
  • 网络worker rights;labor rights and interests;right of workers
  1. 总部位于香港的劳动者权益组织中国劳工通讯(ChinaLaborBulletin)援引来自深圳市计划生育办公室的数据,指出深圳市可能还存在600万未登记的民工。

    China Labor Bulletin , a Hong Kong-based worker rights lobby , cites figures from the city 's family planning bureau that suggest there could be another 6m unregistered migrants in the city .

  2. 国企改制中保障劳动者权益是改制企业基本的职责。

    In the reform of state-owned enterprises restructuring enterprises safeguard worker rights and interests is the basic responsibility .

  3. 社会责任认证标准SA8000是SocialAccountabiIity8000的英文简称,是由西方国家制订的以劳动者权益为核心的标准。

    Social Accountability 8000 ( SA8000 ) is a standard set by western countries , aiming at protection of interests and rights of workers .

  4. 如何在保持劳动力价格优势、保障更多就业岗位与改善劳动条件、维护劳动者权益之间取得符合中国经济发展水平的平衡,是工会应对SA8000策略的出发点。

    The starting point that the Chinese trade unions copy with SA8000 should include to keep the advantage of labor force price , safeguard more employment opportunities and improve labor conditions , and keep a balance between protection of laborers ' rights and interests and China 's economic development .

  5. 企业破产与劳动者权益的保护

    Enterprise 's Bankruptcy and the Protection of the Employee 's Rights

  6. 转型期劳动者权益法律保护研究

    The Research on Law Protection of Laborers During Socio-economic Transformation Period

  7. 竞业禁止与劳动者权益保护

    Prohibition of Business Strife and the Protection to the Laborers ' Rights

  8. 全球化时代企业劳动者权益保护面临的挑战和对策

    Challenge and Countermeasure on Rights Protection of Enterprise Labourer in the Globalization

  9. 我们需要完全的无罪化,和其他工作者一样的劳动者权益。

    We want full decriminalization and labor rights as workers .

  10. 面向知识经济时代的劳动者权益会计研究

    Research on Worker 's Rights and Interests Accounting the Knowledge Economy Age

  11. 劳动者权益的计量与实现机制

    Calculating and constructing mechanism of labor ′ s equity

  12. 论劳动者权益会计中人力资产价值的计量原则

    On the Measurement Principle of Human Assets Value in Labor - equities Accounting

  13. 和谐劳动关系与民营企业发展&加强劳动者权益保护、构建和谐劳动关系

    Harmonious Labor Relations and the Development of Private Enterprises

  14. 以劳动者权益为核心的人力资源会计研究

    The Study on Human Resource Accounting at the Core of Labor Rights and Interests

  15. 建议增设损害劳动者权益罪

    A Suggestion to Supplement the Crime of Jeopardizing Laborers ' Rights and Interests in Law

  16. 我国因劳动者权益被侵害而引发的劳动争议案件急剧增长。

    Labor dispute cases in China have rocketed as a result of labor rights infringement .

  17. 和谐社会视野下劳动者权益保护问题探析

    A Discussion on Protection of Laborers ' Rights and Interests under the View of Harmonious Society

  18. 论劳动合同法对劳动者权益保护的新发展

    The New Development of Labor Contract Law on Protecting the Lawful Rights and Interests of Laborers

  19. 浅论《劳动合同法》及其实施条例的不足与完善&以维护劳动者权益为视角

    On the Limitations and Perfection of the Labor Contract Law and the Regulation on its Implementation

  20. 在实践中,侵害被派遣劳动者权益的现象仍然大量存在。

    In practice , the dispatched workers rights infringement phenomenon still exists in a large amount .

  21. 劳动法应该是调整上述关系的综合性的法律而不是劳动者权益保护法。

    Labor law is not labourer rights law but the law which should regulate integrated relations .

  22. 一些劳动者权益群体性受到侵害而成为公众广泛关注的热点。

    Some groups of labors ' rights are infringed , which become the focus of public attention .

  23. 金融危机对劳动者权益的影响及保护对策

    The Impact of Financial Crisis on the Rights and Interests of Workers and Measures to Protect Workers ' Rights

  24. 尽管劳动者权益会计模式具有独特的优势,但其成本较高。

    Although the special superiority of the model of accounting for labour 's benefit , its cost is rather high .

  25. 我们鼓励大家与政府分享自己的想法,让劳动者权益保护工作在你的祖国顺利开展。

    We encourage you to share your own ideas with your government to make worker rights work in your country .

  26. 浅析劳务派遣中劳动者权益的保障日本劳务派遣业的发展及对我国的启示

    Analysis of the Right Guarantee in Labor Accreditation Development of Japan 's Worker Dispatching Industry and the Reference to China

  27. 重点分析劳动者权益在三个方面受到侵害的表现,探究劳动者权益受侵害问题产生的根源。

    Focus on three aspects of labor rights are violated in the performance to explore the source of this problem .

  28. 会议将强调对劳动者权益给予更大的尊重在推进包容性经济增长中起到的作用。

    The session will highlight the role that greater respect for labor rights can play in advancing inclusive economic growth .

  29. 用人单位的规章制度违反法律、法规的规定,损害劳动者权益的;

    The bylaws thereof are inconsistent with any law or regulation and impair the rights and interests of the workers ;

  30. 《劳动合同法》的目的在于保护劳动者权益,构建和谐的劳动关系。

    The labor contract law aims to protect the rights and interests of every worker , and forms harmonious labor relations .