
xiōnɡ yá lì yǔ
  • Hungarian;Magyar language
  1. 你可能认为匈牙利语很容易学。其实不然。

    You might think Hungarian a pushover to learn . It is not .

  2. 官方语言是斯洛伐克语,它属于斯拉夫语种的一支。但是匈牙利语在斯洛伐克的南部也被广泛使用,在一些地方将其认可为官方语言。

    The official state language is Slovak , a member of the Slavic languages , but Hungarian is also widely spoken in the south and enjoys a co-official status in some regions .

  3. 他用他的母语匈牙利语朗读了一首诗。

    He read a poem , in his native hungarian .

  4. 匈牙利语马扎尔人的芬兰-乌戈尔语,是匈牙利的官方语言。

    The Finno-Ugric language of the Magyars that is the official language of hungary .

  5. 恰奥斯克人说的一种乌戈尔语(和匈牙利语有亲缘关系)。

    A Ugric language ( related to Hungarian ) spoken by the Ostyak people .

  6. 他们和芬兰人一样说匈牙利语。

    They speak hungarian , like in finland .

  7. 匈牙利语学校教的斯洛伐克语一塌糊涂。

    Hungarian-language schools teach Slovak remarkably badly .

  8. 他说母语匈牙利语。

    He spoke in his native hungarian .

  9. 如果这些操匈牙利语的人觉得在斯洛伐克待得不爽,他们可以走人。

    If Hungarian-speakers really do not feel at home in Slovakia then they can leave .

  10. 小兄弟要说匈牙利语了。

    The brother gonna speak Hungarian now .

  11. 但的确,在匈牙利语中,这个多重意义的词汇没有完全相等的同义词。

    But there is no exact equivalent of that multi-task word , surely , in Hungarian .

  12. 语言:罗马尼亚语为官方语言,少数民族讲匈牙利语和德语。

    Language : Romanian is the official language , although minority groups speak Hungarian and German .

  13. 此外,布达佩斯还拥有一家匈牙利语/汉语双语小学,这在该地区十分罕见。

    In addition , the Hungarian capital has a bilingual Hungarian-Chinese primary school , a rarity in the region .

  14. 添加阿尔巴尼亚语、捷克语、克罗地亚语、匈牙利语、波兰语、罗马尼亚语、斯洛伐克语及斯洛文尼亚语语言支持。

    Adds albanian , czech , croatian , hungarian , polish , romanian , slovak , and Slovenian language support .

  15. 希伯语、匈牙利语和俄语等不存在动词将要或者使用非常有限。

    The verb " to be " does not exist or has limited usage in languages such as Hebrew , Hungarian , and Russian .

  16. 况且,比方说,你要如何处理一个德语的复合动词或一个能够将整个句子包含在内的匈牙利语构词法?

    And how , for example , do you treat a German compound verb , or a Hungarian word formation which can incorporate a whole sentence ?

  17. 我们正在寻找兼职工作人员,翻译的语言:捷克语,波兰语,匈牙利语,阿拉伯语和中文。

    We are looking in Hungary , the Czech Republic and Poland , for freelance staff who care for out local customers and expand as well our customer basis .

  18. 受试对象共69人,年龄从17到33岁不等,都是来自不同国家,如中国、加拿大、美国、墨西哥等国的非匈牙利语使用者。

    The 69 subjects of the study , ranging from 17 to 33 in age , are all non-Hungarian speakers from different countries : China , Canada , the United States , Mexico and so on .

  19. 他们一家被一个又旧又小的西班牙法庭宣判驱逐出境。那会儿小奥托还被教育着要成为帝国继承人,他能讲一口流利的克罗地亚语、英语、法语、德语、匈牙利语和西班牙语。

    Exiled in Spain at a threadbare and tiny court , the young Otto was schooled for the empty throne : he was fluent in Croatian , English , French , German , Hungarian and Spanish .

  20. 匈牙利人总是将姓放在前面,至少在匈牙利语中如此。

    Hungarians put surnames first for all purposes , at least in the Hungarian language .

  21. 匈牙利的元音很多,而且用喉咙发音使得人们很难学习匈牙利语。

    Hungarian has a big number of vowels and the guttural pronunciation makes it very difficult for people to learn .