首页 / 词典 / good


mínɡ mínɡ
  • dim;dusky;ignorant;benighted
冥冥 [míng míng]
  • (1) [dim]∶不明亮

  • 天色冥冥

  • 杳以冥 冥。--《楚辞.屈原.涉江》

  • 薄暮冥冥。--宋. 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》

  • (2) [benighted]∶指人不明事理

  • (3) [high and far space]∶形容高远;深远

  • 鸿飞冥冥

  • (4) [hades]∶迷信的人指有鬼神暗中起作用的境界

  1. 深林杳以冥冥兮,乃猿狄之所居。

    The forest is deep and dim , where the monkeys live .

  2. 你相信冥冥中的安排吗?

    Do you believe in a cosmic plan ?

  3. 冥冥之中,他注定会成为摇滚乐的救世主。

    He was somehow destined to become a rock messiah .

  4. 我俩的结合是冥冥之中的定数。

    To be together is our destiny

  5. AlfredLordTennyson写道,在黑暗尽头,冥冥之中一双命运之手塑造着人类。

    Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote , " And out of the darkness , came the hands that reached through nature , molding men "

  6. 帕默称:“他一定是冥冥中有神保佑,有一次我妈妈以为它死掉了,把它冲下马桶,但是,它竟然从U型管里游了回来。”

    Palmer said : " He 's had a charmed life because mum actually put him down the toilet once thinking he was dead but he swam back up the U-bend . "

  7. 例:自从他们在冥冥中注定的一晚相遇后,Antoinette一直挂念着那个神秘的牛仔。

    Example : Antoinette had been hung up on that mysterious cowboy since they met one fateful night .

  8. 又或者,本•阿弗莱克的《逃离德黑兰》(Argo),关于营救在伊朗的美国使馆工作人员影片,冥冥之中将掀起好莱坞讽刺剧扣人心弦的逃生热潮。

    Or that Ben Affleck 's Argo , about rescuing American embassy workers in Iran , would somehow nail the Hollywood satire nail-biting escape genre .

  9. 然而冥冥中似有一股力量,让弘誓学团能为INEB略尽棉薄。

    However , it seems there is a karmic force that enables Hongshi to do something small for INEB .

  10. 是否上天冥冥之中的安排,一切巧合聚在一天之中。

    If god 's arrangement , all culminate in a day .

  11. 这一刻起,她相信冥冥中始终有好运在眷顾着自己。

    From now on she was a firm believer in luck .

  12. 梦中冥冥有乐趣,觉后空空无大千。

    Have fun , and I dream gone after no empty universe .

  13. 只要你进到了那冥冥的殿宇,这就够了。

    It is enough that you enter the temple invisible .

  14. 我能感觉到冥冥中对我神圣的挑选。

    I perceive one picking me out by secret and divine signs .

  15. 谢谢,冥冥之中,你还记得这个心愿。

    Thanks , * , do you remember this desire .

  16. 我猜这就是所谓的冥冥中的业报吧。

    I guess this is what you 'd call a strange karma .

  17. 是因那天际深处有着某种冥冥的召唤吗?

    That is because there is some deep sky Mianmian the call ?

  18. 斯达巴克把它看作是冥冥上苍的一个阴森森的警告。

    Starbuck sees it as a gloomy religious warning .

  19. 就像书上说的,冥冥中自有安排。

    Like the book says , he works his work in mysterious ways .

  20. 或许冥冥之中自有什么天意,只是我们还没有参透。

    Perhaps what fate has its own * We just haven 't searches .

  21. 冥冥之间,我永远也不会成为你的礼物。

    Of the as in , I can never become you of gift .

  22. 冥冥中,我们生命的轨迹曾有过交点。

    Our paths they did cross , though I can not say just why .

  23. 一切命运自有老天冥冥中安排。

    All fates are arranged by the god .

  24. 雷填填兮雨冥冥;

    The thunder rumbles and the rain darkens ;

  25. 携带邪恶基因的婴儿,是否冥冥之中容易被起一个邪恶名字?

    Is it that babies with wicked genes are somehow a magnet for wicked names ?

  26. 冥冥中命运的长线错综曲折环环相扣,注定少年大起大落的人生。

    Fate doomed Yunfei to be a fancy man with an up and down life .

  27. 有时你会忘了自己是冥冥大众的一员。

    You forget to be human sometimes .

  28. 我们马上相爱了,似乎冥冥中注定了我们要结婚。

    We fell in love immediately and it seemed fated that we would get married .

  29. 冥冥中谁在召唤我?又有谁送我回家?

    Isn 't anyone trying to find me ? Won 't somebody come take me home ?

  30. 冥冥中一个老人在这里哭泣,监工看不到这里的一切。

    I imagine an old man crying here , out of the sight of the overseer .