
  • 网络Content Industry;contents business
  1. 从全球风靡一时的内容产业(Contentindustry)为引子,从内容在当代信息社会的重要性,进而阐述这种重要性也体现在外语教学和教材内容上。

    From the advent of content industry , the writer wants to emphasize the importance of the content course in the teaching and learning of foreign languages .

  2. 数字内容产业与3G通信产业的发展

    Digital content industry and the development of 3G communication industry

  3. SCI内容产业服务模式的案例分析

    A Case Study of Content Industrial Service Mode in SCI

  4. 因此有线电视系统经营者更需要在迈入宽频产业之际,灵活整合资源,以创造优势竞争力的有线电视产业,并走向一个宽频、三C(通讯、内容产业、消费电子)大整合的新时代。

    Therefore , the cable TV manager has to learn how to combine the resources in order to take advantage in the coming 3C ( communication , contents and consumption ) wide band era .

  5. 在文章结尾部分笔者从内容产业链、三网融合等方面展望了IPTV国内的未来发展趋势。

    By the end of the thesis , the author expounds the development of IPTV in china in the future from three aspects which include content industry chain , triple play and collaborative development with traditional TV .

  6. 本文旨在通过对手机多媒体传播发展困境的分析,找出困境背后的问题实质所在,特别是要明确内容产业发展对于国内手机3G普及应用的重要性。

    Through analysis of the dilemma of mobile phone multi-media communication , this paper is to find the key issue of the predicament , and to clarify the significance that the content industry construction has on the promotion of 3G mobile phone in domestic market .

  7. 湖南省数字内容产业发展现状及对策

    The Present Situation and Countermeasures of Digital Content Industry in Hunan

  8. 我国少儿电视内容产业研究

    A Study on the Children Television 's Content Industry of Chinese

  9. 论数字电视内容产业发展的现实语境与路径

    The Context and the Developing Path of Digital TV Content Industry

  10. 数字内容产业特征、现状和发展策略研究

    Characteristic , Status and Study on Developing Strategy of Digital Content Industry

  11. 日本内容产业的市场结构变化与波动

    Structural Changes and Fluctuations of the Japanese Contents Business

  12. 基于需求相似理论的内容产业对外贸易战略选择

    The strategic selection of content industry foreign trade based on preference similarity theory

  13. 我国内容产业资源整合及发展趋势

    Integrating the Resources of the Content Industry in China & Its Development Trend

  14. 数字内容产业知识管理探析

    Analysis of Knowledge Management in Digital Content Industry

  15. 英国数字内容产业发展政策

    Policy for Digital Content Industry Development in UK

  16. 第四章主要对内容产业的竞争优势和竞争战略理论进行了分析。

    Chapter four mainly analyses competitive advantage and competitive strategy theory of Content Industry .

  17. 立足江苏地方文化,打造特色内容产业。

    Second , create the industry of characteristic content basing on local culture of Jiangsu .

  18. 内容产业链的建设应重点建设资本、生产与流通三大环节。

    The investment , production and market are the key elements of content industry construction .

  19. 信息资源建设和内容产业

    Information Resources Construction and Content Industry

  20. 爱尔兰数字内容产业战略

    Digital Content Industry Strategy in Irish

  21. 内容产业与文化产业整合与协同理论和实践研究

    Research on Theories and Practices of Integration and Synergetic Effects between Content Industry and Culture Industry

  22. 尽管如此,一些像海盗湾这样的网站已经并将继续为内容产业提供有价值的教训。

    Nonetheless , sites like The Pirate Bay taught and continue toteach valuable lessons to the content industry .

  23. 跨媒介经营初探&发展内容产业实现跨媒介经营

    General Exploring the Cross-media Management - Realizing the Cross-media Management on the Base of Developing the Content Industry

  24. 文化产业又称为创意产业或内容产业,是当代的朝阳产业。

    Also named the creative industry or contents industry , the cultural industry is regarded as the rise sun industry .

  25. 电视作为一种特殊的内容产业,有其作为产业的产业共性,也有其自身的特性。

    As a special industry , TV media not only have industry commonness , but also have media industry characteristic .

  26. 数字内容产业作为经济的重要增长点,在创造巨大经济价值的同时又创造了众多的就业机会。

    Digital content industry , as an important economic growth point , has created a huge economic value as well as employment opportunities .

  27. 电视内容产业是数字化背景下的一种新的产业形态,在全球化的产业竞争中,电视内容产业价值链的成长具有十分重要的意义。

    TV content industry is a new industrial pattern against the digital background . Its growth is significant value in the international competition .

  28. 随着数字化与网络化技术的发展,知识经济带动了一门新的产业&内容产业的诞生。

    With the development of digital and Web technology , a new industry driven by knowledge-based economy & content industry came into being .

  29. 与创意产业与内容产业相对应,当代世界进入了一个眼球经济与注意力经济的时代。

    Because of the homology of creative and content industries , rivalry has entered an era where investment is based on eyeballs and attention .

  30. 数字化及相关技术的快速发展,使电视内容产业逐渐脱离了对传统电视媒体的依赖,获得了独立的发展。

    For digital and related technology developing rapidly , television content industry has gradually emerged from the traditional television media to the independent development .