
dòng tǐ
  • Moving body;kinetoplast;ergosome;kinety
动体[dòng tǐ]
  1. 关于相对论动体间的单纯热相互作用和Landsberg悖论

    On Purely Thermal Interaction between Relativistic Moving Bodies and about Landsberg Paradox

  2. 直角杠杆佯谬和受压动体的劳厄能流

    Paradox on Right-angled Lever and Laue 's Energy-current in Moving Stressed Body

  3. 论动体的质量与运动速度的关系

    On the Mass - Velocity Relation of Moving Bodies

  4. 论动体温度变换和热力学定律的协变形式

    On the Temperature Transformation of Moving Body and the Covariant Formalism of Thermodynamics law

  5. 虽然在OVER的动态图式中动体与陆体不接触,这一特征却可以受语境影响而改变。

    Though OVER contains non-contact in its schema , this can be altered by context .

  6. 一种带有防尘密封环的气缸,由动体和静体组成。

    A cylinder with a dust-proof sealing ring comprises a primary body and a mating body .

  7. 动体、陆标和路径是分析和解释空间隐喻的有用参数。

    Spatial metaphors can be reasoned and analyzed with the parameters trajector , landmark and path .

  8. 一种装有动体传感器的移动机器人

    Mobile Robot with Moving Sensor

  9. 时间是动体;

    Time is moving object ;

  10. 空间隐喻被看作是一种意象图式隐喻,动体、陆标和路径是分析和解释空间隐喻的有用参数。

    Spatial metaphors are image - schematic and they can be reasoned and analyzed with the parameters trajector , landmark and path .

  11. 基于均匀化的动颚体结构强度优化设计

    Optimization design of structure intensity of moving jaw based on homogenization

  12. 采动坡体稳定性问题是工程实践中所面临的实际问题。

    Mining slope stability is a practical issue in the engineering practice .

  13. 含力梯度显辛算法拓广于摄动二体问题

    Explicit Symplectic Integrators with Force Gradient Extend to the Perturbed Two-body Problem

  14. 该物理模型可以简化为一个摄动二体哈密顿问题。

    The mentioned physical model can be simplified as a perturbation two-body Hamiltonian problem .

  15. 乳酸是一种存在于动植物体中、可再生的有机酸。

    Lactic acid is a reproducible organic acid and exists in animal and plant .

  16. 一些常量元素及微量元素对动植物体的健康成长有着明显影响。

    Some ordinary and trace elements have apparent influence on the growth of animals and plants .

  17. 冲沟发育矿区浅埋煤层采动坡体活动机理及其控制研究

    Study on Mining-Induced Slope Activity Mechanism and Its Control of Shallow Coal Seam in Gully-Growth-Wide Mining Area

  18. 农药在防治农田有害生物的过程中,在大气、土壤、水体、动植物体及食品中残留富集,对人类生存环境造成严重影响。

    The pesticides in atmosphere , soil , waters , organism and food cause lots of negative influences on humanity .

  19. 中柱与凸块相对于掣动杆体中心呈偏心状;

    The middle column and the projections present an eccentric shape correspondingly to the center of the fixed pawl body .

  20. 硒是环境中重要的生命元素,对人和动植物体的健康有重大的影响。

    Selenium is an important element in the environment , and it has great influences on the health of human and propagation .

  21. 边坡岩体的工程地质特性对露天开采边坡角的选定及边坡的稳定性至关重要。采动坡体稳定性的数值分析(英文)

    The engineering geology characteristics of the slope rock body are vital important for the selection of open-air mining slope angle and the stability of the slope .

  22. 新型气动卡瓦体的工作高度低,可自动刮泥,并具有安装操作简便、自动化程度高、悬挂能力大等特点。

    The applications in the field shows its advantages as simple installation and easy operation , high automation , avoiding safety emergency , lessening hard work , scraping the drilling mud off .

  23. 作为制备生物柴油的重要原料,油脂通常来源于动植物体,但其较低的产率阻碍着生物柴油的产业化。

    Being the important stuff of biodiesel , lipids are usually deprived from animals or plants , but the low lipid productivity has been one of the major obstacles impeding commercial biodiesel production .

  24. 训练模式对的摄动对单体模糊神经网络的影响

    Influences of Perturbation of Training Pattern Pairs on Monolithic Fuzzy Neural Networks

  25. 采动区桥体可靠性分析及抗变形技术研究

    Study on reliability and anti - deformation of bridge in mining subsidence area

  26. 一种气动传输粉体质量流量测量方法

    A Method for the Mass Flowrate Measurement of Pulverized Material in Pneumatic Pipeline

  27. 拟南芥中两种动蛋白异型体KatB/KatC生化性质及组织分布研究

    Biochemical Properties and Tissue Distribution of Two Kinesin-like Proteins ( KatB / KatC ) in Arabidopsis

  28. 结果显示:严重的环境污染能使动、植物体微核率升高。

    The results show that the serious environmental pollution can make the micronucleus rate of animals and plants increase .

  29. 它主要来源于动植物残体的分解、植物根系的分泌和微生物的合成,其组成复杂,主要包括脂肪族和芳香族两大类,含量一般为微摩尔至毫摩尔级。

    Minor organic acids in soil are results of decomposition of animal and plant residues , root exudation and microbial synthesis .

  30. 每个泊位都必有一到两个会动的门体(见门部分)作为引导至机库的大门。

    Each garage must have one single entrance closed by one or two animated door objects ( see section about doors ), leading to the hangar .