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The EBSD technique is also widely applied to phase identification , microstrain analysis and mineral exsolution analysis , suggesting wider application of the technique in microstructural analysis and related field .
Rutile samples were collected from various genetic types of ore deposits in different localities of China . The results indicate that in most of the rutile grains are contained some ilmenite mosaic crystals , and in both rutile and mosaic ilmenite occurs the exsolution phase & titano-hematite .
Quartz Exsolutions in Omphacites of Ultrahigh Pressure Metamorphic Rocks from CCSD and Its Significance of Geodynamics
The eclogite coexisting with this UHP marble contains apatites showing exsolution texture .
The discovery of phlogopite exsolution lamellae in garnets of eclogite enclaves , Liaoning Province
Garnet and Quartz Exsolutions in Clinopyroxenes of Mafic Rock Xenoliths from Xuzhou-Northern Anhui Province
Raman Spectrum Study on Quartz Exsolution in Omphacite from Eclogite and Its Tectonic Significances
Exsolution and evolution of magmatic hydrothermal fluids and their constraints on the porphyry ore-forming system
Annealing and coarsening of monoclinic exsolution lamella in pyrrhotite in some nickel-copper ores from Norway
Rice-shaped Dolomite and Its Exsolution Origin
Discovery of pyrrhotite exsolution in apatite
In the second part , the best condition is investigated about dissolving aluminum and iron .
Augites of Group ⅱ contain more than 20 % exsolution lamellae of orthopyroxene of various shapes .
The ore-forming fluid evolved from initial boiling , through fluid boiling , fluid mixing and water-rock reaction .
Exsolution proceeds in a way of anti diffusion of Fe 2 + and Mg 2 + cations .
The impetus of exsolution is the difference in chemical potential between the metastable phase and the equilibrium phases .
At present , some of scholars suggest that the quartz exsolution in omphacite of eclogite is the evidence of UHP metamorphism .
The exsolution of the megacrysts indicates a polybaric crystallization process , which indicates the feature of deep generation and shallow emplacement .
The exsolution texture of sphalerite-chalcopyrite solid solution and the underlying principle and technical method for measuring its decomposition speed are described .
All metamorphic rocks exhibit an equilibrium texture , but exsolution lamellae of orthopyroxene ( pigeonite ) occur in all clinopyroxenes in mafic granulites .
The pyrrhotite exsolution in apatite from the Sulu eclogite reported in this paper might provide a new way to understand this fundamental problem .
The acid-precipitating method was used to isolate the dissolved lignin from the black liquor and the crude lignin was purified by mild acidic hydrolysis .
The exsolution of rutiles in garnets from rocks formed under UHP condition have been reported in literatures , but the mechanism has not been investigated .
We propose that the metal content of ores forming in volcanic arc environments is established by exsolution accompanying injections of primitive magma immediately before explosive eruptions .
Therefore further study should be enhanced on experimental study on exsolution mechanism of super-silicate clinopyroxene , which could provide experimental quantitative constraint on quartz exsolution as UHP indicator .
The studies on ultra-microstructure characteristic of quartz exsolution in eclogite and coesite in UHP eclogite of several localities are done with the appliance of laser Raman spectroscopy and U-stage .
Topological relationships are present between quartz exsolution in omphacite and its host mineral which shows orientations of two long axes of quartz exsolution parallel to ( 100 ) and ( - 101 ) of omphacite .
Research of deformational mechanism and deformational history correlate microstructural characteristics of UHP metamorphic rock and research of subduction depth information correlate special exsolution structure could provided important evidence for tectonic model of continent crust subduction and exhumation .
The digestion percentage of other methods for Pb and Cr arc less than 55 % and 67 % , because Pb and Cr are inside crystal lattices of the minerals in soils .
OCPs bioaccumulation was found to have a liposoluble characteristics , the higher lipid content in organism the more OCPs accumulating in organism .