
  • 网络Dynamic modulus of elasticity;RDME;Dynamic Young's Modulus
  1. 裂隙密度参数增加,有效动弹性模量(E)也减少,弹性波速(Vp,Vs)也减小;

    And with the increase of crack density parameter , the effective dynamic modulus of elasticity and the elastic wave velocities decrease ;

  2. 将PZT压电陶瓷片直接粘贴在混凝土表面,产生和接收表面波,以确定沿混凝土表面传播的Rayleigh波和纵波的波速,以及混凝土的动弹性模量和动泊松比。

    Two PZT patches were bonded on the surface of concrete prisms to launch and receive ultrasonic surface wave . Then the velocity of P wave , the velocity of Rayleigh wave , the dynamic modulus of elasticity and Poisson 's ratio of concrete were determined .

  3. 含水率对纵向基频振动法(FFT)测得的动弹性模量影响不显著。

    While it had no significant effect on Resonant Frequency Vibration ( FFT analyzer ) .

  4. 利用GDS三轴仪对工程场地内的原状土样进行了室内动力试验,获得了各主要土层的动弹性模量与阻尼比。

    The shear modulus and damp ratio characteristics of typical strata are achieved in the dynamic test , based on GDS triaxial dynamic system .

  5. 量纲分析表明弹性条件下边坡动力反应临界高度Hthre与构成边坡材料的动弹性模量Ed的平方根成正比,与边坡材料的密度ρ成反比,与边坡动力输入的特征周期T成正比。

    The result shows that H_ thre is proportional to square root of the dynamic elastic moduli E_d / ρ, meanwhile , it is proportional to period T of the dynamic input if slope material is under the elastic condition .

  6. 试验结果表明:500次淡水冻融与海水冻融以后,两者RPC的质量损失都不到1%,试件表观有少量破损,而相对动弹性模量为初始值的80%。

    The test results show that After 500 freezing-thawing cycles , the mass loss of RPC is less than 1 % , and the surfaces of the specimens were damaged slightly , and the relative dynamic elastic modulus are not less than 80 % of those before .

  7. 相对动弹性模量(RDME)变化有明显的线性增加段、稳定段,再增加段和再稳定段;

    The relatively dynamic modulus of elastically ( RDME ) occurs in four stages : linear increased stage , steady stage , increased stage and stable stage .

  8. 针对试验数据初始阶段不合理的情况,提出了起始点的处理方法:通过塑性变形修正,分析了适用于LSES的动弹性模量与等效阻尼比的求取方法。

    Also , the processes of specimen preparing and test are introduced in detail . ( 2 ) The data processing methods are advanced to solve the irrationality of original points . Plastic deformation correction is advanced to evaluate the dynamic elastic modulus and equivalent damping ratio of LSES .

  9. 动弹性模量均随围压增大而增大。

    The dynamic elastic modulus arises with the confining pressure increasing .

  10. 硫酸盐侵蚀水泥砂浆动弹性模量的超声检测

    Dynamic modulus of cement mortar in sulphate erosion measured by ultrasonic checking

  11. 混凝土相对动弹性模量及微观机理研究

    The study on Relative Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity and Microstructure of Concrete

  12. 动弹性模量在混凝土抗侵蚀性能评价中的应用

    Evaluation of Resistance of Concrete to Sulfate Attack by Dynamic Elastic Modulus

  13. 复合地基动弹性模量和阻尼比的试验研究

    Study on the elastic modulus and the damping ratio of composite foundation

  14. 路面分层动弹性模量的无损检测

    A Non & destructive Measurement of Dynamic Elastic Modulus of Layered Pavement

  15. 混凝土材料动弹性模量的共振法测定

    Application of Resonance Method to Determine Dynamic Elastic Module of Cement Concrete

  16. 原状花岗岩风化残积粘性土在地震荷载作用下的动弹性模量和阻尼比

    Dynamic Elastic Modulus and Damping Ratio of Weathered Granite Residual Cohesive soil Affected by Earthquake

  17. 粉煤灰混凝土在硫酸盐环境中的动弹性模量研究

    Study on Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity of Fly ash Concrete under the Condition of Sulfate

  18. 增强体复合土动弹性模量影响因素的研究

    Experimental study on factors influencing the dynamic elastic modulus of composite soil with different reinforcements

  19. 并且,在均值意义下,高压电瓷动弹性模量和强度相互预测具有满意的精度。

    On the whole , mutual predictions of the modulus and strength possess satisfactory precision .

  20. 本文介绍了用共振法测定混凝土材料动弹性模量的方法。测定混凝土梁的各阶固有频率。

    Resonance method of determining dynamic elastic module of cement concrete is introduced in this paper .

  21. 高压电瓷动弹性模量的修正系数及其强度预测

    The modified coefficient for the dynamic elastic modulus of high voltage electro-ceramics and its prediction of strength

  22. 混凝土动弹性模量损失率达到40%认为丧失耐久性是可靠的。

    It is sure that concrete lose durability when dynamic elastic modulus loss rate reached 40 % .

  23. 400次冻融循环以后,海水冻融同淡水冻融相比,相对动弹性模量下降的幅度逐渐变大。

    After 400 freezing-thawing cycles , relative dynamic elastic modulus in seawater decreases faster than those in water .

  24. 用纵波超声换能器测量砼表面波速和动弹性模量

    Using compression wave ultrasonic transducers to measure velocity of surface waves and dynamic modulus of elasticity for concrete

  25. 在特殊的气候条件下路基土体的动弹性模量由最初的均匀分布逐渐过渡到不均匀状态;

    The special climate condition is crucial for the un-uniform distribution of dynamic elastic module of the soil strength ;

  26. 曲线拟合和重复性试验表明,高压电瓷动弹性模量服从复合型威尔分布。

    Curve fitting and repeatability tests show that the dynamic elastic modulus coincides with the complex distribution of Weibull 's Type .

  27. 纵振夹心换能器式圆筒型行波超声电机超声纵波测量冻土动弹性模量的试验研究

    Cylindrical Traveling Wave Ultrasonic Motor Using Longitudinal Sandwich Transducers Experimental study of ultrasonic longitudinal wave measuring dynamic elastic modulus of frozen soil

  28. 陶粒有效弹性模量系通过测定陶粒混凝土和砂浆基体相应的动弹性模量,然后建立两者的关系式,再采用图解法求得。

    The effective elastic modulus of ceramsite is solved by measuring the dynamic elastic modulus of ceramsite concrete and its mortar matrix .

  29. 试验表明,自由振动法是研究木材动弹性模量的一种简捷、快速、准确的测定方法。

    The experiment shows that free vibration is a simple , fast and accurate method in the study of dynamic elastic modulus of wood .

  30. 混凝土抗冻融300次时,动弹性模量为97%,混凝土具有优良的抗冻融耐久性。

    The concrete with this product has excellent anti-frost durability , with a relative dynamic elastic modulus of 97 % after 300 cycles of freezing-and-thawing .