
  1. 在那次抽签中,他成为了冥王。

    In that draw lots , he became a night king .

  2. 冥王的诏令、所载和警告都无济于事。

    Recalls , signs of anger , warnings were of no avail .

  3. 移动方式:类似冥王。

    Move Pattern : Similar to Hades .

  4. 这一切很快传到了宙斯的耳中,他知道劫走泊瑟芬的是冥王海地士,便下令再一次诅咒他。

    Zeus quickly got the news and knew it was Pluto that took Posefen away .

  5. 你把它送回产生它的冥王寝宫了吗?

    Did you send it back to the dark recesses of Hades that spawned it ?

  6. 我提这个是因为两天后木星马上遭遇到与冥王的艰难方角。

    I mention that because only two days later Jupiter makes a tough square to Pluto .

  7. 今天上午你的主星水星会刑你的财帛宫冥王。

    Your ruling planet Mercury will encounter transforming Pluto this morning from your astrological money sector .

  8. 其命名是根据希腊神话中守卫冥王大门的长有三头的看门狗做的。

    It was named after the three-headed watchdog in classical Greek mythology that guards the gates to Hades .

  9. 同时,冥王哈迪斯抓走了珀西的母亲,让事态进一步恶化。冥王声称,要找回母亲,就拿闪电杖来换。

    But it gets worse : his mother has been taken by Hades , who also wants the bolt in exchange for her safe return .

  10. 另一版本的故事说,当普西芬尼被哈得斯(冥王)抢走的时候,其女儿们都在场。她们要求宙斯给她们翅膀去追赶哈得斯。

    Another version of the story states that the daughters were present when Persephone was ravished by Hades and bid Zeus for wings to pursue Hades .

  11. 风暴过后,到来的是太阳与冥王美丽且强大的交互影响,展现给我们则是&能够经历一场伟大的转型和巨大的演变在我们生活之中。

    After the storm , here comes the Sun in a beautiful and powerful aspect with Pluto , showing us that we are capable of experiencing great transformation and enormous evolution in our lives .

  12. 木星和冥王都是支配生活的经济领域的行星,因而当其与钱财有关时,你可以发现在未来的几周或数月中你的经济情况会有所好转。

    Both Jupiter and Pluto are planets that govern financial areas of life , so when it comes to money , you should see an upturn in fortunes in the weeks and months to come .