
  • 网络agrometeorological forecast;agrometeorological forecasting
  1. 德州市农业气象预报系统是用VB5.0和FoxPro2.6两种语言开发的软件,并采用面向对象设计技术。通过简述该软件设计过程,阐明设计该软件的思路和方法。

    Based on OOP ( Object Oriented Programming ), the system of Agrometeorological forecast for Dezhou was developed by visual basic 5.0 and Foxpro 2.6 . The idea and method of designing this system is explained by the introduction on the process of designing it .

  2. 统计预报方法是农业气象预报业务中常用的一种方法。

    The statistic forecasting is a popular method in agrometeorological forecasting operation .

  3. 用改进的多层递阶预报法作水稻产量的农业气象预报

    Improving the recursive estimate method for agrometeorological forecasting of rice yield

  4. 新一代省级农业气象预报系统通用统计预报模型的设计与实现

    Designing And Realizing of General Statistic Forecasting Model For The New Provincial Agrometeorological Forecasting System

  5. 本文以辽宁省中北部地区玉米气象产量区域分布的预报为例,论述了车贝雪夫多项式在农业气象预报中的若干应用。

    In this paper , the authors have described the applications of Chebyshev polynomials in forecasting the geographical distribution of meteorological yields of maize crop in the Central-Northern region of Liaoning Province .

  6. 利用大气环流、海温、太阳黑子面积指数等多种信息作为预测信息,建立以长期及超长期农业气象预报为主体的农业气象预测系统。

    An agrometeorological forecast system with the main purpose of long term or extra long term agrometeorological prediction was developed by using multiple informations such as atmospheric circulation , marine temperature , sunspot area index as forecast informations .

  7. 基于BP神经网络的农业气象产量预报系统

    Research on Weather Forecast System for Agricultural Yield Based on BP Neural Network

  8. 针对信息时代Internet网上用户对产量预报动态查询的需求,探讨了面向Internet的农业气象产量预报的解决方案。

    A crop yield prediction of Internet-oriented dynamical resolution was proposed the demand of Internet users on dynamic inquiring crop yield into consideration .

  9. 介绍了基于VB6.0和Windows9X平台设计开发的河南省农业气象产量预报业务系统的设计思路和流程,系统各模块的主要功能及技术思路。

    The operational system on agrometeorological yield forecasting in Henan was developed in terms of VB 6.0 and Windows 9X platform . The designing ideas , operational flows as well as the main functions of the system were introduced in detail .

  10. 广西壮族自治区农业气象情报预报服务系统开发研究

    Agro-meteorology information and forecast service system of province class in Guangxi

  11. 但总体上说,农业气象灾害预报研究还不很成熟。

    In general the research of agrometeorological disaster prediction is not very satisfied .

  12. 浙江省农业气象产量预报业务流程及其系统软件

    Professional Process and System Software of Agrometeorological Yield Forecast in Zhe jiang Province

  13. 河南省农业气象产量预报业务系统

    Operational System on Agrometeorological Yield Forecasting in Henan

  14. 我国国家级农业气象产量预报科研业务进展

    The Advances of the Studies and Operational Work of the State-level Agrometeorological Crop Yield Predictions in China

  15. 概述了近年来我国农业气象灾害预报方法研究的进展,介绍了当前正在探讨的一些新技术,并就今后发展的若干关键技术问题提出一些看法。

    Investigation of the progress in methods of agrometeorological disaster prediction in China in recent years is made , some new methods and techniques are introduced , and some comments are presented .

  16. 当前农业气象灾害预报应在指标的针对性,统计模型因子的物理概念和生物物理机理、数学模型和资料处理方法以及基于作物生长模拟模型的农业气象灾害预报方法等方面加强研究。

    Attention should be paid to determination of index , physical mechanism and agricultural meaning of predictors and processing methods of mathematics models , as well as prediction method based on crop simulation models .

  17. 多学科交叉、多种预报方法结合、长中短期预报相结合、动态预报和补充订正相结合、卫星遥感动态监测信息与预警模式相结合是开展农业气象灾害预报的有效途径。

    It is the effective approach for agrometeorological disaster prediction to synthesize different disciplines , multi prediction methods , multi time scale of predictions and to combine prediction models with monitoring information by remote sensing .

  18. 面向Internet的农业气象产量动态预报

    An Internet-orientated Dynamic Prediction Method of Crop Yield

  19. 为淮北地区春季、初夏季节的农业气象干旱研究和预报提供了参考依据。

    This is helpful for research and prediction of the agrometeorological drought during the spring and early summer in this area .

  20. 由此提出相关的农业可持续发展对策,如提高农业教育及科技推广、培育新品种、及时调整农时以及发展节水农业、加强农业灾害气象预报与防御等具体措施以提高农作物对气候变化的适应程度。

    For example , improve agricultural education and technology promotion , breeding new varieties , regulate of the farming season timely and develop water-saving agriculture , take specific measures to strengthen agricultural disasters , weather forecasting and defense can be useful in improving crop adaptation degree to climate change .