
  • 网络curriculum model;curriculum mode;teaching model
  1. 美国游戏取向课程模式的特点及其演变

    On the Evolvement of Play-Based Curriculum Models in America and its Inspiration

  2. 美国早期教育课程模式与当代中国早期教育课程改革

    Curriculum Models in American Early Childhood Education and Contemporary Chinese Curriculum Reforms in ECE

  3. 以问题为中心学习PBL课程模式的优越性

    Advantage of Problem-based Learning Course model

  4. 综合高中课程模式的构建

    The construction of the modes of curriculum in comprehensive high school

  5. 对高职体育教育专业课程模式的探讨

    The Course Patterns of PE for Its Majors in Vocational Colleges

  6. 试论职业教育能力课程模式及选择

    Discussing the Curriculum Patterns for Ability in Vocational Education and Their Choice

  7. 基于翻译策略能力培养的课程模式

    A Course Design Model on Cultivating Student Strategic Translation Competence

  8. 高校公共体育实践类课程模式论

    The Theory of Public PE Curriculum of Technic on Universities

  9. 高校特色体育课程模式的构建与实践研究

    Research on the Construction and Practice of Characteristics Physical Education Curriculum Model

  10. 湖北省地方高校体育专业课程模式的开设现状

    Curricular model of specialty of sports in local universities of Hubei Province

  11. 发达国家高等职业教育课程模式的比较与借鉴

    Comparison and Reference to Higher Vocational Educational Course Modes

  12. 建立以人为本的高校体育课程模式的可行性分析

    Analysis on the Feasibility of Establishing Humanism Curriculum of Physical Education in University

  13. 学分制下俱乐部型体育课程模式的设计

    Design on Club - oriented Curriculum Modal for PE under the Credit System

  14. 我国普通高校体育课程模式的系统设计研究

    The System Planning Study on My Country 's College Physical Education Curriculum Pattern

  15. 新型的体育课程模式对高校运动竞赛成绩提高的研究

    Research on New Physical Education Pattern Effecting on College Sport Contest Record Raising

  16. 论以发展翻译能力为中心的课程模式

    On the Development of Translation-competence Oriented Curriculum Model

  17. 从以上三个方面进行了英语教学法课程模式的探讨。

    This paper intends to give a detailed discussion from the above three aspects .

  18. 大学生心理教育课程模式建构

    Construction of the Mode for College Students'Psychological Education

  19. 美国国家标准学校健康教育课程模式及评价

    On Curriculum Model and Its Assessment of National School Health Education Standards in America

  20. 高职会计专业项目导向教学模式探析项目课程模式下高职教学团队的构建

    Probe Into Task-driven Project Guide Teaching Mode of Accounting Major in Higher Vocational Education

  21. 宽基础、活模块课程模式的探讨

    Study on " Wide Knowledge Base , Flexible Learning Module " Pattern of Course Operation

  22. 医学课程模式的改革与思考

    Reflections on model changing of medical curricula

  23. 应用性高等教育课程模式研究

    Course Models of Applied Higher Education

  24. 贵州省普通高校体育课程模式的现状剖析及优化设置

    Analysis and Optimized Settings of the Quo Model of College Physical Education Curriculum in Guizhou Province

  25. 中职数控专业课程模式改革应追求综合化、模块化和一体化。

    The reform of curriculum model of numerical control specialty should pursue synthesis , modularization and integration .

  26. 物流专业职业基础平台+岗位群模块课程模式构建

    Construction of Curriculum Model of " Professional Basis Platform + Post Group Module " of Logistics Specialty

  27. 体育课程模式改革对少数民族大学男生体质健康的干预作用

    The sports curriculum reform 's intervention impact on the physical health of the male minority college students

  28. 论研究性学习的课程模式构建

    Construction of Research Course Mode

  29. 同时也希望通过对美国综合性学校健康教育中密西根课程模式的研究,为我国学校健康教育发展提供可借鉴的平台,让我国的学校健康教育事业在比较中不断完善。

    Simultaneously , I hope to develop and consummate Chinese school health education continually through my study .

  30. 高校建构主义体育课程模式探析如何在体育教学过程中提高整体效应

    Exploration of the PE teaching pattern in the term of constructivism On Assessment Pattern of PE Teaching in Colleges and Universities