
  1. 我国城郊型农业模式现状与发展趋势研究

    Studies on developmental tendency and direction of agricultural patterns in China

  2. 台湾城郊型农业营销体制架构及其启示

    On the Marketing System of Outskirts Type Agriculture in Taiwan and Its ' Inspiration

  3. 重庆市南岸区发展城郊型农业的对策探讨

    A discussion of measures for the development of an outskirt-type agriculture in Nan'an District of Chongqing Municipality

  4. 城郊型农业科技园区在城市生态中的作用与优势分析

    A study on the role and preponderance of suburb agricultural science and technology park in urban eco-system

  5. 在此基础上提出了城郊型农业结构调整的政策、技术、实践方法。

    On this base , this essay mentions the policy , technique and practical method of agricultural structural adjustment of urban style .

  6. 城郊型农业休闲园作为一种农业与旅游交叉的新型产业在我国发展起来。

    The suburban agricultural leisure manor , as a new type of industry combined agricultural and tourism together , has greatly developed in China .

  7. 随着厦门经济建设的发展和城市化进程的加快,加速城郊型农业的转型,发展与之相适应的都市农业是厦门农业可持续发展的必然选择。

    With the speedup of the economic construction and the urbanization , it becomes a certain choice for Xiamen to accelerate the transition from suburb agriculture to city agriculture .

  8. 分析结果表明:在社会、经济、生态因素的综合影响下,该区可分为五个明显不同的生态经济类型区:1、城郊型农业区;

    The results show that under the comprehensive impact of social , and ecological factors this area can be divided into 5 types : 1 / suburban agricultural area ;

  9. 从城郊型农业过渡到都市型农业,是都市建设现代农业的必由之路,具有历史的和逻辑的统一。

    The transition of rural farming into metropolitan farming is an indispensable way for the construction of modern farming in metropolitan area , which is a unity between history and logic .

  10. 针对土地资源的供需形势,提出了发展城郊型农业、退耕还林、推进土地整理产业化等有关对策。

    According to the supply and demand of land resources , the author suggested that the government should develop suburban agriculture , reduce cultivated land to plant forest and propel the industrialization of land arrangement , etc.

  11. 随着长株潭城市群一体化建设的加快,长株潭城市群将向现代化国际大都市迈进,其农业也由城郊型农业向都市农业转型。

    With the acceleration of construction of the integration of The Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan City Cluster , this city group will develop toward a modern international metropolis . Its agriculture will also transform from suburban agriculture to urban agriculture .

  12. 由调控政策、法律规范、运销组织、基础设施、资讯网络等要件构成的农业营销体制是台湾现代城郊型农业的集中表现。

    Agricultural marketing system composed by the regulative and control policy , legal norm , transportation and sales organization , information network , and so on , mainly expresses the characteristics of the modern outskirts type agriculture in Taiwan .

  13. 本文从城郊型农业与都市型农业的内涵入手,进而从生成起点、生长区域、产业结构、产出形态和产业布局等方面,揭示了都市型农业与城郊型农业的特征。

    The paper opens out the essential features of the urban agriculture and the suburb agriculture and analyses the connotation , the jumping off , the growth area , the industry construction , the output shape and the industry position of the urban agriculture and the suburb agriculture .

  14. 城郊型生态农业结构、功能与多样性分析

    Analysis of Structure , Function and Diversity on Suburban Eco-agriculture

  15. 论上海开发城郊型市场农业的实践与构思

    On the practice and conception of market agriculture in Shanghai

  16. 城郊型县域农业产业化经营探索与实践

    PROBE AND PRACTICE IN MANAGING AGRICULTURE INDUSTRIALIZATION OF COUNTY LEVEL AND OUTSKIRT TYPE Simulation of artificial injection with large - diameter wells in the western outskirt of Beijing

  17. 天津市城郊型观光休闲农业发展潜力的研究

    Study on the Development Potential of Suburban Sightseeing Pastime Agriculture in Tianjin