
láo dònɡ nénɡ lì sànɡ shī
  • physical disability;loss of capability to work
  1. 结果艾滋病患者面临的主要问题是身体状况恶化、资源缺乏、劳动能力丧失和劳动权力被剥夺、歧视和排斥;

    Results The main problems of AIDS / HIV patients were the worsening of health , insufficient resource , disability and deprived of labour right and discrimination , etc.

  2. 结果影响男性精神分裂症患者婚姻状况的危险因素有学历低、劳动能力丧失、依从性差、发病年龄早、未定型分裂症、首次疗效差等。

    Results Risk factors related to marital status of schizophrenia patients were poor education , younger age at onset , poor compliance , undifferentiated subtype , loss of laboring capacity , low responsiveness to first regular treatment .

  3. 根据我国现阶段的国情,并参照国外的立法体例与学说,我国致人残疾赔偿的立法体例与学说,我国致人残疾赔偿的立法依据应采劳动能力丧失说。

    According to our present national conditions and with the reference to foreign legislation system and theory , the author concludes that the legislation grounds of compensation for disabling others in our country should be the theory of the loss of ability to work .

  4. 劳动能力的丧失是原来具有劳动能力的自然人受到他人的侵害后而致使身体残疾的结果。

    The lose of labor capacity is the result of human being originally with labor capacity being disabled by other 's infringements .