
  • 网络price point;Opening Price Point
  1. 结果,我们获得此职的CPU,根据其价格点。

    The results we obtain here rank the CPUs according to their price point .

  2. 洞察消费者需求的咨询公司FuturesCo.的全球客户主管伯德特(LloydBurdett)说,在欧洲,一欧元现在是一个有魔力的价格点。

    ' One euro is a magic price point in Europe right now , ' says Lloyd Burdett , head of global clients for Futures Co. , a consumer-insights consulting firm .

  3. 我们发现它的最佳价格点是低于三星(Samsung)或苹果(Apple)100到200美元。

    For us , we found the sweet spot was about one - to two-hundred dollars below Samsung and Apple .

  4. Subversion继续成为成功的SCM产品是绝对没有问题的,除非是价格点、构架,或者功能性的问题。

    And there 's no question that Subversion will continue to be a successful SCM product , whether due to price points , architecture , or functionality .

  5. 提出了一种求解离子晶体等价格点的单粒子离子Dirac方程方法,确定离子晶体的点电荷电量。

    In this paper , the method of determining the net charge value of ions in ionic crystal is posed by solving the equivalent lattice Dirac equation .

  6. 毫不奇怪,这样的价格点需要认真削减成本。

    Unsurpr isin gly , such a price point requires serious cost-cutting .

  7. 不过现在市场已经找到了正确的价格点。

    Now the market has discovered the right price point .

  8. 撇开价格点不谈,零售商说,他们正在采取措施、以防衣物起球。

    Retailers , regardless of price point , say they take steps to prevent pilling .

  9. 我们控告出版公司的首席执行官们不以9.99美元的价格点为准。

    We alleged that the CEOs of the publishers bemoan the wretched 9.99 price point .

  10. 按照1个价格点为1度的比例,8729等于双子座的29度。

    Using a scale of one point to one degree , 8729 equals 29 degrees Gemini .

  11. 首先制作客户概况:什么样的作品,风格和价格点喜欢。

    Start by making a customer profile : what type of designs , styles and price points they prefer .

  12. 为了估算潜在收益,团队考虑了市场大小,渗透率和价格点。

    To estimate the potential revenue , the team looked at market size , penetration rates , and price points .

  13. 它提供了一个机遇,可以创造出真正非凡的衣服,不用受价格点的限制,也不用考虑营销方面的需要。

    It offers the opportunity to create genuinely extraordinary garments without the restrictions of price-points or consideration for marketing imperatives .

  14. 一个品牌的价格点可能并不意味着匹配另一个品牌的质量。

    Also , one price point in one brand might not mean the same level of quality in another brand .

  15. 知情人士表示,最终的价格点可能还要取决于公司会提供哪些电视网,以及他们与电视集团的协商情况。

    The final price point will probably depend on which networks are offered and negotiations with television groups , the people said .

  16. 他在电话会议上对投资者说,这是一个无与伦比的增长机会,在合适的价格点实现增长。

    ' It 's a fantastic growth opportunity , at the right price points , ' he told investors on a conference call .

  17. 给人的感觉是,商品无论如何都会达到这个价格点,其利润空间将遭到挤压。

    ' There is a feeling that the stuff will arrive at that price point anyway and their margins were going to get squeezed . '

  18. 拉埃斯说,免费游戏显然是一个极佳的价格点,它能让更多的消费者接触到我们的产品和娱乐体验。

    Free is obviously a great price point to get our product and entertainment experiences into the hands of more consumers , ' he said .

  19. 在线课程增长的真正关键之一不在于价格点,而在于学员与教员的机会成本。

    One of the real keys as to why online is growing is not just the price point but the opportunity cost for both learners and faculty .

  20. 价格点:根据非营利市场类似产品的成本,会员包的合理价格是多少?

    Price points : Based on the costs of similar products in the nonprofit market , what would be a reasonable price to charge for the package ?

  21. 跟在美国一样,在不景气的经济环境中,一欧元这个价格点的吸引力源自一个简单易懂的价格,它排挤掉了0.99美元的价格标签。

    Just as in the U.S. , the lure of the one-euro price point in a dismal economic environment stems from a simple , easy-to-understand price that supplanted the 99-cent price tag .

  22. 我们不是一个定位较低的品牌,但是我们确实具有更加敏感的价格点。

    We 're not a down-market brand , but we do have a more sensitive price point . Amazingly , Converse is a brand that is sold at Target and at Barney 's.

  23. 可以从博弈论的角度,建立国际商务谈判的议价模型,对信息进行组织、筛选,寻找一个最佳的价格点来分析谈判双方应采取的策略。

    This article , in the view of theory of game , attempts to set up the negotiation price model of international negotiation and seek an optimal price through organizing and analyzing information and negotiation strategies .

  24. 从美国“一美元商店”的高人气获得启发,欧元区的消费品生产商、零售商和餐厅发现了这一价格点的魅力,纷纷向想要省钱的购物者推出价格为一欧元的商品。

    Taking a page from the popularity of dollar stores in the U.S. , consumer-goods manufacturers , retailers and restaurants throughout the euro zone have discovered the power of the round price point and are introducing one-euro products aimed at budget-conscious shoppers .

  25. 谷歌还可以不经由任何中介,直接通过你的手机与你联系,向你销售保险或者报价购买你的个人数据,提出一个你最可能接受的价格点。

    And , in having unmediated access to you via your phone , Google can also sell you insurance or make you an offer for your personal data on the go , using a price point that you are most likely to accept .

  26. 维多利亚•贝克汉姆还推出了价格便宜点的二线品牌Victoria,她先费尽心思预选出约500件,然后逐步淘汰,直到选出自己最心仪的款式:“我们店面空间有限。”对于那些未上架的衣服,她这样解释道。

    Beckham , who also offers a broad diffusion line ( Victoria , by Victoria Beckham ) had wrestled with an estimated 500-piece edit before whittling it down to her favourite looks : " We ran out of space , " she said of the clothes she had kept back .

  27. 这价格有点太贵了,不是吗

    " That 's a bit stiff , isn 't it ?"

  28. 因为这是手工做的,所以价格有点高。

    The price is a little higher because it 's handmade .

  29. 你的价格有点太高了。

    A : Your price is a bit too high .

  30. 对二手车来说,价格有点高。

    That 's a bit pricey for a second-hand car .