- 网络Chloritization

Hydrothermal alterations in granitic rocks include carbonatization , chloritization , greisenization , sericitization and albitization .
Wall rock alteration is strong and dominated by phyllic alteration , silicification and chloritization then carbonation that is generally related closely to Pb , Zn mineralization .
In the Ranger area highly chloritic rocks were believed to be altered dolerites .
Wall-rock alteration includes chloritization , sericitization , and carbonatization ( calcite , siderite ) .
The alterative zones are obvious , and altered intensity has a close relation with Au mineralization .
The style of gold mineralization is unique in that gold is disseminated throughout the rhyolite porphyry .
The clinical application of Lapis Chloriti medicine-botanical origins from the biotite and chlorite schist and mica schist carbonate .
The greenish color of the palaeo-oxidized sandstones mainly results from chloritization and epidotization related to oil and gas secondary reduction processes .
The main types of the wall rock alteration include quartzitification , sericitization , chloritization , pyritization , limonitization , kaolinitization , carbonatization .
The tectonic-hydrothermal activity is complex in the geologic history , and the grade of rock mass chloritized alteration is comparatively higher at a hydropower station dam site in Southwest China .
The ore bodies both occured in the low-order joint density of chlorite sericite andesite , pyroclastic rocks , lava and quartz of sericite within tonalite rock band in the North West main structure .
Ore types are altered rock type and quartz vein type ( A few ) . Wall rock alterations are silicification , sericitization , pyritization , chlorite , carbonate rock ( calcilization ), brass mineralization , kaolin etc. .
In all of mines , the alteration zones developed , silicification , pyritization , potassic alteration , pyrophyllitization , chloritization , and sericitization show that the deposits have the features of middle-low temperature hydrothermal filling-metasomatic deposit . 5 .
The original ore minerals are mainly pyrite , chalcopyrite , magnetite , etc , the alteration in the wall rocks is developed , such as peacock petrochemical , epidotization , chloritization and little silicification , carbonatization .