
láo ɡōnɡ dǎnɡ
  • labor party
  1. 最后由劳工党赢得共识。

    Common sense won through and so did the labor party .

  2. 以色列劳工党发展了一个对中国非常友好的政策。

    The Labor Party in Israel developed a very friendly policy towards China .

  3. 劳工党连一个州长职位也未能赢得。

    The Workers ' Party failed to win a single governorship

  4. 但这不是政府——在癌症慈善机构、卫生工作者以及劳工党的压力下——同意通过法律规定标准包装的原因。

    But that isn 't why the government — under pressure from cancer charities , health workers and the Labour party — has agreed to legislate for standardized packaging .

  5. 由当前的国防部长EhudBarak领导的劳工党已分裂,党内许多人反对加入联合政府。

    The Labor Party - led by current Defense Minister Ehud Barak - is divided , with many within the party opposing participation in a unity government .

  6. 劳工党工竞选中搞乱了反对党阵线。

    The Labor Party snarled up the opposition in an election .

  7. 阿道夫·希特勒成为国家社会主义德意志劳工党的党魁。

    Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party .

  8. 劳工党总理杰夫·盖勒普提议花费3.5亿美圆种植耐盐植物。

    The Labor Premier , Geoff Gallop , proposed a $ 350 million desalination plant .

  9. 劳工党获得全国压倒性的胜利。

    Labour swept the country .

  10. 劳工党的基本方案是修正这种失败的表象,简易化试题和大学的入学途径。

    Labour 's basic solution was to fix the symptoms of that failure , making exams and access to university easier .

  11. 该公司的一名前高管作证称,他将贿赂的资金输送给了劳工党及其在巴西利亚的盟友。

    A former high-ranking executive at Petrobras has testified that he channeled bribes to the party and its allies in Bras í lia .

  12. 劳工党外交部长欧内斯特.贝文于1950年一月打开了英中外交关系。

    It was a Labor Foreign Secretary , Ernest Bevin , who opened diplomatic relations between the UK and China in January 1950 .

  13. 这个声明似乎和竞选期间的内塔尼亚胡有所区别,因为他的竞选承诺是要让以色列在和平进程中尽可能少作让步。内塔尼亚胡在成功的赢得中间偏左的劳工党加入他的新联合政府第二天发表讲话。

    Mr. Netanyahu spoke a day after he succeeded in winning the participation of the left-of-center Labor party in his new coalition government .

  14. 尽管劳工党的历史可以追溯到1876年,当时被称为“工人的党”,其权力微小正如百科全书上所形容的“垂死的”。

    Though it can trace its history as far back as1876 , when it was known as the Workingmen 's Party , no less an authority than Wikipedia pronounces it " moribund " .

  15. 事实证明,英国的经济复苏比奥斯本去年六月所希望的要不堪一击得多。当时他公布了人们记忆中最为大刀阔斧的公共支出紧缩计划,并在沿袭劳工党的税收政策基础上进一步提高了一些税收。

    Britain 's recovery has proved more fragile than Mr Osborne hoped last June , when he announced the fiercest public-spending squeeze in living memory , plus some tax rises to go with the ones bequeathed by Labour .

  16. 内塔尼亚胡的利库德集团开始与劳工党进行对话,努力使之组建的新联合政府富有包容性且更为温和。

    But Mr. Netanyahu is seeking to form a broad coalition by courting the left-of-center Labor party . Mr. Netanyahu 's Likud Party opened talks with the Labor Party , in an effort to cast the new coalition he forms as broad and moderate .

  17. 1900年,工会代表,独立工党和许多小型社会主义社团一起成立了工人代表委员会。劳工独立党(独立党)

    In 1900 , representatives of trade unions , the ILP , and a number of small socialist societies set up the Labor Representation Committee ( LRC ) .