- 名rate of labor force participation

According to the Bureau of labor statistics , in the U.S. , the labor force participation rate among people aged 65 to 74 rose from 16.1 % in 1988 to 25.1 % in 2008 .
On China 's Labor Force Participation Rate during Economic Transition Period
Influencing factors of labor force participation rate are intricate and complex .
Problem and Solution : Labor Force Participation Rate in China
Some evidence indicates they depress labour-force participation rates .
That number has fallen this year to levels not seen since 1985 .
The Research of Present Chinese Labor Participation Rate
Positive Analysis of Influencing Factors of Labor Force Participation Rate in China during 1978-2001 ;
If it works , this could permanently reduce benefits outlays and boost labour participation .
As a result , Korea 's labor force participation rate for women is much lower than similar-sized economies .
More importantly , labour-force participation is still more than a full percentage point below what it reached in 2000 .
Firstly , introduce the specific meaning of the related concepts , including Unemployment , Urban Registered Unemployment and Labor Participation Rate .
Although our female labor force participation rate was declining recent years , it still ranked 17th in the world in 2007 .
As to labor participation rate , the educational system & the educational scale and social security system have their influences on it .
Women trail men in labor force participation , access to credit , entrepreneurship rates , inheritance and land ownership rights , and income .
But he adds that labour supply may also be slowing more rapidly than some believe , as the baby-boomers age and female labour-force participation rates stop rising .
Thirdly , in this dissertation , the LSD is analyzed on three aspects of the labor force participation rate , the supply time of labor force and employment .
Economic growth and elevation of education level are positively correlative to it , while fixed capital investment , urbanization and unemployment are major factors contributing to its decline .
The sixth National Census ( these happen every ten years ) conducted in 2010 shows that women 's labour-force participation rate dropped by 20 percentage points at 50 .
Results show that the contribution of labor productivity is more than that of labor participation and the increase of labor productivity is an efficient approach to accelerating economic growth .
Great changes have taken place in chinas labor force participation rate , but there are still many problems to deal with , which result from historical and practical resources .
There still exist some problems in labor force participation rate in China , such as the participation rates of the female , the young and the old are all too high .
The World Bank also argues that many Asian countries have scope to significantly increase female labour force participation , which typically lags behind that of men , for instance by improving public childcare provision .
Meanwhile , after several years of decline , the labour participation rate has started to edge higher as people postpone their retirements and as challenging family finances force second earners to enter the job market .
This part studies the Chinese registered urban unemployment population and urban unemployment rate , the trends of Chinese registered urban labor force participation rate and the structure of employment condition in Chinese three major industries .
On its own , inflation will not address more fundamental issues about how to raise labour participation , how to improve corporate governance , how to liberate women or how to make Japan more open .
On the one hand , women 's advancements in the workplace have skyrocketed in the past 20 years - their participation in the labor force has doubled , and now young women are entering the workforce better educated than their male counterparts .
The measures to be taken include the maintenance of continuous economic growth , the improvement of employment structure as well as employment capacity , the quick urbanization , the decrease of the rate of labor participation , and the use of international market to increase the employment .
The so-called " labour force participation rate , " which measures the proportion of the working-age population who are working or looking for work , is thought to have remained steady at 64.1 percent for the past three years , showing no sign of the labour force shrinking .
Participation in the labour market is near a record high .