
  • 网络Hungarian method
  1. 将指派问题的匈牙利解法用于货郎担问题,通过恰当地添加大正数构造效率矩阵,得到了计算货郎担问题较快的算法。

    Obtaining a better algorithm for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem by applying Hungarian method of assignment problem to it and by adding largely positive numbers in place on a matrix to construct the efficiency matrices .

  2. 指派问题数学建模的匈牙利解法

    A Solution to the Modeling of Assignment Problem : The Hungarian Way

  3. 指派问题匈牙利解法的又两个注记

    Another two notes on Hungarian algorithm of assignment problem

  4. 对最大化指派问题的匈牙利解法的一点改进

    Improvement of Hungary Solution for the Maximum Assigned Problem

  5. 对指派问题匈牙利解法的两点改进

    Two Improvements on the Hungarian Assignment Approaches

  6. 关于指派问题匈牙利解法的一点注记

    Note on Hungarian algorithm of assignment problem

  7. 对于机械分配的最优化问题,可以利用线性规划中的指派问题模型的匈牙利解法加以解决。

    We can ues the the Hungary solution in Assignment Problem in Linear Programming to solve the problem about machine admeasure .

  8. 通过例子介绍了有部分限制的匈牙利解法在机械分配中的运用。

    Because many statistical information can be collected easily , we can use the Hungary solution to solve the Assignment Problem of machines .

  9. 建立了一类指派问题的0-1规划数学模型,并建立了推广的匈牙利解法.举例演示了解法的可行性。

    This paper states the establishment of the 0-1 programming model about a kind of allocation problem , and gives the solution to the problem .

  10. 文章从分配模型的经济意义出发,提出了分配问题的三类数学模型,阐述并且拓展了匈牙利法的解法步骤。

    The article puts forward three types of distribution math model , expatiates and enlarges the solution steps of Hungarian method of its economic meanings in distribution models .

  11. 对指派问题的解法&匈牙利法的现有解法进行改进,将最小元素法引入到匈牙利法中以减少某些不必要的步骤和繁琐的计算过程。

    In this paper the author amended the Hungarian method which brought out the answers of assignment problems , deflected the minimum element method into the Hungary Method in order to reduce some unnecessary steps and complicated computing process .