
  • 网络Creating Marketing;creative marketing
  1. 跨行业协同营销的特点在于不同行业的企业联袂合作,创造营销亮点,利用其他行业企业的营销资源和平台,对企业间营销资源进行再创造,从而形成独特的差异化营销方式。

    Using the marketing resources and platforms of other industries and enterprises , marketing resources of enterprises can be re-creation and form a unique marketing way .

  2. 在市场竞争中,渠道成员间的有效沟通能够减少渠道成员之间的冲突,促进渠道和谐和满意,实现整个渠道系统利润最大化,创造营销渠道优势,提高企业竞争力。

    In the competitive market , effective communication among marketing channel members can reduce conflict , promote harmony and satisfaction , achieve maximize profits , create marketing channel advantages and enhance their competitiveness .

  3. 由于历史原因,大部分企业对传统统计分析和新的数据挖掘都不太了解,存在着许多模糊认识,因而难以创造营销的数据财富。

    Due to historical reasons , most enterprises know little of the traditional statistical analysis skills and data mining techniques and hold many misconceptions about this new technology . which makes it difficult to create " treasure house of data " serving the marketing end .

  4. 基于客户价值创造的营销成本分析

    Based on Customer Value Creation Marketing Cost Analysis

  5. 基于价值创造的营销管理

    Value Creation Based Marketing Management

  6. 公司如果能够控制这一过程,创造从营销漏斗到电子商厦的便捷、快速的旅程,就能降低销售和推广成本,同时增加销售量。

    Companies that can control that journey , creating easier and faster trips down the marketing funnel to the digital mall , will lower sales and marketing costs and boost sales volumes .

  7. 本文在回顾前人对顾客价值定义基础上提出了一个比较全面的顾客价值定义,讨论了服务企业的顾客价值分类,给出了服务企业的针对顾客价值创造的营销对策。

    Based on the reviews of conceptions defined by many scholars , this paper defines a more comprehensive conception and research the class of customer value of service enterprise , then presents the marketing tactices of service enterprise in accordance with the creation of customer value .

  8. 本文作者迈克尔·施恩是迈克尔o施恩通信公司创始人兼负责人。这家数字营销公司已经为包括eBay、LinkedIn和Avectra等公司创造了许多营销内容。

    Michael Schein is the founder and principal of Michael Schein Communications , a digital marketing firm that has created or facilitated content creation for companies including eBay , LinkedIn , Avectra .

  9. 知识经济时代,市场营销观念将是设计创造需求,营销组合也将由传统的4P向大规模个性化产品、全值定价和精确定价方向发展。

    In the era of knowledge economy , designing would create market , and marketing combination would transfer from traditional 4P to that with specific character , that anyplace and anytime , and that of full value pricing and meticulously pricing .

  10. 你可以创造一个营销活动在有限的经费。

    You can create a marketing campaign on a shoestring budget .

  11. 互联网技术在企业经营中的应用,创造了网络营销这一营销新方式,以及网络公关这一交往新形式。

    The use of internet technology in enterprise operations creates a new marketing form-online marketing , and a new form of intercourse-online public relation .

  12. 在竞争激烈的现代市场中,服务逐渐成为最能创造价值的营销利器,日益成为市场营销的核心。

    In the modern market with keen competition , the service gradually becomes the core of marketing and the marketing weapon that can create most values .

  13. 公司通过选择信誉良好的供应商,与中间商和客户建立良好的合作关系,全方位树立公司形象来为公司创造良好的营销环境。

    The company chooses the good supplier of prestige , build up the good cooperative relation with the agency company and customers , all-directions set up the image of the company to create the good marketing environment for the company .

  14. 浅谈创造学在市场营销中的应用

    On the utilization of creative study in marketing

  15. 在本门课程中,你将学习在市场中创造竞争优势的营销原理。

    In this course , you will study marketing principles that create competitive advantages in the market place .