
  • 网络brush handle
  1. 如果没有起水疱或开裂,可以在使用药粉或药膏前用软刷把死皮的薄片去掉。

    As long as the area is not blistered or cracked , remove flakes of dead skin with a soft brush before using a topical powder or ointment .

  2. 刷时把牙刷放平,谨记刷最后的那颗臼齿。

    Place the toothbrush horizontally against the chewing surfaces . Remember to brush the last molar .

  3. 一个熟练的保洁员只需一桶热肥皂水和一把橡皮刷就能把窗户打扫得干干净净。

    EXAMPLE : A skillful janitor can clean windows perfectly with just a bucket of hot soapy water and a squeegee .

  4. 我在考虑把墙重新刷一遍,把图片也换掉。

    I 'm thinking about repainting the walls and change the pictures .

  5. 我刷房间时把蓝色改为绿色。

    When I painted my room , I changed the colour from blue to green .

  6. 由一个钻工用钢丝刷和洗涤剂把刚割断的快绳头清洗干净。

    A floor man cleans the end of the newly cut drilling line ( fast line ) with a wire brush detergent .

  7. 老刷希巴突然把噼卡鸟举起来,兽头也跟着一扬,刷希巴不断地把胳膊和噼卡鸟往上抬。

    Old Thrashbarg held the bird suddenly aloft . The Beast 's head swivelled up to follow it . Thrashbarg pushed upwards and upwards repeatedly with his arms and with the pikka bird ;

  8. 然后她来到窗口,在窗台上啪啪地甩打着洗碗刷,随后把它挂在钉子上晾干。

    He heard the clatter of the dishes as she washed up after supper , and then she came to the window , knocked a little mop against the ledge , and hung it on a nail to dry .

  9. 我打算把墙壁刷成白色,把天花板刷成粉红色。

    I 'm going to paint the walls white and the ceiling pink .

  10. 刷清漆前要把地打净。

    Scrape the floor before applying the varnish .

  11. 陈红:刷完盘子,把它们放到橱柜里就行。

    Chen Hong : Put the plates in the cupboard after you finish them .

  12. 我会每天晚上刷碗,我把所有的零用钱都给你。

    I 'll do the dishes every night and I 'll give you all my pocket money .

  13. 如果要清理你先前用过的面刷,你可以把它在弄湿的刷马毛巾上擦几下。

    To clean the face brush that you previously used , run the bristles across the dampened grooming cloth a few times .