
  • 网络red-eye
  1. 这个相机有防红眼功能。

    The camera incorporates a redeye reduction facility .

  2. 自动,不闪光,强制闪光,防红眼,柔和闪光。

    Auto , on , off , slow synchro , red-eye reduction .

  3. 自动,强制闪光,禁止闪光,低速同步,防红眼。

    Auto , Red-eye reduction auto , Flash on , Flash off .

  4. 简单的软件只是呈现给用户最自然的,例如,防红眼功能直接映射问题本身,而不是要求用户去思考渐变和色调等细节方面的问题。

    For example , a red-eye reduction feature maps directly to the problem space and doesn 't require users to think in terms of details like hues and gradients .