
jūn shì jì huà
  • military plan;military program
  1. 军事计划将于明天制定。

    The military plan will be framed tomorrow .

  2. 认识情况的过程,不但存在于军事计划建立之前,而且存在于军事计划建立之后。

    The process of knowing a situation goes on not only before the formulation of a military plan but also after .

  3. 因特网起源于美国1969年的一个军事计划。

    The Internet originated from a military project in the U.S.in1969 .

  4. 世界上许许多多的人们知道了中国的秘密军事计划。

    Many , many people all around the world know about Chinas secret military plans .

  5. 被要求能形成国家和国际水平的政策和军事计划的情报。

    Intelligence that is required for forming policy and military plans at national and international levels .

  6. 美国和韩国已制定了相关军事计划,以应对涉及朝鲜局势不稳的各种紧急情况。

    The US and South Korea have developed military plans for contingencies involving North Korean instability .

  7. 军事计划制定人员面临艰难的选择。

    Military planners face difficult choices .

  8. 肯尼迪说,在这期间,对柏林的军事计划必须加速进行。

    In the meantime , Kennedy said , military planning on Berlin had to be stepped up .

  9. 军事计划活动是军事指挥过程的最复杂、最重要的环节。

    Military planning is one of the most important steps in the whole process of military decision-making and commanding .

  10. 按照坚决抗战的总方针,必须作如上各项的军事计划。

    Military plans on these lines must be made , in keeping with the general policy of resolute armed resistance .

  11. 本月早些时候,国会批准了总统的一项军事计划:即武装及训练温和叙利亚反对派。

    Earlier this month , lawmakers approved one component of the president 's military plan : equipping and training moderate Syrian rebels .

  12. 赵括到前线后,只是依照兵书,就放弃了廉颇的军事计划。

    When he arrived at the front , Zhao Kuo deserted his predecessor 's military plan only on the basis of military documents .

  13. 一月初,他和军事计划处的其他几个军官一道开始跟英国军事人员对话。

    Early in January , with a few other officers in War Plans , he had begun " conversation " with British military men .

  14. 任何高层军事计划是基于如果世界人口受到严重威胁并非每个人都可以被挽救这一前提。

    Any high-level military scenario planning would be based on the premise that not everyone could be saved if the world 's population were under serious threat .

  15. 盖茨发表演讲之际,利比亚局势开始再次升温,制定军事计划以防可能与伊朗发生正面冲突的压力依然存在。

    Mr Gates ' remarks came just as the new flare-up in Libya began and as pressure to develop military plans for a possible confrontation with Iran continues .

  16. 他仍然警告阿富汗伊拉克战争的适当开销和启动破坏了军事计划并且使美军取得的成果遭受危险。

    Still , he warned that paying for the wars in Iraq in Afghanistan in fits and starts undermines military planning and risks the gains made by American troops .

  17. 北约官员称一个三月的军事计划统一保护,可能或多或少,轮到美国决定什么时候行动将停止。

    NATO officials said that the Unified Protector , a three-month military plan , could be more or less , and it was up to the United States to decide when it should stop .

  18. 在军事计划的编制过程中,由于相关的行动和资源等要素的复杂性,使得一个可行、高效的计划的生成和求解都显得较为困难。

    Because of the complexity of the elements which tightly invovled with planning , such as situations , actions , resourses and so on , it appears extremely hard to find an effective approach to generate and seek an effective feasible plan .

  19. 韩国和日本正在实施军事现代化计划。根据为各国政府和造船商提供资讯的研究机构AMIInternational统计,从现在起到2030年,预计亚洲国家总共将购买111艘潜艇。

    In all , given military modernisation programmes under way in South Korea and Japan , Asian nations are expected to purchase as many as 111 submarines by 2030 , according to AMI International , a research outfit for governments and shipbuilders .

  20. 华盛顿无需排除一种有选择的军事援助计划。

    Washington need not rule out a selective military aid program .

  21. (军事)计划军事行动或涉及到军事行动的。

    ( military ) of or intended for or involved in military operations .

  22. 为军队执行心理军事行动计划。

    Executed psychological operations plans in the army .

  23. 数学分析方法在军事行动计划中扮演着越来越显著的角色。

    The mathematical methods of analysis play an increasingly significant role in planning military operations .

  24. 军事欺骗计划的一种策划方法

    Method for military deception planning

  25. 现场投弹演习是此次军事演习计划的特色之一。

    The use of live ammunition for bombing exercises is one of the specialties of the program .

  26. 最近几个月,西方对叙利亚反对派的军事销售计划已经引起多方关注,

    In recent months , Western plans for military sales to the Syrian opposition have gotten a lot of attention ,

  27. 在该地区的所有军事新计划将有两搜航母保驾护航。

    It ' all part of the military 's new plan to keep two carriers in the area at all times .

  28. 报告称虽然台湾越来越重视这种战术,其军事现代化计划仍然偏向采购大型常规武备。

    While Taiwan increasingly emphasizes such tactics , its military modernization plan still calls for big , conventional acquisitions , the report says .

  29. 最后,中国的军事现代化计划反衬出中国国内的兵器工业无法制造出军队所想要的高技术武器系统。

    Finally , China 's military modernization plan has highlighted the inability of the indigenous arms industry in China to produce the advanced technology weapon systems that the military wants .

  30. 报告称,中国正动用其电脑网络利用能力来支持情报收集活动,活动的目标是那些支撑美国国家(军事)计划的美国外交、经济和国防工业基础部门。

    The report says China is using its computer network exploitation capability to support intelligence collection against the US diplomatic , economic and defence industrial base sectors that support US national ( military ) programmes .