
yí dònɡ pínɡ jūn fǎ
  • Moving average method;method of moving average
  1. 十二个月移动平均法

    Method of moving average by 12 months

  2. 基于移动平均法ERP销售预测算例的编制

    Programming of sales forecast example in ERP base on moving average

  3. 该装置采用NaI(Tl)探测器,用移动平均法进行放射性检测。

    The moving average detection method is used for the monitor .

  4. 度量金融风险的VaR方法在国际上被广泛地应用于度量各种金融工具的风险,本文讨论了估计VaR的EWMA方法,即指数加权移动平均法。

    VaR methodology for measuring financial risk has been applied widely in various financial instruments .

  5. 结果:指数平滑法、移动平均法、自相关分析及ARIMA法的1993/2002年患病率预测值年平均相对误差(%)和误差平方和ARIMA模型最小。

    RESULTS : The average predicted relative errors and error sum of square of ARIMA from 1993 to 2002 are the smallest .

  6. 通过与移动平均法的比较,结果证明了S-G滤波法的优越性。

    Comparing with average filter , the excellent advantages of S-G filter in noise reduction can be shown .

  7. 本文以ABC分类法和移动平均法为理论依据,以历史销售数据为基础,对仓库配件进行全面的分类,找出不同类型配件的预测模型,对实际的配件需求预测工作起到一定的指导作用。

    We based on the ABC taxonomies and move average theory , refer to the history sales data of service parts , to staple the accessories and spare parts in warehouse to find the different type of prediction models .

  8. 应用回归分析法、移动平均法、平滑指数法,在定性分析的基础上对CCT集装箱运输需求以及CCT在深圳港群中的地位进行了科学的预测。

    On the basis of qualitative analysis , the thesis uses many kinds of quantitative method to predict CCT 's containerized transport demand and it status in the port group of Shenzhen .

  9. 用水量预测是水价制定的前提和基础,本文在进行水量预测时,采用移动平均法、灰色预测法和BP神经网络进行预测,并对预测结果进行了综合评价,确定出合理的预测结果;

    Water quantity prediction is the base and premise of water price calculating . This paper uses moving tendency forecasting modeling , GM forecasting modeling and BP neural forecasting modeling to forecast the water requirement of the future , evaluates the forecasting results , and confirms the forecastingresults ;

  10. 通过MIMO对一个案例进行实际预测,结果表明:平均预测误差均小于0.37%,比移动平均法精度提高了2.91倍,比回归分析提高了4.28倍。

    By using MIMO to predict a real example of case the result shows , the error of average prediction is small than 0.37 % , the accurate degree raised 2.91 times than moving average method , raised 4.28 times than other analysis method .

  11. 移动平均法计算相关距离的分析与探讨

    Analysis and Discuss about Autocovariance Distance Based on Moving Average Method

  12. 移动平均法的数字滤波特性分析

    The Characteristic Analysis of Digital Filter about the Average over Moving

  13. 浅谈移动平均法在医院药品采购计划生成中的应用

    Application of Moving Average Method in Formation of Hospital Drug Purchase Plan

  14. 移动平均法在环境变化趋势分析中的应用

    Application of Moving Average Method in Environmental Trend Analysis

  15. 数列修匀的加权算术平均数&中位数混合移动平均法

    A New Graduated Method : the Mixed Moving Average Method of Weighted-Arithmetic-mean and Median

  16. 利用移动平均法预测油气井产量

    Predicting Well Yield by Moving Average Method

  17. 移动平均法由于算法简单、容易理解、易于编程、运算速度快,成果也容易解释。

    Its principle is easy to be understood and the results are facile to explain .

  18. 应用的方法为反距离移动平均法、反距离移动表面法和普通克里格。

    The reviewed techniques include the Inverse Distance Moving Average , Inverse Distance Moving Surface and Ordinary Kriging .

  19. 结果发现,不管是敏感度还是误差,非线性跟踪-微分器比移动平均法要理想得多。

    It finds that Non-linear Trace Differential is better than Moving Method of Mean in either sensitivity or error .

  20. 介绍了一些在地质统计学上常用的算乱数据插值方法,包括移动平均法、克里格法等。

    Introducing some interpolation algorithms in the geology statistics that are usually used including of Moving Average Method , Krige etc.

  21. 通过比较发现季节自回归移动平均法最能够准确预测未来畜产品价格走势。

    By comparing the observed ,, seasonal autoregressive moving average method could accurately predict the future price movements of livestock products .

  22. 利用移动平均法将给定的型值点修匀,然后再进行多项式插值。

    With the application of moving average method , the given offset point is corrected and then , the polynomial is interpolated .

  23. 本文讨论移动平均法的数字滤波特性,将“三点平均”与“四点平均”法作一比较。

    The article discuss about the characteristics of " the average over three digits " and " the average over four digits " .

  24. 数据库设计不太理想4,库存采用加权移动平均法,用先入先出法更合理,5。

    Database design is not ideal four , stock weighted moving average , using the first-in , first-out method more reasonable , 5 .

  25. 本文在同一数据集上实现了移动平均法、指数平滑法、加法增量法、乘法增量法和本文提出的复合法。

    This paper realizes the moving average method , the exponential smoothing , the incremental method and the proposed method on the same data set .

  26. 实证分析分为三个个阶段,第一阶段利用移动平均法在对数据进行有效性的处理,并且做了描述性统计分析。

    Analysis is divided into three parts , deal data with the moving average method in the validity and do a descriptive statistical analysis in the first part .

  27. 应用该方法,对单井产量及日产油能力进行了预测。实例证明,采用移动平均法得到的预测值是较真实的。

    The paper predicts per well production and oil productive capacity per day by moving average method , the example demonstrates predictive from moving average method is relative truth .

  28. 提出了当零售商采用一次平滑指数法或简单移动平均法获得需求信息的过程中,不存在波动放大现象。

    It shows that the demand variability does not increase when the retailer relies on the simply exponentially weighted moving average or the simple moving average to forecast demand .

  29. 利用分断电弧过程中的电流动态特性,使用移动平均法提取了每次分断电流的燃弧时间。

    According to the dynamic behavior of the breaking current , breaking arc duration is extract from the breaking current waveform by using the concept of moving average of statistics .

  30. 移动平均法是一种时间序列预测法,当时间序列没有明显的趋势变动时,使用移动平均就能够准确地反映实际情况。

    Moving average method is one of time series forecasting method , if time series have no apparent tendency moving , using moving average method can accurately reflect actual situation .