
nóng shì
  • farming;farm work
农事 [nóng shì]
  • [farm work] 农业生产的各项活动

农事[nóng shì]
  1. 春节是一种形式,过去是冬天闲的没农事,弄出个形式找乐子;

    Chinese New Year is a form of leisure in the past winter , did farm work , come up with a form of looking for fun ;

  2. 上古时期的农事与祭仪都有很严格的季节性,社会生活的外在表现为一幕幕与特定物候相对应的季节性仪式景观。

    Farm work and rites of remote antiquity were strictly seasonal , and social activities showed the features of corresponding seasonal rites .

  3. 夏天似乎显然是休息时间:它让教师可以休息,符合农事日历,也减轻了医生对把学生塞进炎热的教室会促进疾病传播的担忧。

    Summer appeared as the obvious time for a break : it offered a rest for teachers , fit in the farming calendar and reduced doctors ' concern that packing students into hot classrooms would promote the spread of disease .

  4. 保存在手持终端中的农事信息可通过RS232上传到上位机数据库。

    The datas saved in the handset can transfer to the computer database by RS232 .

  5. 随着GPS导航系统在农机中的迅速普及,最优覆盖路径规划为GPS导航拖拉机提供一个最佳作业参考路径轨迹图,使导航拖拉机来精确最优地进行农事操作。

    With the rapid adoption of GPS guidance systems in agricultural machinery , optimal coverage path planning provides the best practice reference path trajectories for tractor with GPS guidance , this makes the tractor work accurately and optimally .

  6. 根据国际谷物理事会(InternationalGrainsCouncil,IGC)发布的最新数据,中国不断增高的粮食库存预计会进一步推升全球总库存,在2016-2017农事年将其推升至4.74亿吨的新纪录。

    China 's mounting grain inventories are expected to further boost total global stocks to a new record of 474m tonnes for the crop year 2016-17 , according to latest figures from the International Grains Council .

  7. 美国农业部(usda)周四预测,在以2011年收割季为起点的农事年里,玉米、小麦和大豆的名义收购价格将创历史纪录。

    The US Department of agriculture on Thursday forecast nominal record farm-gate prices for corn , wheat and soyabeans in the crop year that begins with the 2011 harvests .

  8. IGC表示,中国近2亿吨库存也许是1999至2000农事年以来的最高水平,这一数字从表面上说占了全球总库存的40%以上。

    At almost 200m tonnes , inventories in China may be the largest since 1999-2000 , nominally accounting for more than 40 per cent of the world total , said the IGC .

  9. 就在这时,盖伯瑞尔进来了,汇报农事进展情况。

    Just then Gabriel entered , to report on farm business .

  10. 我只知道这是一个源于农事历法的节日。

    I just know this festival is from Chinese lunar calendar .

  11. 白族农事节日&兼与日本的比较

    Bai People 's Farming Festivals Compared with Those of Japan

  12. 公司模拟运作训练在《农事学》课程教学中的尝试

    Training Taste of Imitative Company Regulation in Farming Technology Teaching

  13. 旅游观光农业是农事活动与旅游相结合的农业发展形式。

    Sightseeing agriculture is farming activities combined with tourism form of agricultural development .

  14. 农事学&农业现代化的指挥科学

    Agronomy & Directing Science for the Modernization of Agriculture

  15. 农事操作后,边界可作为蜘蛛的保护场所聚集部分蜘蛛。

    The fileds margin could protected some of spiders after the field operating .

  16. 中国古代农事诗概述

    A Summary of Chinese Ancient Poems on Farming

  17. 清明节是一个源于农事历法的节日。

    Tomb-sweeping Day is from Chinese lunar calendar .

  18. 陶渊明田园诗对《诗经》农事诗的继承与发展

    Tao Yuan-Ming ' Idyllic Inherit and Develop the Agriculture Poetry of the Songs Poetry

  19. 苏轼写的农事词,开拓了词的新领域。

    Su Shi writes the countryside word , has developed the word new domain .

  20. 它可以通过修剪、嫁接等农事操作进行广泛传播。

    Viroids can be widely spreaded by pruning , grafting and other agricultural operations .

  21. 抗战时期广西农事试验对近代农业的贡献

    The Contribution to Modern Agriculture of Agricultural Experiments in Guangxi during Anti-Japanese War Period

  22. 该模型的建立对干旱发生的预测、预警和合理安排农事活动具有实际意义。

    This model had practice significance for forecasting drought event and rationally arranging farming activity .

  23. 目前来看,从流派整体进行把握,对其农事诗加以分析的工作鲜有人尝试。

    So far , few people have analysed the farming poetry from the whole genre .

  24. 与农事季节相对应,劳动力投入也就具有一定的季节性特点。

    Corresponding to the farming seasons , the input of workforce has certain seasonal characteristics .

  25. 先秦农事诗的社会及技术信息研究

    Study on the Social and Technological Information in Poems on Farming in the Pre-Qin Dynasty

  26. 美国有丰富的假日资源。清明节是一个源于农事历法的节日。

    The United States offers vast holiday resources . Tomb-sweeping Day is from Chinese lunar calendar .

  27. 推广农业新技术的先导性和基础性步骤,就是建立农事试验场。

    The progress and basic step of promoting new agricultural technologies is to establish agricultural experiment stations .

  28. 节气指二十四时节和气候,是中国古代订立的一种用来指导农事的补充历法。

    A day marking one of the24 divisions of the solar year in the traditional Chinese calendar .

  29. 周日早上,我父亲选择待在家里,从农事劳动中来寻找祈祷实践。

    My dad chose to stay home on Sunday mornings , finding his devotional practice in farming .

  30. 陶渊明田园诗与《诗经》农事诗之承传&《诗经》与陶渊明之渊源关系探讨(二)从宋农事诗析宋代蚕桑业

    The Relationship Between Tao Yuanming 's Pastoral Poetry and the Farming Poetry in The Book of Songs