
nèi lián wǎng
  • intranet
内联网[nèi lián wǎng]
  1. 所有雇员都可进入内联网中无使用权限制的部分。

    All employees can access the parts of the Intranet that are not ring-fenced .

  2. 在火电厂监测系统和MIS的建设中,使用因特网/内联网(Internet/Intranet)技术是一个必然趋势。

    It is a natural tendency to use Internet / Intranet technology in the construction of power plant MIS .

  3. 一种基于JAVAapplet的内联网网络信息查询方法

    A Method of Network Information Inquiry in Intranet Based on Java Applet

  4. Intranet(内联网)是现代企业网络的基础。

    Intranet is the base of modern enterprise 's network .

  5. 网络技术的发展,特别是Internet/Intranet(互联网/内联网,统称因特网)技术的日趋成熟,促使企业的生产方式逐步从独立经营走向网络化生产和协同合作。

    With the development of network technology , Internet / Intranet technology is becoming ripeness gradually , which makes the produce mode of enterprises from independent into network and cooperative produce .

  6. 该系统已实现局域网(LAN)的多用户、多实验的网络实验,在进一步完善的基础上,可扩展至校园网(CAN)及内联网。

    The network laboratory model for multi-user and multi-experiment network experiment is realized in LAN . Furthermore , this model can be extended to CAN and the Intranet easily .

  7. 虚拟专用网络(VPN)是企事业单位构建内联网、外联网和实现远程接入的主要方法,而安全隧道技术是VPN的核心技术。

    Virtual Private Network ( VPN ) is a prevailing method to construct intranet and extranet and realize remote access . Security tunneling is the core technology of VPN .

  8. 安全套接层(SSL)协议可提供鉴权、加密和整合功能,今天已广泛用于在内联网与互联网的各种应用程序间进行通信。

    Providing authentication , encryption and integrity , the Secure Sockets Layer ( SSL ) protocol is today widely used for communication between applications across intranets and the Internet .

  9. 泰德Codian公司的IP毛重3500系列是一个互联网门户无缝和安全的语音和视频通信的内联网。

    TANDBERG Codian IP GW3500 Series is a gateway for seamless and secure voice and video communication from the Internet to the intranet .

  10. 这种开发策略借鉴互联网/内联网、数据库技术和思路,充分利用现有软件和商业服务实现系统功能,对各种技术、服务加以组合形成具备基本信息管理功能的MIS系统。

    Referenced by techniques and ideals of Internet / intranet , this strategy take full advantage of available software and commercial services , and combines those techniques and services to form a foundational MIS .

  11. 例如,您组织的内联网可以以比过去使用的CommaSeparatedValue(CSV)文件更奇特更精确的方式预订最新的天气预报。

    For example , your organization â™ s intranet can subscribe to the latest weather forecasts in a fancier and more accurate way than the Comma Separated Value ( CSV ) files you â™ re used to .

  12. 最后,应用以Internet为基础的内联网(Intranet)等现代信息技术,按照设计的软件功能,构建了基于WWW的物流管理信息系统。

    At last , using modern information technologies such as Web technology based on Intranet , the logistics management information system was built up on the basis of WWW. With the rapid development of Internet and modern information technologies , the traditional logistic is transiting to the modern one .

  13. 内联网模式下的火电机组在线监测及能损分析系统

    On-Line Monitor and Energy-Loss Analysis System for Power Unit in Intranet

  14. 内联网与湖南省外经贸委电子数据交换网

    Intranet and the EDEN of International Commerce Committee in Hunan Province

  15. 内联网、局域网中用户的安全管理

    Safety Management of The Users in Intranet and LAN

  16. 因特网/内联网技术及其发展趋势

    Internet / Intranet Technologies and Their Development Trend

  17. 基于内联网的决策支持系统及其应用研究

    Research and Application of Intranet-Based Decision Support Systems

  18. 内联网实用管理教学系统

    Intranet Utility System for Management and Teaching

  19. 内联网及电子商务安全技术

    Intranet and Security Technology of E commerce

  20. 图书馆所拥有的书籍还可以通过大学内联网的电脑检索进行查询。

    The books in the Library are also accessible through computer search on the University Intranet .

  21. 内联网环境下文物决策信息系统的构建研究与应用

    The Research of Construction and the Application on the Culture Relic Decision Information System under Intranet

  22. 一旦完成描述,这些商业文件可以被储存在内联网网络服务器上并在整个公司共享。

    Once described , these business documents can be stored on Intranet web servers and shared throughout the corporation .

  23. 在内联网公布职位空缺、新政策等等,进行内部招聘。

    and using the intranet so all the staff know about vacancies , new policies , and so on .

  24. 月费计划的无限数据使用量仅适用于浏览互联网、内联网及使用电邮;

    The unlimited usage of data included in the'Unlimited'price plan is applicable to internet , intranet and email access only ;

  25. 此计划可以结合电子邮件、内联网宣告以及四处张贴的老式传单。

    This plan can be a combination of email , intranet announcements , and old-fashioned flyers posted around the workplace .

  26. 中国的互联网实际上是一种“内联网”,只是在受控的网络枢纽点与全球系统相连。

    China 's internet is in effect an " intranet " that connects with the global system only at controlled choke points .

  27. 因此为了保证内联网的安全应该采取一些必要的措施,如给远程用户设置强密码并限制其权限等等。

    Thus , to guarantee the security of the intranet , countermeasures such as issuing strong passwords and restricting users'power should be taken .

  28. 今晚我们省内的一些智囊人物云集在这里。基于内联网的农村智能化小区的构建

    Some of the best brains in the province are here tonight . The Structure of Intelligence of Rural Living Zone Based on Intranet

  29. 随着本局的内联网和部门网站日益普及,电子办公室设施将会在一个方便的平台发挥更大的功能。

    The intranet and the departmental portal will be widely utilized by the Department as a convenient platform for the enhancement of e-office facilities .

  30. 税务系统的信息化建设正从仅用来替代手工操作的电子数据处理方式,向管理信息系统、决策支持系统发展,通过网络改造,正逐步发展成为内联网。

    E-tax system is based on the foundation of the processing of data , the management of data , the development of data analyze , through the changes of network , to become Intranet .