤矿井下锚杆钻孔内岩层图像的增强处理。

    As an example , the novel arithmetic was applied to the image-enhancing processing of an anchor-hold drill in coal mine .

  9. 我感到有点吃惊,上述的帖子没有一个人提到用免疫组化去鉴别其它诊断。

    I am surprised that so far no one has mentioned the use of immunohistochemistry in this case to differentiate various differential diagnoses .

  10. 因此,投资者面对的是无数的不确定性:世界是否面临着一波将会拖低价格的扩大化去杠杆化浪潮?

    Thus investors are faced with numerous uncertainties : is the world facing a bout of extended deleveraging that will drag prices down ?

  11. 从事任何一门学科的研究,如果就其单一的学科化去研究,都是不可能得到一个全面的、总体的结论。

    Engaged in any one subject research , if the single subject to research , are impossible to get a comprehensive , general conclusion .

  12. 肝细胞中的磷酸化去磷酸化动力学过程,在Ca2+振荡的调控下,其糖原磷酸化酶的浓度呈现同频、同步振荡。

    Under the regulation of the kinetics of the phosphorylation dephosphorylation cycle in hepatocytes by Ca 2 + oscillations , the concentration of glycogen phosphorylase oscillated synchronously .

  13. 通过景区的主题化去树立品牌,塑造良好形象,艺术地经营管理,可使主题景区具有再生力。

    It can make theme scenic spots reproductive to use scenic spot themes to establish brands , to shape good images and to achieve artistic operation and management .

  14. 目的从理论上阐述了Ca2+振荡对肝细胞中糖原降解的磷酸化去磷酸化循环过程的调控效应。

    Objective To investigate theoretically the effect of Ca 2 + oscillations on a particular example of cell regulation : the phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycle controlling the activation of glycogen phosphorylase in hepatocytes .

  15. 柑橘胚胎发生过程中DNA甲基化/去甲基化研究及SSR标记开发

    Study on the DNA Methylation / Demethylation during Somatic Embryogenesis and Mining of SSR Markers in Citrus

  16. 研究表明,组蛋白的乙酰化与去乙酰化状态,可作用于T、B细胞的发育、分化、成熟、分泌及表面因子的表达等多个方面。

    Studies had shown that acetylation and deacetylation of histone are of certain value on T , B cell 's development , differentiation , maturation , secretion and surface factor 's expression etc.

  17. 说明过程型作用机制也是MAPK信号通路中蛋白质磷酸化与去磷酸化的一种重要的作用机制。

    This confirms that the processive phosphorylation is an important mechanism of protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation in MAPK signal transduction pathway .

  18. Rb蛋白作为一种修饰蛋白,有磷酸化和去磷酸化两种形式,去磷酸化为其活性形式。

    As a modified protein , there are two forms-phosphorylation and dephosphorylation in Rb protein , and its active form is dephosphorylation .

  19. 针对实信号去噪问题,系统研究了基于lk范数正则化的去噪方法。

    For the sake of real signal de-noising , a method based on l_ k norm regularization is studied .

  20. DNA甲基化与去甲基化是表观遗传调控的两种重要调节方式,其在X染色体失活、基因组印迹、染色质修饰和内源性基因沉默等过程中发挥重要作用。

    Methylation and demethylation of DNA are the complementary processes of epigenetic regulation . Methylation and demethylation influence a diverse array of cellular activities , including X chromosome inactivation , genomic imprinting , chromatin modification , and the silencing of endogenous genes .

  21. Yamamoto用修正的自旋波理论和密度矩阵重整化理论去研究海森堡亚铁磁链的热力学性质。

    Yamamoto also researched the thermodynamic properties of ferrimagnetic spin chain by modified spin wave theory and density-matrix renormalization-group method .

  22. GaAs、GaSb、InP和InAs的脱嵌锂特性比较相似,充放电过程可能对应于合金化与去合金化过程。

    The electrochemical characteristics of GaAs , GaSb , InP and InAs are greatly similar . The charge and discharge behavior probably corresponds to alloying and de-alloying process .

  23. 2005年,莫拉莱斯在抗议所谓的“华盛顿共识”(WashingtonConsensus)政策——财政紧缩、贸易自由化、去监管化和私有化——的浪潮中当上总统。此前的20年里,这些政策在他的国家产生了不好的效果。

    In 2005 , Morales became president on the wave of protest against the so-called Washington Consensus policies of fiscal retrenchment , trade liberalisation , deregulation and privatisation that had ill served his country in the preceding two decades .

  24. 我们发现在21号染色体上,17个基因启动子区CpG岛发生了超甲基化或去甲基化的改变,其中8个基因甲基化状态的改变可能与结直肠癌的发生相关。

    There were 17 genes with hyper or hypomethylation in the CpG island of promoter on chromosome 21 and 8 of them seemed to be association with tumorigenesis of CRC .

  25. 此外,玻璃化苗去甲基化位点与叶片等组织衰亡有关,在DNA水平上,可能是叶片等组织衰老发育相关区域甲基化状态的改变直接影响植株的发育。

    In addition , demethylation sequences of hyperhydric shoots are associated with decline of tissues , such as leaves , and at the DNA level , it is possible that the changes the of methylation status in the declining tissues has a direct impact on plant development .

  26. 多年来,耶鲁大学教授约翰·吉纳考普劳斯(JohnGeanakoplos)一直在谈论杠杆化和去杠杆化的周期即借债和削减债务以及它们对经济造成的影响。

    For years , Yale University professor John Geanakoplos has been talking about cycles of leveraging and deleveraging taking on debt and cutting back and the resulting economic impact .

  27. 反向热传导问题是一类严重不适定问题.可以用Fourier正则化方法去稳定近似一个反向热传导问题.Fourier正则化的优点是简单而有效.一个Holder型稳定性误差估计被得到。

    In this paper , we use the Fourier regularization method to stabilize a backward heat conduction problem . The advantage of the Fourier regularization method lies in its simplicity and effectiveness . A Holder stability error estimate for the problem is obtained .

  28. HER-2表达升高和SHP-1表达下降,导致蛋白磷酸化及去磷酸化平衡破坏,磷酸化信号过度活化,细胞恶性程度及侵袭能力增加。

    The expression of HER-2 up-regulation and SHP-1 down-regulation damage balance of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation , then excessive activation of phosphorylated signal ultimately enhance the degree of malignance and invasion of the cells .

  29. 受体后的信号转导经过了一系列磷酸化和去磷酸化等途径,其中有胰岛素受体底物1(IRS1)、Shc蛋白、Ras蛋白以及磷酸肌醇3激酶(PI3K)等的参与。

    The post receptor signal transduction consists of a series of receptor associated tyrosine protein kinase activated intracellular protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation reactions , such as the phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate 1 ( IRS 1 ), Shc , Ras and phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase ( PI3 K ) .

  30. 在油脂合成过程中,乙酰辅酶A酰基转移酶(AACT)催化蛋白质的酰基化和去酰基化,而脂肪酸脱饱和酶6(FAD6)则控制油酸脱氢形成亚油酸和亚麻酸等多不饱和脂肪酸。

    In the process of the oil combining . AACT is an enzyme that catalyzes the formation of acetoacetyl-CoA from two molecules of acetyl-COA . Fatty acid desaturase catalyze oleic acid into linoleic acid , linolenic acid and by dehydrogenation .