
jūn shì yùn shū
  • military transportation
  1. 基于模糊多目标决策理论的军事运输路径优化研究

    Optimizing the Military Transportation Paths Based on Fuzzy Multi-Objective Decision Theory

  2. 重大地震灾害公路军事运输保障研究

    Research into the Highway Military Transportation Support During Serious Earthquakes

  3. NET技术以及多种集成开发方法,设计了一套铁路军事运输统计信息系统。

    NET and many integration development methods , the military railway transportation statistic information system is designed .

  4. 特种装备铁路运输平车在军事运输中的应用

    Application of Railway Flat Cars for Special Equipment in Military Transport

  5. 铁路军事运输评价指标体系重构

    Re-establishing the Evaluation Index System for Railway Transportation of Military Purposes

  6. 模拟退火算法在军事运输路径优化中的应用及求解

    Application and Solution of Simulated Annealing Algorithm to Martial Transport Routing Optimization

  7. 铁路军事运输运力匹配仿真模拟初探

    Applications of computer simulation software in military communications railway transportation

  8. 集装箱船舶在军事运输中的应用研究

    Research into the Application of Container Ships to Military Transportation

  9. 铁路军事运输中梯队装载问题的数学模型和求解算法

    Mathematical Model and Algorithm for Echelon Loading Problem in Military Rail Transportation

  10. 公路军事运输安全分析与对策

    Safety Analysis and Strategy of Military Highway Transportation

  11. 应用灰色评价理论选择最优军事运输方式研究

    Research on the Selection of Adaptive Optimal Transportation Modes Based on Gray Evaluation Theory

  12. 公路军事运输运力系统优化模型

    Optimization Model About Military Transportation Capacity of Road

  13. 军事运输的模糊时间路优化

    Optimizing the Fuzzy Time Path of Military Transportation

  14. 装载地域是实施铁路军事运输的重要物质条件之一。

    Railway loading area is one of important material conditions to implementation military transportation .

  15. 基于主成分分析法的铁路军事运输系统人因可靠性评价模型研究

    Human Reliability Evaluation of Military Railway Transportation System Based on Principal Component Analysis Method

  16. 论铁路运输走向市场的科学决策与军事运输改革

    The Scientific Decision of Railway Transport Marching to Market and the Reform of Military Transport

  17. 公路军事运输线路中断下运输时间优化

    Time Optimization under Military Highway Transportation Interruption

  18. 基于事故树的水路军事运输事故分析

    Fault-tree-based Analysis of Military Waterway Transportation Accidents

  19. 铁路提速与军事运输

    Railway Speed Increasing and Military Transport

  20. 构建高效的军事运输系统

    Weaving A High-efficient Military Transportation System

  21. 由于国情特点,我国现阶段的军事运输主要依赖于铁路运输。

    Because of the characteristics of our country Conditions military transport relies mainly on rail transport .

  22. 战时公路军事运输决策支持平台及数据中心建设初探

    An Exploration into the Construction of a Wartime Highway Military Transportation Decision-supporting Platform and Data Centre

  23. 航空军事运输装卸装备发展现状、需求及对策研究

    Research into Present Situation , Demand of and Countermeasures for Loading-and-unloading Equipment of Military Air Transport

  24. 基于模糊规划原理,提出了军事运输的模糊时间最优路问题;

    Based on fuzzy programming , the problems of optimizing the fuzzy time path of military transportation are discussed .

  25. 合理评价交通保障能力,对于我们提高军事运输保障能力具有十分重要的意义。

    It is meaningful to evaluate the transport guarantee ability on the aspect of improving the military transport ability .

  26. 运用这一系统,可以优化铁路军事运输方案,提高铁运计划编制和铁路输送的效率。

    By using this system we can optimize military railway transportation plans and improve the efficiency of military railway transportation .

  27. 用模糊多目标决策理论从时间、危险性、保障代价三个方面来构造军事运输路径优化决策算法;

    Considering the factors of time , risk and indemnificatory cost , the optimal algorithm of path is designed based on fuzzy multi-objective theory .

  28. 本文以军事运输的路径优化为研究对象,采用基于路段重叠惩罚的多路径搜索算法建立路径决策集;

    This paper studies the problem of optimal path about military transportation . The set of decision is built by overlapping penalty algorithm of path .

  29. 新型军事运输装备的广泛运用,将大大增强后勤的运输能力和提高后勤的保障能力。

    The new ministry transport equipment will widespread use which would be strengthen the capability in logistics transport and raise the capability of logistics guarantee .

  30. 建立适应新形势下的铁路军事运输约束与激励相结合的运行机制;

    The new military transport system should be set up which is suitable for the new situation and possesses both constraint mechanism and incentive mechanism .