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International Research Highlights about Entrepreneurial University : A Study Using Co-word Visualisation of Scientometrics ; Visual Modeling and Simulation of a New-Type Long Distance Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
On entrepreneurship ecosystem of entrepreneurial university : a case study of MIT
The Entrepreneurial University & The Studying of Stanford University 's Pattern Reforms
Establishing Entrepreneurial University : Respond of American Research University
The growing of it gives us useful apocalypse for the reform of Chinese universities .
Mapping of Mainstream Theories and Research Hot-topics in the Field of International Entrepreneurial University Research
The successful rise of Nanyang Technology University of Singapore & Strategy choice of entrepreneurial universities
This article focus on the basic connotation , shift qualification and inspiration of carving-out colleges .
The university assets management company from the perspective of entrepreneurial university : international comparison and policy selection
Scientific Innovation in " Triple Helix Model " & Based on the Analysis of Entrepreneurial Universities in America
The two academic revolution respectively gives birth to two new university modes , i.e. research university and entrepreneurial university .
The appearance of an entrepreneurial university provides a new research perspective for our country college in local social service .
Though transient , the new model of entrepreneurial universities has so far made great achievements in Europe and America .
From decline to development : the grow-up of Entrepreneurial Universities & Reviewing on Establishing Entrepreneurial Universities : ways to transform by K.Clark Burton
Chapter 2 elaborates the definition of the entrepreneurial university and compares the the entrepreneurial university with the researching university and the innovative university .
Transformation Target and Its Paths For the Development of Entrepreneurial Faculty ; On entrepreneurship ecosystem of entrepreneurial university : a case study of MIT
This article intends to discuss what we can learn from the rise of entrepreneurial universities in Europe to develop entrepreneurial universities in higher vocational education in China .
The system involves the university management system , cooperative game system of academic power and administrative power , which is the key element to maintain the healthy development of entrepreneurial drive .
Given this , Chinese colleges and universities should change their former organization method , make every effort to change into entrepreneurial universities , and strengthen their own hematopoietic function to diffuse loan risks .
Attributed by popularization of higher education , college financial capital constraints and other multiple causes of working together , some America universities have gradually explored a new model of university " Entrepreneurial University " .
This study introduced the meaning , content , framework and methodology ; and domestic and foreign experts and scholars on the " entrepreneurial university " and the status of related research literature review carried out .
Chapter 3 discusses the important theory foundation of the entrepreneurial university , the Triple Helix . Furthermore , it also introduces the roles and effects of the entrepreneurial university in different styles of the Triple Helix .
Undoubtedly , the analysis of the idea and mission , structure , functions , develop process and institutional arrangement of American entrepreneurial university means important significance for the construction of the world class university and the promotion of the core competition of our country .
In order to follow the challenges of globalization , informatization , internationalization and marketization , the universities from all around the world began to experience deep institutional and organizational changes since 1980s , and one of the main trends is to establish entrepreneurial universities .
For the sake of the contraction policy of western higher education public finance and living environment ought to be more and more rigorous , some of the western universities are transforming their organizations and organizational constructers to set up a brand-new university mode : Entrepreneurial University .
The Entrepreneurial U.S.Research University : Necessary Marketization or Out-of-Control Academic Capitalism ?
Entrepreneurial activities around the world promoted the establishment of entrepreneurial university and development of entrepreneurship as a new rapidly field of study .
Thinking on the Building of Entrepreneurial University for Local Colleges and Universities under the Context of Entrepreneurship and Innovation