
nónɡ jiā yuàn
  • farmyard
  1. 这个农家院三面都有楼房,遮得很严实

    The farmyard was snugly sheltered with buildings on three sides .

  2. 跟你说吧,那个农家院肯定要迁移,别的我都不在意。

    The farmyard must be moved , I grant you ; but I am not aware of anything else .

  3. 游客可住农家院,体验农家生活。

    Visitors can live farmhouse courtyard , experience the farm life .

  4. 一个无聊的小女孩来到了农家院。

    A little girl came to visit the country home , but was very bored .

  5. 此外,对长城和老房子提出保护措施,以及居民区内增加绿化,改进农家院相应的基础设施。

    In addition , proposed measures to protect the Great Wall and the old house , and increase the residential area of afforestation , farmhouses and infrastructure are improvemented .

  6. 以住农家院、吃农家饭、品农家情、购农家物、干农家活为主要内容的农家乐旅游,正成为现代都市人新兴的旅游方式。

    To " live in farm homes , eating rice farmers , farm goods , love , buy farm goods , dry farmers living " as the main content of the " peasant music " Tourism is becoming the modern city new way to travel .