
lì qiú
  • do one's best to;strive for;insistently demand;make every effort to
力求 [lì qiú]
  • [do ones best to; make every effort to; strive for try hard to; try one's utmost to ] 尽最大的努力

  • 我们力求取得一致意见

  1. 在美国,最大的新闻机构一共有三家:美国全国广播公司(NBC)、美国广播公司(ABC)和哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)。它们都力求做到主持人的个性化和播报形式的多样化。

    The three major news networks in the United States – NBC , ABC , and CBS – strive for unique personalities in their anchors , and a relatively fluid broadcast format .

  2. 口头或书面报告,力求简洁清晰。

    Strive for conciseness and clarity in oral or written reports .

  3. 她力求对新工作更有信心。

    She tried to be more positive about her new job .

  4. 他们正力求在通货膨胀和失业之间进行协调。

    They were attempting to trade off inflation against unemployment .

  5. 他们正力求使失业人数下降50%。

    They are aiming to reduce unemployment by 50 % .

  6. 他们力求做到在年底前人人得到培训。

    They 're aiming at training everybody by the end of the year .

  7. 赛跑选手力求抢占起跑有利位置。

    The runners jockeyed for position at the start .

  8. 政府正在力求降低通货膨胀率。

    The government is looking to reduce inflation .

  9. 简历应力求简短,通常A4纸两面的篇幅就足够了。

    Your cv should be short — two sides of a sheet of A4 paper should normally be enough .

  10. 他们力求把开发周期缩至18个月以下。

    They aim to cut production lead times to under 18 months .

  11. 密探可能会力求败坏反对派的名声。

    Agents provocateurs may seek to discredit the opposition .

  12. 有时候,力求达到她尽善尽美的标准让人觉得很累。

    It was fatiguing sometimes to try to measure up to her standard of perfection

  13. 学校力求对每一个学生因材施教,帮助他们充分发挥其潜力。

    The school strives to treat pupils as individuals and to help each one to achieve their full potential

  14. 这名记者力求不受思想教条的影响。

    The reporter sought to be independent of ideological dogma .

  15. 他做任何事情都力求十全十美。

    He aims at perfection in everything he does .

  16. 你应力求永远做好本职工作。

    You should always aim at doing your job well .

  17. 我想,答案就是我们在为生存而战,力求保护和供养我们所爱的人。

    I guess the answer is , we were fighting for survival , protecting and providing for those we loved .

  18. 1.Balancethebooks结账、结算确定账户处于平衡状态,力求平衡,通过支付到期款来结算账户

    determine that accounts are in balance , bring the two sides into equilibrium , settle an account by paying what is due

  19. 这份报纸力求不受政治信条影响

    The newspaper seeks to be independent of political dogma .

  20. 我力求对传统的花纹图案做到推陈出新

    I try to develop beyond the old motifs .

  21. 现在政府在中国电影产业上投资了大量的人力物力,力求让中国电影“走出去”。而这些高水准的影视作品自然而然也会吸引国际上的影视公司与中国演员或公司签约,进行出国巡演。

    The government now spends a lot of money and effort on promoting Chinese productions abroad , and these high-quality productions will naturally attract agencies to book actors and companies to tour abroad .

  22. 力求保持H担保公司在国内融资担保行业中的领先地位,提高市场占有率,提高其竞争优势。

    Keeping a H guarantee companies in domestic financing guarantee industry in leading position , increased market share and improve its competitive advantage .

  23. 手术是治疗BOT的主要方法,应力求将肿瘤完全切尽;

    Surgery is the main treatment for BOT , unless any residual disease is expected .

  24. R特许连锁公司通过在山东省的三四级市场以大力发展连锁加盟店的战略,力求在竞争激烈的家电零售业中取得竞争优势。

    R Franchise Company in Shandong province is trying to gain the advantage over its competitors in the fierce competitive environment by developing chain stores through level 3 and 4 markets .

  25. 在本系统的需求分析与设计过程中,为力求规范,使用了UML统一建模语言。

    In order to pursuit the criterion , the UML Unified Modeling Language is used in the process of the demand analysis and design of the system .

  26. 实际上,需要做三次计算,因为要把x方向的力求和,从而得到F的x分量。

    So , of course , there 's actually three different calculations in one because you have to sum the x components to get the x components of a total force .

  27. 并结合统计方法、自组织神经网络和BP神经网络进行最大碳化深度预测,力求将单一方法存在的弊病进行弥补。

    The max-carbonization of concrete structure is analyzed through adaptive probability statistics method , resonance theory networks , back propagation ( BP ) networks , which make the best of the one method .

  28. 本论文的研究力求探索新型金属配合物的设计合成,及其作为中性载体的PVC溶剂聚合膜阴离子选择性电极的基础研究,并将电极作为化学传感器初步应用于废水和药物样品分析。

    This thesis focuses on seeking design and synthsis of novel metallic complexes and basic studies on solvent polymeric membrane ( SPM ) anion-selective electrodes containing the novel metallic complexes .

  29. 简要地介绍综合经济管理部门MIS的逻辑模型和系统开发的优先级排序原则,力求完整地刻划出大型MIS逻辑模型的设计思想、方法、原则和步骤。

    The synthetic economy management organization and its priority order in system development are presented with a view to fully exposing the ideas and methods adopted in designing large MIS logic models .

  30. 文章主要讨论超媒体技术在计算机辅助教学(CAI)课件开发中的应用,力求将最新课件设计思想与课件设计结合,系统、全面地分析基于用户端的超媒体课件设计方法。

    This paper mainly discusses the application of hypermedia technology in CAI courseware based on Web . The method of designing the hypermedia courseware based on the requirement of users is analyzed systematically and comprehensively .