
xínɡ shì chǔ fá
  • criminal punishment;criminal penalty
  1. 即如何协调好行政处罚和刑事处罚、以及刑事处罚内部的关系,对于司法实务部门正确适用法律具有较强的指导性意义。

    Coordinating the relationship among administrative penalty , criminal penalty and inner of criminal penalty is very helpful for judicial practice to apply law correctly .

  2. 它的特殊性表现在犯罪既遂标准与实害犯既遂标准不一,从而导致危险犯犯罪中止成立和刑事处罚的特殊性。

    Its characteristics lie in its formation and criminal penalty since there are different standards for the accomplishment between actual damage offense and potential damage offense .

  3. BP已经承认犯有过失杀人罪等罪名,并同意支付40亿美元的联邦刑事处罚金。

    BP has already pleaded guilty to manslaughter and other charges and agreed to pay $ 4 billion in federal criminal penalties .

  4. 如未能遵守这些新的规定,可能会令境外NGO及其国内合作方受到刑事处罚。

    Failure to comply with the new rules could subject foreign NGOs and their domestic partners to criminal penalties .

  5. 如果委托投票能够改变公司控制权(委托争议),所有争议相关人都必须作为参与人在SEC注册或面临刑事处罚。

    If a proxy vote could change control of a company ( a proxy contest ), all persons involved in the contest must register with the SEC as participants or face criminal penalties .

  6. 论对假劣药品案的行政处罚与刑事处罚

    Discussion on the Administrative Punishment and Penalization in Counterfeiting Drug Cases

  7. 劳动教养不是刑事处罚,而是行政处罚。

    Education through labor is not a criminal but an administrative punishment .

  8. 条例同时规定,如泄露病人隐私将受到民事和刑事处罚。

    They also impose criminal and civil penalties for breaching patient privacy .

  9. 根据中国法律,破坏名誉会受到刑事处罚吗?

    Is defamation criminally punishable according to Chinese law ?

  10. 乙方触犯国家的法律被判刑、劳教的,或受其他刑事处罚的。

    When Party B violates the laws and is subject to criminal or prosecution .

  11. 第四章,商业贿赂犯罪的刑事处罚。本章包括两节。

    Punishments on crimes of commercial bribery . This chapter consists of two sections .

  12. 保护环境,最具强制力的防线是刑事处罚。

    On protecting the environment , the most compelling force is the criminal legal system .

  13. 这一法案将对那些多次非法重复进入我们国家的人们加强刑事处罚。

    This law will enhance criminal penalties for those who repeatedly re-enter our country illegally .

  14. 受刑事处罚的;

    Being penalized for criminal offences ;

  15. 前科一般指曾经犯过罪,受过刑事处罚的一种法律状态。

    Criminal Record refers to a state of having been previously convicted and paid criminal penalty .

  16. 行政处罚与刑事处罚立法上的衔接包括内容上的衔接和形式上的衔接。

    The legislation join between administration punishment and criminal punishment Include content join and formal join .

  17. 在日本国或其它国家,您是否受过刑事处罚?

    Have you ever been found guilty in a criminal case in Japan or in another country ?

  18. 除了刑事处罚,陈家还必须对所有受害者支付超过360万元的民事赔偿费。这个案件只是整个国家中许多醉酒驾驶事故之一。

    The case is just one of many drunk driving accidents that take place across the country .

  19. 在中国古代法律中,精神病人享有刑事处罚的特殊待遇。

    Psychopath could profit by special treatment about criminal punishment according to the law of ancient China .

  20. 医护人员或者保险公司对病历使用不当将会导致民事或者刑事处罚。

    Improper use of records by a caregiver or insurer could result in both civil and criminal penalties .

  21. 合同诈骗特殊犯罪形态的认定。合同诈骗罪的刑事处罚。

    The cognizance of Contract Fraud 's special situation of crime and the criminal punishment of Contract Fraud .

  22. 目前,版权和商标假冒案件中99%采用的都是行政处罚,而不是刑事处罚。

    Today , 99 % of copyright and trademark counterfeiting cases are enforced administratively , rather than criminally .

  23. 他们还接受美方的主张,即中国必须对蓄意商业盗版行为予以刑事处罚。

    They also agreed with the us that China had to have criminal penalties for deliberate commercial piracy .

  24. 第二种意见认为李爽构成职务侵占罪,但是免除刑事处罚。

    The second one is that Li Shuang commits duty embezzlement crime but should be exempted from criminal punishment .

  25. 做到行政处罚责任民事赔偿责任刑事处罚责任整个法律责任链条的完整。

    Achieve " administrative penalty liability-civil liability-responsibility for criminal punishment ," the integrity of the entire chain of liabilities .

  26. 刑法谦抑性原则的要义就是缩小刑事处罚的范围和减轻刑事处罚的程度。

    The essence of the modesty principle is to limit the scope and lessen the severity of criminal sanction .

  27. 分析单位犯罪的基本特征及具体刑事处罚规则,可以为更好地理解和处理单位犯罪提供依据。

    Analyzing characteristics and the rules of concrete criminal punishment can provide the gist of understanding the unit crime .

  28. 例如,公司可以面对民事或刑事处罚,个别违法者关入监狱。

    For example , a corporation can face civil or criminal fines and individual lawbreakers can go to jail .

  29. (六)违反交通规则,造成交通事故,尚不够刑事处罚的;

    Violating traffic regulations so as to cause traffic accidents , when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment ;

  30. 实践中针对网络服务商的侵权案例虽然并不少见,但最终网络服务商通常只承担部分民事责任,几乎不涉及刑事处罚。

    Such infringements cases are not rare and the providers just undertake civil liability , and barely the criminal responsibility .