
  • offal;animal innards;tripe
  1. 味浓厚、嗜葱蒜,尤以烹制海鲜,汤菜和各种动物内脏为长。

    Strong flavor , Chuangsuan , especially cooked seafood , and various animal offal Shangcai longer .

  2. 他说,广州人饮食丰富,人们常摄入滋补汤、海鲜和动物内脏。

    He said guangzhou 's citizens have a rich diet , including nourishing soups , seafood and animal innards .

  3. 包括蔬菜、水果、坚果、植物的根、肉类以及动物内脏器官,不包括奶制品、谷物、糖、豆类、加工过的油、盐、酒精和咖啡。

    It includes vegetables , fruits , nuts , roots , meat , and organ meats while excluding foods such as dairy products , grains , sugar , legumes , processed oils , salt , and alcohol or coffee .

  4. SDSPAGE电泳分析胶原海绵的组分;动物内脏和肠系膜的止血处理方法。

    SDS_PAGE and bleeding wounds of animals were utilized .

  5. 文化程度高、动物内脏摄入量大、血胆固醇高与T2DM的发生呈正相关,而饮茶、水果摄入适中与其呈负相关。

    Higher education level , high animal viscera intake and high cholesterol in blood were positive related to T2DM , while tea drinking and moderate fruit intake were negative related to T2DM .

  6. 反刍动物内脏能量利用和代谢研究进展

    Research progress on splanchnic energy use and metabolism in ruminants

  7. 屠宰过的动物内脏和零碎,一般认为,人不能食用。

    Viscera and trimmings of a butchered animal often considered inedible by humans .

  8. 在羊胃里烤的洋葱、燕麦、动物内脏。

    Onions , oats , animai innards , baked in sheep 's stomachs .

  9. 紫外光与可见光对动物内脏器官通透性的研究

    Experimental Research on Animals Visceral Organ Reflection and Transmission from Visible Light to Ultraviolet

  10. 可食用的屠宰过的动物内脏。

    Edible viscera of a butchered animal .

  11. 美国人不爱吃猪蹄、鸡爪、海参、动物内脏、肥肉等。

    Americans love to eat pig , chicken feet , sea cucumber , fat liver , etc.

  12. 有些繁育者提倡给怀孕母犬增加蛋白质的摄入,如牛奶、鸡蛋、肉类和动物内脏。

    However , some breeders advocate supplementation with a protein source such as evaporated milk , eggs , meat or liver .

  13. 属于或关于生活在动物内脏内的寄生虫的。寄生于脊椎动物内部的大型蛔虫。

    Of or relating to parasites that live in the internal organs of animals . large roundworms parasitic in intestines of vertebrates .

  14. 在另一种方法中,英国科学家利用从动物内脏中提取的有益菌株来控制有害细菌在动物中的感染水平。

    In another approach , British scientists are using strains of beneficial gut bacteria to control levels of harmful bacterial infections in animals .

  15. 心理学家库尔特•勒温发现,当时留守后方的妇女们通过互相之间的谈话,其中很多人改变了不吃动物内脏的习惯。

    Psychologist Kurt Lewin discovered that women the gatekeepers of the family diet began to reconsider their opinion of sweetmeat through conversations they had with each other .

  16. 早在二战期间,为了节约粮食支援前线,美国就形成了一种鼓励人们多吃动物内脏,把最好的肉留给前线军人的风气。

    During World War II , there was a drive in the U.S. to encourage more people to eat animal organs , saving the best cuts for the military .

  17. 建议调整饮食结构,适当增加动物内脏及牛羊肉等食物,减少动物脂肪的摄入,提倡食物品种多样化。

    Therefore , it is necessary to adjust the food structure , increase the intake of animal viscera and meat , decrease the intake of animal fat and diversify the food items .

  18. 屠宰废水中含有大量的血水、动物内脏、毛发等含氮有机质,而且容易滋生大量的有害生物。

    Slaughter waste water includes a lot of nitrogenous organic matter such as blood , pluck , hairs and soon , and it is easy to breeding large numbers of deleterious microorganism .

  19. 每个人对于美味的认知都不同,在中国我们喜欢吃动物内脏,不仅仅是因为它的美味,而且有益于身体。

    Everyone has different cognition about delicious food . In China we like to eat the viscera of the animals , not only because it is delicious , but also it is good for your health .

  20. 文拉法辛对IBS动物模型内脏敏感性的影响

    The Effect of Venlafaxine on visceral hyperalgesia in neonatal maternal separation IBS rat models

  21. 传统束缚应激动物模型内脏感觉的新评价

    The evaluation of visceral sensation in traditional restraint wrap stress animal model

  22. 西方人不吃动物的内脏,但中国人却吃得津津有味。

    Westerners don 't eat animal entrails , but Chinese eat them with relish .

  23. 他们通过观察鸟类的飞翔和检查献祭动物的内脏来预测未来。

    They foretold the future through observing the flight of birds and examining the entrails of sacrificed animals .

  24. 孟买的回收利用更是登峰造极,据说死动物的内脏被用来制作医用缝合线。

    Recycling in Mumbai is so sophisticated that the guts of dead animals are said to be collected and turned into medical sutures .

  25. 目的检测与探讨传统束缚应激动物模型的内脏感觉的变化。

    Objective To investigate the changes of visceral sensation in traditional restraint wrap stress animal model .

  26. 方法应用59%高脂膳食喂养大鼠制作胰岛素抵抗的动物模型,观察内脏肥胖对大鼠胰岛素敏感性及TNF的FFA影响。

    Methods After developed insulin resistance rats model by high fat diet ( 59 % calories from fat ), the visceral obesity and its influence on insulin sensitivity , tumor necrosis factor and free fatty acid level in serum were observed .

  27. 动物粪便满大街都是,人们习惯性地把腐烂的食物和动物内脏往街上倒,任由它们继续腐烂。

    The streets were filled to overflowing with excrement , and people routinely dumped rotting food and animal entrails out in the open to fester .