
  • 网络Routh;Rolls;LOUTH;loos
  1. 根据劳斯稳定判据,建立了G型π桥溢流阀稳定的判定条件。

    In terms of Routh stability criterion , deduced the stable criterion rule of G π bridge relief valve .

  2. 目前已有赋初值方法,但尚未圆满解决这一问题,本文主要根据劳斯(Routh)稳定判据,提出了初始矩阵K的简单计算方法。

    At present , there is a method of assigning the initial value , but the problem has not been satisfactorily solved . Based on the stability criterion of Routh , a simple method for calculating the initial matrix is presented in this paper .

  3. 劳斯十分势利,喜欢攀龙附凤——这几乎是不可否认的事实。

    That Rous was a snob and a social climber could scarcely be denied .

  4. Hopf分岔的劳斯判据及其在电力系统中的应用

    Louts criterion for Hopf bifurcation and its application to electric power systems

  5. Hopf分岔的劳斯判据及磁悬浮系统的振动分析

    Louts Criterion for Hopf Bifurcation and Analysis of Vibration of Maglev System

  6. 劳斯(Routh)稳定性判据判定范围再划分

    Redivision on the testing area of Routh stability criterion

  7. 应用RT-PCR对2株禽白血病病毒(ALV)和1株劳斯肉瘤病毒(RSV)进行了检测试验。

    Two strains of avian leukosis virus ( ALV ) and one strain of rous sarcoma virus ( RSV ) in primary chicken embryo fibroblasts ( CEFs ) were detected by RT-PCR .

  8. 利用Hopf分岔的劳斯判据,给出了由于参数变化而导致非线性系统产生自激振动的临界条件以及自激振动的频率。

    By using the louts criterion for Hopf bifurcation , a critical condition for the appearance of the self excited vibration caused by the change of the parameters in a nonlinear system and the corresponding frequency at this point were given .

  9. 通过引入Hopf分岔的劳斯判据,可直接求得非线性系统的Hopf分岔点以及系统振荡的频率,克服了以往方法因计算系统Jacobian矩阵的计算量大的缺点。

    In this paper , with the Louts criterion for Hopf bifurcation , the Hopf bifurcation point of the nonlinear systems and the corresponding frequency at this point can be obtained directly , which overcomes the drawback of the traditional method involving much computation for systems ' Jacobian matrix .

  10. 德国劳斯DF1500型卧式盘管直流锅炉的化学清洗

    Chemical cleaning for German LOOS DF 1500 horizontal coil DC boiler

  11. 系统稳定性的劳斯判据与赫尔维茨判据的等价性论证

    Equivalence Demonstration of Routh Criterion and Hurwitz Criterion for System Stability

  12. 1921年,刘易斯.劳斯当上了纽约州新新监狱的典狱长。

    In 1921 , Lewis Lawes became the warden at Sing Sing Prison .

  13. 那会是我麦克、劳斯基及索拉索。

    It will be me * Mccluskey and sollozzo .

  14. 亨利上校有劳斯鲁特费心之处,是因为他不太符合这个框框。

    Captain Henry bothered Slote because he did not quite fit the pigeonhole .

  15. 劳斯夫人患有严重的心脏病。

    Mrs LAWE suffered a serious heart attack .

  16. 劳斯基说他们就这样来回绕不清楚。

    Lawsky says this went on and on .

  17. 劳斯颅骨骨折,死了。

    Rolls sustained a skull fracture and died .

  18. 利用霍尔维茨多项式求证劳斯判据

    Proof of Routh Criterion with Hurwitz Polynomial

  19. 然而,劳斯在英国接触到的官僚作风比在中国更甚。

    Mr Laws , however , has encountered more bureaucracy in the UK than China .

  20. 基于欧拉算子的劳斯判据

    Routh Criterion Based on Euler Operator

  21. 针对一种拦截战术弹道导弹制导规律的特点,以经典的劳斯稳定判据为依据,构想了对其弹道稳定性的分析方法。

    Trajectory stability problems of intercepting tactical ballistics missile guidance are investigated by the Lawes Criterion .

  22. 当刘易斯.劳斯当上典狱长时,凯瑟琳.劳斯已经是一位有三个孩子的年轻母亲了。

    Catherine Lawes was a young mother with three small children when her hundred became the warden .

  23. 真是伤感——斯塔尼斯劳斯河曾经流经的地方,现在成了一座逐渐干涸的小池塘。

    It 's a sad sight - a warming puddle , where the Stanislaus River once ran through it .

  24. 最后比较了劳斯与皮克林对库恩思想的分析视角与研究方法。

    Finally , the paper compared Rouse and Pickering on Thomas Kuhn would like to view the analysis and approaches .

  25. 劳斯称:虽然飞兆经历了高潮和低谷,但这里曾有着一种非凡的同志情义。

    Mr Laws observes : Although it went through its ups and downs , there was an extraordinary feeling of camaraderie .

  26. 面对劳斯和阿维兰热之间的对决,达斯勒的策略是双管齐下,两边下注&至少开始如此。

    When it came to Rous versus Havelange , Dassler 's strategy was to back both horses , at least at first .

  27. 仅一天早上便逮捕了三十位黑手党成员;劳斯基和巴拉拉必须要商谈30份保释协议。

    Thirty members of the Mafia were arrested on a single morning ; lawsky and bharara had to negotiate 30 bail packages .

  28. “先生,你会发现经常核对你的参考材料是一个很有益的习惯”(马丁·约瑟夫·劳斯)。

    " You will find it a very good practice always to verify your references , sir "( Martin Joseph Routh ) .

  29. 本文从谐波治理效果出发,利用稳定性分析中的劳斯判据,重点分析了电网电感参数、系统延时和无源滤波器参数对系统稳定性的影响。

    From the start , the network inductance , system time delay and passive power filter parameters are analyzed making use of Routh criterion .

  30. 钢琴师急速地弹起了《好国王温西斯劳斯》舞曲,魔术般的指头敲打着琴键,头部和着乐曲的旅律频频点动。

    The piano player began to beat out Good King Wenceslaus , beating the keys with magic hands , nodding his head in rhythm .