
  1. 计算中对结构复杂的刷丝部分采用多孔介质处理,用Darcy定律取代动量方程,能量方程采用改进形式,而对其它部分采用简单的矩形网格进行完全N-S求解。

    The brush bristles were taken as a porous material and the Darcy law was used instead of the standard momentum equation . For the rest of computational domain , the N S equations in the original forms were applied .

  2. 当接触材料不同,这个合适的接触载荷也不同。3.摩擦副磨损以导电环为主,刷丝为辅。

    The appropriate contact load was varied with different contact materials . 3 . The wear degree of conductive ring is more severe than the wire brush .

  3. 扬州市吉美塑料制品厂位于国家首批历史文化名城,全国优秀园林旅游城市&扬州,是生产各种塑料刷丝的专业厂家。

    Yangzhou Jimei Plastics Factory is located in Yangzhou City , which , as an excellent gardening tourism destination , is one of China 's first historical cultural cities .

  4. 将整圈刷丝对转子的作用力系进行简化,建立了刷式密封对转子的力学模型,为进一步研究转子-刷式密封系统的动力学特性提供了理论基础。

    Bristle forces acting on rotor were simplified and integrated , and then the mechanical model of rotor-brush-seal system was founded . This model provides the fundamental theory for researches on dynamic characteristics of rotor-brush-seal system .

  5. 对刷丝和转子之间动力学特性的研究可以为刷式密封泄漏特性分析、磨损特性研究、流体激振和转子系统的稳定性分析提供力学模型和研究基础,具有重要的意义。

    Research on brush seal dynamic characteristics is an important part in brush seal researches , can provide mechanical model for researches on brush seal leakage , brush seal wear , fluid excitation and rotor system stability .

  6. 类别:黄铜丝、紫铜丝、磷铜丝、石棉丝、制刷用丝。

    Category : yellow wire , purple Cooper wire , phosphorus Cooper wire wire , asbestos wire system with wire brush .

  7. 热忱欢迎各新老客户来人来电来函洽谈业务,并承接来图来样定制加工各种规格钢丝轮、丝平型钢丝轮、丝刷、丝轮刷和笔刷!

    Welcome old and new custom-ers to make order and cooperate with us , undertake processing all kinds of steel wire wheels and brushes !

  8. 本实用新型是一种蝇蚊刷;它由刷丝、刷丝头、杆、手柄组成。

    The utility model relates to a fly and mosquito brush , composed of brush filaments , a brush filament head , a rod and a handle .