
  1. 最近,我们买了一辆28英尺的旅行拖车,配有浴室和一台内置电视。

    Recently , we bought a twenty-eight-foot travel trailer complete with a bathroom and a built-in TV set .

  2. 我还成功检测了其内置的电视功能,这个功能需要一个以分线盒连接的笨重外接设备。

    I also successfully tested the built-in TV function , which requires a cumbersome external attachment to work with a cable box .

  3. 它看上去更像一台小电视而非电脑,而它实际上也带有内置的电视调谐器。

    It looks more like a small TV set than a computer and , in fact , comes with a built-in TV tuner .

  4. 大液晶显示屏幕是十全十美的,让大家观看高清晰度电影,从它的内置式高清晰度电视调谐器或hddvd驱动器。

    The big LCD screen is perfect for you to watch the high definition movies from its built-in HDTV tuner or HD-DVD drive .