
liánɡ chá
  • Herbal tea;cold tea;herbal drink to reduce body heat
  1. 凉茶在炎热的夏天是一种很好的饮品。

    Cold tea makes a good drink in hot summer .

  2. 凉茶就行,不要加冰。

    Just cold tea , no ice .

  3. 除可口可乐品牌的饮料包以外,Keurig还将提供非碳酸凉茶、果汁和运动饮料的冷饮包。

    In addition to pods for Coke brands , the Keurig will also offer pods for non-carbonated cold teas , juice and sports drinks .

  4. 凉粉草(MesonachinensisBenth.)为唇形科仙草属一年生草本植物,是我国南方地区生产凉茶和凉粉的主要原料之一。

    Mesona chinensis Benth . , one species of Mesona genus , which belongs to Family Labiatae , is an annual herbaceous plant . It is one of the main materials for producing herbal tea and jelly in the southern region of China .

  5. 第五部分探讨凉茶企业对政府管理部门的一些建议和希望。

    Part 5 , the suggestions to related government management department .

  6. 那冰凉茶会流过你全身。

    And that ice tea 's gonna go right through ya .

  7. 你觉得鸿福堂的凉茶系列的饮品价格如何?

    What do you think about the pricing of Herbal Tea Series ?

  8. 我当时怀宝宝的时候我是喝凉茶。

    I was pregnant when I was drinking herbal tea .

  9. 纳滤浓缩凉茶提取液研究

    Study on the concentration of Chinese herbal medicine extracting solution by nanofiltration

  10. 目的对国内中草药凉茶的发展概况作一综述。

    OBJECTIVE Make a development summary of the internal Liangcha .

  11. 你曾经饮用过鸿福堂樽装凉茶吗?

    Have you ever drink Hung Fook Tong 's bottle herbal teas ?

  12. 到处都可以看到凉茶店和凉茶系列产品。

    You can see the herbal tea shop and herbal tea products everywhere .

  13. 你喝凉茶的原因是什麽?

    What is your reason for drinking herb tea ?

  14. 结果凉茶的概念范围已经扩大了;

    RESULTS The concept of Liangcha had been enlarged .

  15. 你会在那里购买鸿福堂的凉茶系列的饮品?

    Where would you purchase the Herbal Tea Series ?

  16. 中草药保健凉茶饮料的开发

    Development of antipyretic health beverage from Chinese medical herbs

  17. 加减二至丸凉茶干预亚健康疲劳的实验研究

    The Effect of Er-zhi-wan Herbal Tea on Sub-health Fatigue

  18. 你有否饮过下列凉茶系列的饮品?

    Have you tried the following Herbal Tea Series from Hung Fook Tong ?

  19. 服用凉茶应适量、应因人而异。

    The dose should be proper and it should be distinct for different people .

  20. 请把你通常的吸烟时间换成品尝凉茶的时间。

    Switch to a cup of herbal tea whenever you usually have a cigarette .

  21. 他喝了一杯凉茶把食物冲了下去。

    Eg. He drank a cup of cooler tea to wash down his meal .

  22. 她喜欢什么茶?凉茶乌龙菊花茶?

    What kind of tea does she like ? Herbal ? oolong ? chamomille ?

  23. 第二部分详细分析了广州市凉茶行业的现状。

    Part 2 , analyzes the present situation of Guangzhou Herbal Tea in detail .

  24. 解渴保健凉茶饮料的研制

    Development of thirst - quenching antipyretic health drink

  25. 长岛居民根本不知道怎么做凉茶

    The people of long island do not know how to make an iced tea

  26. 你以后会打算购买鸿福堂樽装凉茶吗?

    Will you buy Hung Fook Tong 's bottle herbal teas in the future ?

  27. 你有否饮用凉茶的习惯?

    Do you often drink herbal tea ?

  28. 金银花·菊花·甘草复合保健凉茶饮料的工艺研究

    Study on the Technology of Compound Healthy Antipyretic Beverage of Honeysuckle , Chrysanthemum and Liquorice

  29. 你喜欢鸿福堂樽装凉茶的外型设计吗?

    Do you like the out look of Hung Fook Tong 's bottle herbal teas ?

  30. 凉茶。现在的气候容易导致人生病,所以多喝凉茶是好的。

    Herbal tea . It 's the sick season again , hence drinking more is good .