
  • 网络Prevent cancer;cancer prevention
  1. 研究也表明阿司匹林可以帮助预防癌症和生存。

    Studies also suggest that aspirin can help with cancer prevention and survival .

  2. 葡萄酒预防癌症的最新科学研究

    Updated scientific research on cancer prevention by wine alcohol

  3. 纳多说:“毫无疑问,人们可以通过食物选择,在扭转糖尿病、扭转高血压,甚至预防癌症方面取得很大的进展。”

    " There 's no question people can take things a long way toward reversing diabetes , reversing high blood pressure , even preventing cancer by food choices , " Nadeau says .

  4. 他相信柳橙含有橙维他命C,可以预防癌症和皮肤问题。

    He believes that oranges have a lot of vitamin C which can prevent cancer and skin problems .

  5. 因此将DNA之修饰产物准确地定量可用来评估致癌的风险,进而发展预防癌症的策略。

    Thus , accurate quantification of modified DNA products has been used for cancer risk assessment and for strategies in cancer prevention .

  6. 为了了解大象的癌症防御机制,科学家们研究了一个对预防癌症非常关键的基因——p53。

    To understand the elephants " defenses , the scientists investigated a gene that is crucial for preventing cancer , called p53 .

  7. 美国癌症社会(AmericanCancerSociety)的首席医疗官奥蒂斯.布劳利(OtisBrawley)认为专注于这些潜在风险能够预防癌症的形成。

    Otis Brawley , chief medical officer at the American Cancer Society , says focusing on some of these risks could prevent many instances of cancer forming in the first place .

  8. 西兰花还富含钙,铁,钾以及维他命B、E、和K等,可以预防癌症、心脏病、哮喘、视力问题和骨质酥松等等。

    Broccoli also boasts calcium , iron , potassium and vitamins B , E and K for protection again cancer , heart disease , stroke , vision problems , bone loss and more .

  9. 近期,临床、流行病学研究及动物实验均有证据表明NSAIDs尚有防癌作用,有可能成为临床预防癌症的方便途径。

    Recently , lots of clinical , epidemic study and animal experimental evidences have shown that NSAIDs may be as agents for cancer chemoprevention .

  10. “其他科学家注意到氨基酸的RGD序列预防癌症的作用,因此重要的是要找到有这种序列的蛋白质,”她说。

    " Other scientists have noted the cancer-preventive effects of the RGD sequence of amino acids so it 's important to find proteins that have this sequence ," she said .

  11. 发表于美国实验生物学会联合会(FASEB)杂志的这项发现可能有助于开发延缓人类衰老、预防癌症的药物与疗法。

    This discovery , published online in The FASEB Journal , could help lead to drugs and treatments that slow human aging and prevent cancer .

  12. GTX公司是5月份表现最佳的生物科技股。该公司生产的一种药物可预防癌症病人出现肌肉萎缩。

    GTX , a company that is making a drug to prevent muscle wasting in cancer patients , was the best-performing biotech stock in May .

  13. 多项流行病学研究结果提示绿茶可预防癌症。

    Many epidemiological studies suggest that green tea consumption can prevent cancer .

  14. 那位肿瘤学家发明了一种可以预防癌症的干扰素。

    The oncologist invented a new kind of interferon to prevent cancer .

  15. 能预防癌症和减缓癌症的发展;

    It also can prevent cancer , reduce cancer mortality and morbidity .

  16. 这意味着目前还不清楚阿司匹林到底是怎么预防癌症的。

    The means by which aspirin prevents cancer is not well understood .

  17. 为了预防癌症,很多人选择吃素。

    Many people switch to a vegan diet to help with cancer prevention .

  18. 益生素还具有预防癌症和降低血清胆固醇的潜力。

    They may also have potential to prevent cancer and lower serum cholesterol levels .

  19. 科技预防癌症特效药

    Science and Technology Prevention of cancer Wonder drug

  20. 化学疗法被用来帮助杀死癌细胞,并且预防癌症复发。

    Chemotherapy is used to help kill cancer cells and to prevent cancer 's return .

  21. 不幸的是,世界上几乎所有的国家在预防癌症方面都做得不够。

    Unfortunately , virtually no country in the world is doing enough to prevent cancer .

  22. 这个报告的重点在于预防癌症,而不是早期发现癌症。

    The emphasis of this report lies in prevention more than in early detection of cancer .

  23. 用痕量元素硒预防癌症

    Preventing cancer with trace element se

  24. 当然,抗氧化剂抵抗衰老,帮助我们保持健康,同时也能预防癌症。

    Of course , antioxidants keep us healthy by keeping the bad effects of aging away .

  25. 预防癌症是一个令人信服的在生产部加载您的购物车的理由。

    Preventing cancer is a compelling reason to load up your cart in the produce department .

  26. 健康饮食和避免象吸烟这样的坏习惯是两种最好的预防癌症的手段。

    A healthy diet and avoiding habits like smoking are two of the best cancer prevention tools .

  27. 补充维生素D预防癌症

    Vitamin D Can prevent cancer

  28. 它被大力推荐用于协助减轻关节炎疼痛、预防癌症、减缓记忆衰退等。

    Its been recommended for helping ease the pain of arthritis , preventing cancer and slowing memory loss .

  29. 我尽可能预防癌症;早期发现对治疗很重要。

    I have myself screened for cancer whenever I can ; early detection is important in curing it .

  30. 如今,茶也更常用于护肤品来预防癌症和衰老的迹象。

    Tea is now being used more frequently in skin products to ward off cancer and signs of aging .