
Therefore , the philosophy , psychology , sociology , labor learns , the ethics learns , the knowledge of behavioral science etc. all should to have a researches that make use of cognitive psychological research on industrial design go to inside .
Design of the CAI System of Modern Labor Personnel Administration
Labor and Management in the Human New Values
Such blowout of the labor dispute cases make the scholars , practitioners trying to analyze the reason .
Student Employment has caused widespread concern in the community and the research about employment of college students has earned themselves an priority status in the economics of education , labor economics and sociology as well as other fields of research .
Emotional labor is an important study of organizational behavior research , the work of college teachers belong to the type of emotional labor . Emotional labor will make a higher performance , but also has negative impact . How is emotional labor in the group of college teachers ?
Labour aesthetics and industrial relations belong to different discipline scales , but they have inner closing relations .
In order to analyse work rules deep and thoroughly , firstly , the author starts from the basic problems . Then , she expatiates on work rules in three aspects such as the theoretical interpretation , the external characteristics and the historical evolution in our country .