
  • 网络Memory particles;GoldenMars
  1. 结论大中型商场内存在颗粒物的污染来源,商场内空气中颗粒物污染严重。

    The pollution of the particle matter in the indoor air of shopping centre is serious .

  2. 5-碘-2-去氧尿核苷不能抑制其生长,吖啶橙染色看到细胞质内存在红色颗粒。

    5-iodo-2-deoxyuridine could not inhibit its growth and when the infected cover-glass culture was stained with acridine orange , red granules were found in the cytoplasm .

  3. 高碘酸-Schiff糖原染色可见胞浆内存在红色颗粒,呈阳性反应,培养液内尿素氮含量亦明显升高。

    Periodic acid Schiff stain could observed that positive red granules existed in the cytoplasm , and the content of urea nitrogen in medium was also obviously increased .

  4. 一根内存,主要由PCB线路板、内存颗粒、SPD芯片和各种小电阻电容组成。

    A memory , the main circuit board from the PCB , memory particles , SPD-chip capacitance and the composition of small resistor .