
  1. 通过对实验结果与有限元结果进行对比,验证了建立的模型的合理性,同时也证实了C臂所需要的静态应力太小。

    Based on the model , the statical stresses on the working places of C-arm are analyzed on using ANSYS software .

  2. 影响一般行星齿轮传动机构的使用性能的重要原因是转臂轴承的受力太大。而在RV传动机构中受力幅值下降低成本32%-42%,这将大大改善它的使用性能。

    The key causes which influenced the use property of the ordinary planetary gear transmission mechanism was that the turning-arm bearing endured force too largely , but the amplitude of endured force in RV transmission mechanism dropped 32 % - 42 % , this would improve its ues property markedly .

  3. 尽管如此,对人类来说,诱惑力太大了。

    Even so , the temptations are too great for man to resist .

  4. 佩格林说那篇报告,破坏力太大。

    Pellegrin said the report was too damaging .

  5. 他承认他的行为不对,可是归罪于社会的引诱力太大,他没法抵抗。

    He admitted to doing wrong but declared the temptations were too strong for him to resist .

  6. 虽然有保护员工和环境的规章制度存在,但执行力太弱不足以约束中国人。

    Rules exist to protect employees and the environment , but institutions are too weak to enforce them .

  7. 可能是周围的人都在吃,也可能是食品广告说服力太强。

    It can be because everyone around us is eating . Or because food ads can be so persuasive .

  8. 有时感觉自己的耐受力太差了,一点痛苦都受不了,是痛阈太低了吗?痛的我临近午夜又爬起来。

    Tolerance and sometimes feel bad , that can not stand the pain , the pain threshold is too low it ?

  9. 采用片状柔性铰链成功地解决了由于机构中的位移干涉造成的机构内部反力太大的问题。

    The utilization of strip flexure hinges successfully solve the problem that the interior anti - force is too large in the mechanism .

  10. 预紧力太大,会加速轴承的磨损;反之,会产生噪音和振动。

    If the preload too much , it will accelerate bearing wear ; the other hand , it will generate noise and vibration .

  11. 抵抗力太差的全身性广泛播散病例无抗体产生,其预后不良。

    In the poor resistance disseminated case , there no antibody was found and the prognosis was very poor ( case 3 ) .

  12. 基于二维切削理论的绞吸式挖泥船绞刀头载荷分析用在剪刀把上的力太大,把剪刀上的绞钉都弄断了。

    Cutting Force Calculation of the Cutter Suction Dredger Based on 2-D Soil-cutting theory Too much pressure on the handles of the scissors sheared of the rivet holding the blades together .

  13. 普蓝是其他画家很少选用的颜色,因为着色力太强、太深、乾得也较快,难以作修改。

    Very few other artists have favored this color to the same degree ; the depth and intensity of its coloring power and its quick drying characteristic , making revision difficult .

  14. 目前聚乳酸与淀粉共混体系中最主要的问题是疏水性的聚乳酸与亲水性的淀粉之间的界面结合力太弱,即两者相容性较差。

    Present blends of polylactic acid and starch , the most important issue is the poor interface compatibility between the hydrophobic of poly ( lactic acid ) and hydrophilic of starch .

  15. 只有把这些东西破坏了,中国才有救,中国才能着手建设,否则不过是讲梦话而已。验尸手续的破坏力太大,因而不可行。

    Only by destroying them can China be saved and construction be set going ; otherwise , it will all be an idle dream . An autopsy would be too destructive to be carried out .

  16. 我们一辈子都被它们所包围,但我们的观察力太差了,以至于许多东西都无法辨别,比如鸟儿的歌声,鸭子的颜色。

    We have been surrounded by birds all our lives , yet so feeble is our observation that many of us could not tell whether or not the chaffinch sings , or the colour of the cuckoo .

  17. 此外,对比分析表明,后一阶段的压边力太大太小对回弹控制都不利,在适度压边力下,可以使横梁的回弹量控制到最小。

    In addition , the comparative analysis showed that too small or too big BHF of the later phase has adverse influence on springback control , and the springback quantity of crossbeam can be controlled to the minimum under the moderate BHF .

  18. 在宏观尺度上,光的力实在太微弱,没有人能感觉到。

    The energy of light has been harnessed and used in many ways .

  19. 考虑中间主应力的太沙基地基极限承载力公式

    Influence of intermediate principal stress on the formula of Terzaghi ultimate bearing capacity of foundations

  20. 照他的想法,她太华丽,太欠缺审美力,太没有拘束了。

    She was too showy , too lacking in taste and restraint , to his way of thinking .

  21. 目前通用的公务员胜任力模型太普遍和抽象,限制了胜任力的发展价值。

    The general-competency-model of the civil servants was too general and abstract , limited the value of competencies ' development .

  22. 但是足球的感染力实在太大了,以至于多年后我这般对之愚钝的人终于可以耐心坐着观赏它的精彩。

    But the impact of soccer is so strong as many years later I whom was indifferent to this sport have patient to sit and enjoy its brilliance .

  23. 通过试验数据与有限元结果对比分析,可知交叉焊缝对节点的静力承载力没有太大的影响。

    According to the measured data and combining with the finite element analysis , we can say that the cross weld has no obvious effection on the static capacity of joint .

  24. 考虑渗流力时对太沙基一维固结理论的修正

    Modification of Terzaghi 's one-dimensional consolidation theory by considering seepage force

  25. 她突然感到他那么沉重,而且自己的力其实在太小了。

    How heavy he was and how weak she suddenly felt .

  26. 不要在你的个人品牌力上浪费太多时间

    Don 't spend too much time worrying about your personal brand

  27. 即使在这段距离上,对于良好的声学传播来说,应力也显得太大了。

    Even at this distance , the stresses are too great for well-behaved acoustic transmission .

  28. 你知道,任何一种产品,无论多么有诱惑力,如果太贵的话都不会卖出的。

    You know , no material , however attractive , will be sold , if it is expensive .

  29. 水景:在什么位置?不清楚。形状不太有说服力,同样太公司化,象酒店里的装饰。

    Waterfall : where is it positioned ?? Unclear . Form not so convincing ; again : too corporate , like hotel aesthetics .

  30. 通胀是指价格水平持续上升:是过多货币(或购买力)追逐太少的商品和服务的结果。

    Inflation is a sustained rise in the price level : the result of too much money ( or purchasing power ) chasing too few goods and services .