
  • 网络animation industry chain
  1. 借梯登高,打造具有盐城特色的动漫产业链。

    Climb through the ladder , to create a unique animation industry chain Yancheng .

  2. 同时将中外动漫产业链在模块化的视角下进行比较分析。

    The same time , analyze Chinese and foreign animation industry chain in modular perspective .

  3. 世界动漫产业链模式对中国式动漫产业链构建的启发

    Inspiration from the Industrial Chain of World Animation for Building the Industrial Chain of Chinese-Style Animation

  4. 中国动漫产业链的合理性培植&基于全球动漫产业链的借鉴性思考

    Rational cultivating on Chinese animation industry chain & On the reference of the global animation industry chain

  5. 然而,鄞州动漫产业链形成尚未真正突破,企业的盈利模式也因此受到束缚。

    However , the formation of Yinzhou animation industry chain has not really break through , profit model and therefore subject to constraints .

  6. 然而目前国内动漫产业链依然有待完善,企业的盈利模式也因此受到一定的束缚。

    However , the domestic animation industry chain is still to be improved , corporate profit model and therefore subject to certain constraints .

  7. 事实上,动漫产业链具有相对稳定的特征,过多的研究对开发本土优质动漫并没有太大帮助。

    In fact , the animation industry chain has a relatively stable characteristic , many research on the development of local high-quality animation is not much help .

  8. 而模块化理论是近年来一个比较热门的理论,并且从模块化角度对动漫产业链进行分析还是一个全新的研究角度,因此,使得本文的研究更具意义。

    Modular theory is a more popular theory in recent years . From the perspective of the modular analysis of the animation industry chain is a new research .

  9. 经过长期的历史积累与发展,美、日等国已形成了完善、成熟的动漫产业链,动漫产业投资也非常发达。

    Undergoing long-term history-accumulating and development , the USA and Japan have already formed perfect and mature cartoon industry chain and the cartoon industry investment is well developed .

  10. 而动漫产业链更是一种横向资源的整合链。动漫产业具有成本高、回报高、风险高、产品关联度高、国际化程度高等一系列特点。

    Animation industry chain is a chain of horizontal integration of resources , with high cost , high return , high risk products related , higher degree of national characteristics .

  11. 动漫产业链中的重要环节动漫形象产品设计已经快速发展并日渐成熟,成为促进全世界动漫产业迅猛发展的中流砥柱。

    Cartoon image of an important part of the animation industry chain product design has been rapid development and maturing , becoming the mainstay to promote the rapid development of the animation industry in the world .

  12. 第四章,在评价基础上提出发展策略,即完善动漫产业链,建立动漫产业发展政府、行业协会、企业联动机制、创新高端动漫人才培养机制和规范动漫产业基地发展等四个主要方面。

    Chapter ⅳ, on the basis of the evaluation to proposed development strategies , that improve the animation industry chain , establishing the linkage mechanism of " the government , industry associations , enterprises ", innovating high-end animation training mechanism and regulating the development of animation industry base .

  13. 关于南京动漫产业价值链构造的几点思考

    On the Value Chain Structure of the Animation Industry in Nanjing

  14. 基于产业融合视角的我国动漫产业价值链构建研究

    The Study on the Construction of Animation Industry Value Chain in China from Industry Convergence Perspective

  15. 第四,对于我国动漫产业价值链融合化发展的构建路径的深入分析是本文的重点。

    Forth , the key point of this paper is to find a construction path of our animation industrial value chain based on industry convergence .

  16. 同时本文也分析了目前动漫行业的产业链,对两种典型商业模式进行详细的探讨,并分别指出各自的优缺点。

    Besides , I analysed the two typical business modes in the current industry chain in detail and also pointed out the pros and cons of each other .

  17. 而动漫玩具产品作为动漫产业链中的一个非常重要的环节,越来越多的引起了大家的关注。

    And animation toys , as a critical part in the chain of animation industry , have drawn more and more attention from merchants .

  18. 而动漫衍生品开发是动漫产业链的最高盈利环节,是动漫产业得以持续发展的关键因素。

    Animation derivatives development is the highest profitability aspect of the animation industry chain . And is the key factor to sustain the development of the animation industry .

  19. 动漫企业要实现动漫产业价值链上的价值输出,就必须加强品牌的建设与传播。

    Cartoon animation business must strengthen brand building and communication to achieve the value of industrial output value chain .

  20. 其次,在回顾了我国动漫产业的发展历史之后,根据新的动漫产业链的划分方法来分析我国动漫产业链的特点,及其存在的问题。

    Secondly , after reviewing the historical development of animation industry in China , we analyze the characteristics of Chinese animation industry chain and its problems according to the new division of animation industry chain .

  21. 在当代动漫产业发展的大趋势下,卡通玩具产品已经成为动漫产业链中的一个重要组成部分。

    Under the developing tendency of contemporary cartoon & animation industry , product of cartoon toy has already become an important part of the industry chain .

  22. 第二部分是针对于动漫形象多元产品开发设计进行的探索研究,阐述相关的理论、概念,重视动漫形象多元产品开发设计在动漫产业链中的独特属性及重要地位。

    The second part is the cartoon image of multi-product development and design exploration of the theories , concepts , emphasis on avatar diverse product development and design unique properties and important position in the animation industry chain .