
  • 网络budget allocations;budget authority;budget
  1. 要求连续的、可说明的IT投资可以让你最优化预算拨款。

    Demanding continuous accountability for IT investments allows you to optimize your budget allocations .

  2. 例如,只要在政府预算拨款中更加重视卫生支出,低收入国家的政府卫生支出就能增加一倍。

    For example , simply giving more priority to health in government budget allocations could double government health spending in low income countries .

  3. 这需要增加预算拨款,包括来自国际捐赠者的资助。

    That will require increased budgetary allocations , including support from international donors .

  4. 我希望公司明年能托交给我一笔更大的预算拨款。

    Next year I hope the company will trust me with a bigger budget .

  5. 关于建立中国科学院预算拨款制度的研究和探讨

    Study and Analysis on the Establishment of the Budget Appropriation System in the Chinese Academy of Sciences

  6. 韩国政府从去年11月以来为刺激经济制定了230亿美元的预算拨款。

    The government has budgeted more than $ 23 billion since November to pump up the economy .

  7. 另一种方法是旨在降低成本,它对各部门所提出的预算拨款请求按照设定的比例进行全面的削减。

    The other method , aimed at cost reduction , makes all-around cuts by an arbitrary percentage to requests for budget appropriations .

  8. 预算拨款是否及时记入有关经费帐户,并如数存入规定的银行专户;

    Whether budgetary appropriations are posted to relevant fund accounts in time and deposited into the designated bank accounts in the required amounts ;

  9. 其中,政府会计核算主体可以大致包括行政单位、事业单位(指主要接受国家预算拨款的事业单位)、政府性基金。

    The accounting subject includes administrative institutions , public institutions ( mainly refers to institutions receive the national budget ), and government funds .

  10. 在两个模型中,假定各时期特殊环境下的预算拨款为不确定性量,并给定变化区间。

    In these two models , the budget appropriation under different circumstances is treated as an uncertain factor and furthermore given a variation interval .

  11. 改革开放前的三十年,我国实行高度集中的计划经济,基础设施资金主要来源于国家财政预算拨款,实行高度集中的管理方式。

    During the planned - economic time , funding for infrastructure constructing is mainly from the national financing budget with highly centralized management method .

  12. 世卫组织将制定一项快速启动方案,提供足够的预算拨款,并立即开始实施由其负责的全球战略工作。

    WHO will prepare a quick start programme with adequate budget provision and begin immediately to implement the elements of the global strategy that fall under its responsibility .

  13. 报告主体主要包括各级政府以及使用公共资源的相关单位(主要指行政单位和接受预算拨款的事业单位)。

    The reporting subject includes governments at various levels and other units using public resources ( mainly refers to the administrative unit and institutions that receiving budget funds ) .

  14. 那么,为什么科斯特纳在一部已花钱很多的影片上当它开拍时按预算拨款已高达1亿美元又冒险使用一个平庸的导演?

    So why did Costner take the chance again on a minor league director , with a film that was expensive enough already-it was budgeted at $ 100 million when it started ?

  15. 自实施市场经济以后,俄罗斯政府尝试建立新的拨款体制,将高等教育财政全部由国家预算拨款的状况转变为国家与社会共同承担。

    Since the implementation of market economy , the Russian government tried to create a new funding system , and the situation in which all of higher education was funded by the State budget turned into by the states and society .

  16. 对高校实行多级财政制度,把高等教育的经费划为联邦预算拨款、地区和地方拨款,国家不再作统收统支。

    Multi-level financial system has been implemented into colleges and universities , the higher education funding system has become the cooperation of federal budget , regional and local funding , and the federal states no longer give educational support as a unified system .

  17. 政府计划在预算中拨款建一家新医院。

    The government plans to budget a new hospital .

  18. 因此,延长学期就必须增加教师的报酬,而这又必须通过正规的预算和拨款程序,得到全体选民的正式认可才行。

    Therefore , lengthening of the school term has to be accompanied by rise in teachers'compensation , which means a process of budget expansion and approval by all electorates .

  19. 奥巴马政府在其2012年预算中已拨款360亿美元用于资助全美几座新核电站的建设。

    The Obama administration has earmarked $ 36 billion in its 2012 budget to help finance the construction of several new nuclear plants across the country .

  20. 平均指标、变异指标显示我国各地区之间职业教育预算内生均拨款差异较大。

    The average exponent and the variant exponent show that there are more regional differences in budget of per student appropriation of vocational education in our country .

  21. 要缩小职业教育预算内生均拨款地区差异,中央政府应加大对欠发达地区转移性支付的力度,拓宽转移性支付的范围;

    To narrow the regional differences , on one hand , the central government should increase the level and range of financial transfer payment in poor regions .

  22. 另外还有一个简单的事实:在年度预算中,拨款比数百万美元的奖金更容易做账,因为这笔奖金也许明天就可以兑现,也许需要一年,甚至可能永远无法兑现。

    Then there is the mundane fact that grants are easier to account for in an annual budget than a multi-million prize that could be paid tomorrow , in a year , or never .

  23. 相关分析及推论证明:财政收支水平、中央转移性支付力度和地方政府对职业教育的重视程度差异造成了职业教育预算内生均拨款的地区差异。

    The relevant analysis and its inference prove that fiscal income and expenditure , the central financial transfer payment and the attention to vocational education of local government resulted in the regional differences in budget of per student appropriation of vocational education .

  24. 让我们把话说清楚:在去年的预算中,特别拨款占了180亿美元。

    But let 's be clear : Earmarks account for $ 18 billion in last year 's budget .

  25. 有消息说,仍会有一些关系到国会预算办公室评分的拨款事项。

    Some sources inform there still could be some funding issues relative to Congressional Budget Office ( CBO ) scoring .

  26. 第一个模型将部门预算申请数描述为前一年度预算拨款数的函数。

    In the first model , the applying amount of a department budget is described as a function of the appropriated funds of the previous year .

  27. 不过,运用这种预算方法将有可能使各部门经理有意识夸大其预算拨款的请求以对抗削减。

    Under this kind of budgeting method , the department heads are apt to exaggerate their requests to cover anticipated reduction .

  28. 该方法的主要特征是它在编制预算时从头开始,也就是说,每一个要求预算拨款的部门都要说明其要求存在的合理性。

    The major characteristic of this method is that it starts budgeting from the beginning . Thus , each department requesting an appropriation has to justify the very existence of the expenditure request .

  29. 简要介绍了一个预算支出管理系统的功能,主要功能有预算指标管理、拨款单据管理、明细账管理、报表输出及系统维护;

    The functions of a financial capital budgeting system has been introduced . The main functions of this system include management of budget target , management of bills , management of detail account books , report outputs and system maintenance .