
This summer , that most British of detectives , who has appeared as everything from a vampire hunter to a crime-fighting teenager , is being immortalised in Japanese manga .
The robotic cat from the future , created by Japanese manga artist Fujiko F. Fujio , needs no introduction .
Omas , for instance , has created pens enamelled with early Japanese manga artwork .
Out in June , Sherlock : A Study in Pink adapts the BBC series , which started in 2010 , transforming Benedict Cumberbatch 's Holmes and Martin Freeman 's Dr John Watson into classic manga images .
The game - in which players try to capture exotic monsters from Pok é mon , the Japanese cartoon franchise - uses a combination of ordinary technologies built into smartphones , including location tracking and cameras , to encourage people to visit public landmarks , seeking virtual loot and collectible characters that they try to nab .
Which Japanese Comic do you like the best ? Why ?
Japanese cartoons ? Yes , please . I like them .
All these TV series are based on Japanese manga .
Japanese comic art has grown into a cult here .
Have you ever read a Japanese Comic ?
What impression does Japanese comic give you ?
They dress up as their favourite characters in Japanese manga comics and meet at events like the book fair .
The role-playing games are based on characters typical of Japanese manga comics , with all the men slender and elegant .
But , I have to mention the fact that all topics related to her are censored in Japanese anime-related media .
He is a former Olympic sharpshooter who enjoys Japanese comic books and speaks with what some describe as a blunt style .
In fact , it won 't be surprising if Taiwan 's Budaixi becomes an international favorite like Japanese comics and cartoons have .
Britney , 28 , wore the outfit as part of a Japanese Manga-style photoshoot for the September issue of British publication Pop Magazine .
The owners claim this venture began when one of them was " reading manga on the toilet - and the rest is history . "
The design of the android was based on cartoon character Sakuragi Hanamichi , the main character in the Japanese manga " Slam Dunk . "
This is the significance that Japanese animation experience can give us . The contemporary animation cannot develop without the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture .
An otaku or anime geek is a derivative of the classic comic book geek , these geeks many also oftentimes be considered " Japanophiles " .
Owner Wang Tzi-wei opened his first Modern Toilet in2004 after being inspired by a Japanese cartoon and the toilet themes run through the food and drinks menus .
The manga movie Stand By Me Doraemon became the first Japanese movie to be shown in China in nearly three years as it opened here on Thursday .
Obada is a Syrian student in Tokyo who , by a mixture of chance and determination , has become the translator of Japanese manga comics into Arabic .
Her whimsical works often reflect heavy influence of Japanese cartoon characters and toys , which play a very important role in the shaping of the ' me ' generation .
Meanwhile , the new Meteor Garden is also said to be a " fuller and flashier adaptation of the books , " which was based from the Japanese manga Boys Over Flowers .
" Many students like youth TV dramas and Japanese animation , but they are full of violence ," said Chen , adding Chinese programs are less funny , but focus more on education .
The officials singled out a Japanese comic book , an issue of Time magazine given by a donor in Nanjing and several copies of the Hong Kong magazine Phoenix Weekly , Mr. Zhai said .
For the demo , I put the headset on and the telepathy team took photos of people around me , and the manga-versions of those people streamed to the little projected screen in front of my eye .
There are manga and anime fans * and then there are Otaku , the super-fans who eat , drink , shop , collect and obsess over every facet of Japanese comics , animated TV shows , movies , toys and video games .