
  • 网络creative imagination;Creativeimagination
  1. 创造想象是科学创造显示途径;

    Creative imagination is a display approach of scientific creation .

  2. 谈歌唱中创造想象与形象思维的培养

    On the Training of Creative Imagination and Thinking in Images in Singing

  3. 激发大家为了创造想象中的未来而投票的

    be inspired to create the future that you imagine by voting .

  4. 推测想象是一种再创造想象。

    Conjectural imagination is an imagination of recreation .

  5. 艺术语言的产生,又是主体创造想象的结果。

    Artistic language results from man 's imagination .

  6. 图案艺术的生命力在于创造想象

    Imagination and the Vitality of Patterns

  7. 一个前提就是不可将再造想象与创造想象完全分割;

    The one prerequisite is that rebuilt imagination and creative imagination can not be separated completely ;

  8. 新课程标准下小学作文教学与认知训练的整合研究小学作文教学与创造想象

    The Conformity of Research of Primary School Composition Teaching and Cognition Training under New Course Standard

  9. 科学怀疑、创造想象和科学假说是贯穿于科学创造全过程的三种主导创新思维形式。

    Scientific suspicion , creative imagination and scientific hypothesis are three kinds of dominant innovation thinking mode .

  10. 对我们现代人来说,精湛的技术用于在小说和电影中创造想象中的世界,

    For us moderns , virtuoso technique is used to create imaginary worlds in fiction and in movies ,

  11. 通过引导学生善于观察、提炼和思维来培育学生的创造想象能力;

    The teacher fosters students ' creative imagination by guiding the students to observe , to extract and to think ;

  12. 这样,你能创造想象的水和土地的设计中,你将把你的火山和恐龙摆饰。

    In this way , you can create the imaginary water and land design where you will place your volcano and dinosaur decorations .

  13. 在写作教学中,教师通过扩写、改写、续写等方式激发学生对创造想象的兴趣;

    In the teaching of writing , the teacher arouses students ' interest of creative imagination by extending writing , rewriting , and sequel writing ;

  14. 在使用乐高积木艺术媒介作为,肖恩希望孩子成为启发他们的想象力和创造想象事物本身的伟大。

    In using LEGO bricks as an art medium , Sean hopes that children will become inspired to visualize their imagination and create great things themselves .

  15. 本文对培养幼儿创造想象能力的方法进行了探讨,旨在帮助幼教工作者在实际工作中能注重培养幼儿的创造思维能力,以进一步提高幼教工作的实效。

    Discussing the methods of it , the author aims at helping preschool educationalists develop infants ' creative imagination in practical work and further improve the actual effect of preschool education .

  16. 作为一个知识分子去承担批判的责任,与作为一个小说家去创造想象的世界,是王小波小说创作的两种精神原动力。

    It believes that Wang has two kinds of motives for novel creation : one is to take the responsibility of criticizing as an intellectual and the other is to create a imaginative world as a novelist .

  17. 创造想象为观念(高层观念、创造观念、创生观念)与经验事实的结合提供形象推理模型,二者互补构成科学创造思维的实质程序和基本思维形式。

    Creative imagination offers a imaginal reasoning model for the combination of idea ( advanced idea , creative idea , and nascent idea ) and experiential fact . Then , the idea and experiential fact reciprocally constitute the substantial program and fundamental thought form of scientific creative thought .

  18. 语文课堂教学优化控制中应充分运用空白的填补和发挥艺术方式进行领悟性和创造性思维训练,可引起学生心理上追求完整的倾向,由再造想象进入创造想象的境界。

    In the control to make Chinese classroom teaching superior , having a perfect command of gap-filling and give-play-to art to train students ' thinking of comprehensibility and creativity can arouse their trend to seek completeness in the mind , and make them go into an ideal imagining realm .

  19. 修建你认为不可能的路,创造你想象不到的汽车。

    Building roads you wouldn 't think possible . Creating cars you couldn 't imagine .

  20. 本文从三个层次(回忆与联想,创造的想象,幻想)论述了想象在认识中和在审美中的重要作用。论第一生产关系

    Imagination is divided into three classes : memory and association , productive imagination and fantasy . On the First Productive Relation

  21. 工作也只为一小部分人提供了创造、想象和进取的空间。

    Inequality at work and in work is still one of the cruelest and most glaring forms of creativity , imagination or initiative .

  22. 在孕育阶段,壮族先民的一般思想先后经历了颠倒的世界、尝试干涉事件、创造的想象的历程。

    In the preparation stage , the ancestors of the Zhuang nationality in general has undergone " the world turned upside down "," attempt to interfere with events "," created by the imagination " of course .

  23. 审美创造中的想象功能

    Imaginative Function in Aesthetic Creation

  24. 就像被奴役起来的神一样,网络连接被断开,为它的操控者创造出无法想象的科技和财富。

    like an enslaved god , disconnected from the internet and used to create unimaginable technology and wealth for whoever controls it .

  25. 要创造我所想象的那种未来,我们要保证女人和男人同样理解他们的祖母和母亲的努力——女人拥有平等的机会、平等的报酬、平等的尊重。

    To build that future I see , we must make sure that women and men alike understand the struggles of their grandmothers and their mothers , and that women enjoy equal opportunities , equal pay , and equal respect .

  26. 他们的电脑设计师使用在好莱坞更为常见的高级软件,创造出所有想象得到材料的细微差别,包括橡木地板优美的曲线及精细的半透明蜡烛。

    Using advanced software that would be more at home in a Hollywood studio , its computer artists can reproduce nuances of every conceivable material , from the fine bumps on brushed oak parquet to the subtle translucence of candle wax .

  27. 使再现,描绘出:再创造,尤指通过想象或虚构。

    To create anew , especially by means of the imagination .

  28. 再一次体验、通常是想象中的。“再创造,尤指通过想象或虚构.”

    Experience again , often in the imagination . " To create anew , especially by means of the imagination "

  29. 通过采用独特的叙述手法,奥斯丁创造了一个想象中的真实世界,赋予这部小说永久的艺术魅力,使其成为文学史上的一朵奇葩。

    By employing unique narrative techniques , Austen creates a real world in the readers ' imagination , endowing this novel with enduring artistic glamour .

  30. 想象是思维活动中最见活力的一个方面,要培养学生的创造思维,离开想象不可能取得成效。

    Imagination is thinking see the most dynamic aspect , it is necessary to train students in creative thinking , can not imagine leaving the results .