
nónɡ yè tóu zī
  • agricultural investment;agricultural input
  1. 鉴于目前农业投资的严重不足,本文在分析农业资金投入现状的基础上,针对性地提出了加强农用资金今后应采取的对策是:强化农业基础地位,增强扶农兴农意识;

    Based on the analysis of agricultural input status that results in fund shortage , the countermeasures to be adopted should be : consolidating foundational position of agricultural and realizing its importance seriously ;

  2. 本文运用偏最小二乘(PLS)回归方法,分析了转轨以来影响农户农业投资的10因素。

    Applying partial least-squares ( PLS ) regression , this paper analyzes the impact of 10 factors on farmer 's agricultural investment in China .

  3. 或许应该通过世贸组织(wto)达成新协议但是,只要土地所有权不等同于粮食控制权,就应该继续允许跨境农业投资。

    It may be desirable to agree new rules through the world trade organisation but cross-border farm investment must continue , as long as ownership of land does not equal control of food .

  4. 目前ECFA只涵盖了部分农产品贸易,对大部分农产品和农业投资都没有开放。

    The ECFA currently only covers a part of the trade in agricultural products .

  5. 中国最大的农业投资集团北大荒集团(BeidahuangGroup)计划在菲律宾北部的吕宋岛设立一家工厂,用糖和其它农作物生产乙醇。

    The Beidahuang Group , China 's biggest agricultural investor , plans to set up a plant on the northern Philippines island of Luzon to produce ethanol from sugar and other crops .

  6. 中国科学院遥感所利用DSSE环境,开发了全国农业投资决策支持系统(SDSS/AIC)。

    In the thesis , the DSS application developed in DSSE : Spatial Decision support System for Agricultural Investment in China ( SDSS AIC ) is presented .

  7. 农业投资应重点支持农民收入增长

    Agricultural investment should put stress on increasing the farmers ' incomes

  8. 江西农业投资的问题与对策研究

    A Study on the Problems and Countermeasures in Jiangxi Agricultural Investment

  9. 认为农业投资是促进广西农业增长的关键性生产要素。

    It is revealed that agriculture investment is a decisive factor .

  10. 建立农业投资的约束机制,确保财政投入;

    Establishing agricultural investing restrained mechanism and ensuring financial supply ;

  11. 论农业投资结构与农业增长方式的转变

    Discussion On Agriculture Investment Structure and Agriculture Grow Way Change

  12. 加强农业投资立法,强化监督制约机制;

    To strengthen the legislation for agricultural investment and the supervision mechanism .

  13. 公共财政对农业投资的理论阐析及其行为优化的基本路径

    Theoretical Analyses and Behavioral Optimization of the Public Fiscal Investment in Agriculture

  14. 民营资本农业投资方式及机会研究

    Study on the Pattern and Opportunity of Agricultural Investment for Private Capital

  15. 中国农户农业投资实证研究

    An Authentic Study of the Chinese Peasant Households ' Investment

  16. 宁夏县域农业投资环境综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Counties ' Agricultural Investment Environment in Ningxia

  17. 农业投资基金问题及其在新疆的运作研究

    Study on Agricultural Investment Fund and its Operation in Xinjiang

  18. 新疆农业投资研究

    Study on Xinjiang Agricultural Investment an Interpretion from Institutional Change

  19. 本文针对我国农业投资中存在的问题,提出了若干对策。

    This thesis proposes some suggestion on the problems in agriculture investment .

  20. 农业投资项目风险因素识别概述

    Outline on Identification of Risk Factors of Agricultural Investment Prospect

  21. 改善农业投资环境及投资条件;

    The second is to improve agro & investment environment and investment condi-tions ;

  22. 农业投资项目可行性研究的效益评价

    Efficacy Evaluation & Feasibility Study on Agricultural Investment Project

  23. 农业投资项目财务评价指标体系研究

    Financial Evaluating Indictor System of Agricultural Investment Project Research

  24. 吉林省农业投资效益分析

    Analysis of the agricultural investment results in Jilin province

  25. 新疆农业投资效益分析

    A Performance Analysis of Investing in Xinjiang 's Agriculture

  26. 农业投资项目智能决策支持系统的研究与开发

    Research and Development of the Intelligence Decision Support System of Agricultural Investment Projects

  27. 湖北省县域农业投资环境评估支持系统研究

    Research on country areal agriculture investment environment evaluation support system for hubei province

  28. 我国农业投资与农民收入研究

    A Study on Agricultural Investment and the Farmer 's Income in Our Country

  29. 增加农业投资,改善农业土壤生产条件;

    To increase investment for agriculture to improve productive conditions of agricultural soils ;

  30. 我国农户农业投资不足的成因分析

    Analysis on the Causes of the Deficiency of Peasant Households ' Agricultural Investment