
  • 网络Innovation Diffusion;diffusion of innovation
  1. 扼述本研究的四大理论支柱&创新推广理论、传播理论、教学设计理论和社会心理理论。

    Describes four kinds of theoretical foundations briefly : diffusion of innovation , communication theory , instructional design and social psychology .

  2. 本研究表明,借助创新推广理论对互联网技术,特别是网站开发进行研究,可提供有益的视角及可行的分析思路。

    This study shows that diffusion of innovation theory can provide a useful perspective and feasible analysis framework in developing Internet , especial the website .

  3. 在各种前测与使用培训之后,根据创新推广理论采取多种措施应用WLL于现代远程教育实践中,如开展了每单元一主题、每周一星等活动。

    After pretest and training for WLL , the research adopts measures such as " a Subject per Unit " and " a Star per Week " to use WLL into practice of MDE based on innovation diffusion theory .

  4. 创新推广方式,强化品种展示;

    Creating new extension method , and strengthening new variety demonstration ;

  5. 创新推广理论视野中的教育信息化策略

    Strategies of Educational Informationization Based on Diffusion of Innovation Theory

  6. 创新推广理论;

    Diffusion of Innovation Theory ;

  7. 也有助于管理者或组织者的决策以及移动学习的创新推广政策的制定,以便我们更好地迎接移动学习的新时代。

    It also contributes to the decision-making of managers or organizers , and the formulation of policy on the promotion of innovative M-learning , so that we can better meet the new era of M-learning .

  8. 培育发展多元化农技推广服务组织,创新推广管理体制和运行机制,做到国办与民办相结合、无偿服务与有偿服务相结合,为农业和农村经济发展提供强有力的支撑。

    To strongly support the agricultural and rural economy development , lots measures should be done , such as to develop organizations which provide multiplex services , to update the management and working method , and to combine state-running with private enterprise , and free services with charge services .

  9. 深圳市奕超光电科技有限公司致力于城市亮化产品的开发和LED显示屏的创新及推广。

    Shenzhen Yichao Optoelectronics Technology Co. , Ltd is devoted to R & D , manufacture and sales of various LED lighting products and controller system , and design of city-lighting project .

  10. 制定适宜的营销战略与策略,加大创新、推广力度;

    Make proper marketing strategy and policy , and strengthen innovation and promotion ;

  11. 构建和完善科技入户创新技术推广服务体系;

    Construct and accomplish service system of prospering village by science and technology ;

  12. 水稻免耕抛秧技术创新与推广应用

    The Innovation and Application of Rice Seedling-broadcasting with No-tillage ( RSB-NT ) Technology

  13. 第二部分主要探讨专利制度限制系统的宗旨:促进科技的创新与推广。

    The second part discusses the aim of patent restrictive system : promoting innovation and popularization of science and technology .

  14. 由于农业技术进步是一个系统,包括技术创新、推广和应用,因此分析了农业技术进步的运行机制和内在关系。

    Since technology , progress is systematic process which includes innovation , extension and applies , it is important to analyze the mechanic and internal relationship .

  15. 积极支持自主创新产品推广应用,清洁能源、第三代移动通信等一批新兴产业快速发展。

    We vigorously supported the widespread use of domestically innovated products , and the development of emerging industries such as clean energy and third-generation mobile communications .

  16. 以农业工业化为内核的沙产业经济理论以及以技术引进、创新和推广应用为主要内容的传播理论。

    That of regarding the industrialization of agriculture as core ; ③ that of considering technology introduction , innovation , and popularization and application as principal contents .

  17. 农业高校+农业龙头企业:农业科技创新与推广的理想范式高等农业院校科技创新平台科学管理对策

    Agricultural universities + Agricultural leading enterprises : an innovation mode of agricultural science and technology innovation and application ; Strategy of Scientific Management of Platform for Scientific and Technological Innovation in Agricultural Universities

  18. 结合血管损伤的实验和临床研究课题,提出了研究→创新→推广→提高的全程管理模式;

    With the study of the experimental and clinical research on vascular injury , we put forward the full-time management model for the scientific research : research → innovation → spreading → improving .

  19. 科研院校应根据国家发展和养殖业的现状进行实用技术的创新和推广,加强科研项目的转化和推广,提供各种形式的技术服务工作,自觉融入农村养殖技术推广队伍中来。

    Academies and colleges should innovate and extend technology based on the situation of country and breeding industry , invert outcome of research and extend it , provide technology services and join in the team of rural breeding technology extension .

  20. 基于实证研究结果,提出未来的粮食生产科技政策需要高度重视作物栽培等非物化技术的创新与推广应用,以进一步挖掘粮食的增产潜力。

    Based on the results of empirical research , the science and technology policy of grain production in the future should attach great importance to crop cultivation innovation and application of non-material technology , to further explore our grain yield potential .

  21. 分析了由于交易费用过大导致的农业科技创新与推广中存在的问题,提出了基于降低交易费用的农业经营中的制度安排,并证明了这种制度安排是一种帕雷托改进。

    This paper analyzes the problems of innovation and popularization existed in agricultural science and technology due to the great transaction expense , advances system arrangement grounded on reducing transaction expense , and proves this kind of system arrangement is a Pareto betterment .

  22. 以良种培育为重点,加快农业科技创新和推广,实施好转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项。积极推进现代农业示范区建设。

    With the focus on breeding improved crop varieties , we will accelerate innovation in agricultural technology and the widespread adoption of scientific and technological advances , and carry out a major science and technology project to create new crop varieties using gene transfer technology .

  23. 农业植物新品种的开发仰赖于科技创新,其推广和应用必须接受WTO规则的约束。

    The new strains'exploration of agricultural plant depents on scientific and technological innovation , spread and application must accept the bourds of WTO rules .

  24. 要搞好技术创新,大力推广先进、适用的勘探技术,降低勘探工程成本;

    Developing and applying new and advanced exploration techniques , decreasing exploration engineering cost .

  25. 本文就现代信息技术如何促进创新教育的推广和开展进行了探讨。

    This passage is about how to promote the popularization and development of the innovative education .

  26. 依法行政与开拓创新是农机推广工作的重要载体

    Administration according to Law and Exploiting Innovation Are the Important Supporters for the Popularization of Farm Equipment

  27. 其中,基于健康体检系统的大型多中心纵向监测健康管理队列是推动健康管理理论方法创新研究及其推广转化的重要数据管理平台。

    Among these , large sample longitudinal health management cohorts based on health physical examination is an important platform .

  28. 管理创新成果的推广应用对天然气企业的生产经营活动具有十分重要的作用。

    Application and dissemination of management innovation achievements play an important role for production and operation activities in natural gas enterprises .

  29. 加强基层农业科技推广服务体系建设,创新农业科技推广服务模式是当前和今后一段时期发展农业的重要任务。

    Building ARES System and Innovating ARES Model are the important missions of agricultural development in the long periods from now on .

  30. 以合作社为载体创新农业技术推广体系建设国外农业合作社在农业科技推广中的作用及启示

    Agricultural Technology Popularization System Innovation with Cooperative as Carrier Enlightenment from the Role of Agricultural Cooperative in Agricultural Science and Technology Popularization in Abroad