- 名Couple moment;moment of couple

Using the Method of Unit Moment of Couple to Analyze Continuous Rectangular Plates Supported on Elastic Foundation with Complicated Boundary Condition
The torque of the couple is intimately associated with a couple .
Basic solution to the problem of moment in the complex half - plane
Research and Design of Special High Precision Moment of Couple Sensor to Twist Arm Torsional Rigidity in The Top
Motions of flexion / extension , lateral bending and axial rotation were produced by six pure moments with maximum of 10.0N · m and measured with stereophotogrammetry .
The paper deducts the formula of principal moment of inertial force system of gyroscope and the formula of its principal moment of inertial force system by its moving force .
The second computing technique is to make use of the D ' Alembert Principle and the energy formulation to formulate directly the expressions for the shaking force , the shaking moment and the input torque .
And then , the mechanism of the Direct Yaw Moment Control ( DYC ) method enhancing curve accelerating ( or braking ) capability at limiting behavior , improving automobile control stability is explained . This provides the theory for vehicle stability control .