
  • 网络laurie;Lorie
  1. 劳丽是否知道点什么,并以此要挟费莉西蒂呢?

    Did Laurie know something , and hold it over Felicity ?

  2. 劳丽透露她昨晚已为自己预订了返家的机票。

    Laurie revealed she had booked herself a flight home last night .

  3. 书的题赠是:献给约翰·阿洛特——劳丽·李。

    The book is inscribed : To John Arlott from Laurie Lee .

  4. 劳丽气喘吁吁地试图抓住博。

    Laurie , who was and breathless , tried to catch Bo .

  5. 劳丽抓住了波的尾巴。

    Laurie caught Bo 's tail .

  6. 劳丽,你和路易斯在纽约认识的吗?

    Lauri , did you and Luis meet in new york ?

  7. 哈洛上月责备了劳丽一顿。

    Harlow gave Laurie a piece of his mind last month .

  8. 劳丽:特制食品是今天供应的最便宜的全餐。

    Laurie : The special is the cheapest full meal offered today .

  9. 劳丽:好的。我会转达给她的。

    Laurie : all right . I 'll give her the message .

  10. 他怎么会有劳丽和安妮的档案呢

    Why would he have files on Laurie and Annie ?

  11. 你为什么会有劳丽·斯托克斯和安妮·加纳的档案

    Why did you have files on Laurie Stokes and Annie Garner ?

  12. 关于劳丽和安妮这房子的描述还不少呢

    Laurie and Annie 's house actually has quite a few posts .

  13. 劳丽:妈妈,瞧瞧这些熟透的樱桃。

    Laurie : Mom , look at these squashy cherries !

  14. 劳丽:不是有一张空的在那儿吗?

    Laurie : Isn 't there one vacant over there ?

  15. 劳丽:是,你要一杯吗?

    Laurie : Yes , would you like one ?

  16. 劳丽:我要素菜切丝凉拌的沙拉。

    Laurie : I 'll have the tossed salad .

  17. 过了这么些年,劳丽还是老样子。

    Laurie looked the same after all these years .

  18. 劳丽:我们需要买酱油、和味精吗?

    Laurie : Do we need some soy sauce , vinegar , Accent ?

  19. 我现在去劳丽家

    I 'm headed to Laurie 's house now .

  20. 劳丽有麻烦了,你们得找到她

    Everyone . Laurie is in trouble , man.You got to find her .

  21. 劳丽,谢天谢地你没事

    Laurie , thank god you 're ok .

  22. 劳丽,这种行为很容易持续激化

    Laurie , this type of behavior escalates .

  23. 劳丽:请来一个桨果馅饼。

    Laurie : Blue berry pie , please .

  24. 你为什么要这样,劳丽

    Why are you doing this , Laurie ?

  25. 没错,劳丽,好好教训他们

    Yeah , Laurie . Nail their asses .

  26. 在劳丽的宿舍,电话响了,劳丽拿起了话筒。

    In Laurie 's dormitory , the telephone rings . Laurie picks up the receiver .

  27. 好吧,麦克斯看到劳丽在店里,就想帮我个忙

    Ok . Max saw Laurie in the store and was doing me a solid .

  28. 劳丽,是你在楼下吗

    Laurie , are you down there ?

  29. 现在也生气,可我永远不会伤害劳丽的,我希望她回来

    I am upset , but I would never hurt Laurie . I want her back .

  30. 我们得找到劳丽

    We have to find Laurie .