- interior point;inner point

Using the Matlab software , the use of interior point algorithm , the weighting of each indicator over a long time is given .
It shows a good performance to solve the optimal power flow problem with FACTS control by non-linear interior point method under the model and parameters present in the thesis .
The Existence of Interior Points of Image Set of N Parameter d Dimension Generalized Wiener Process
Combined homotopy interior point method is used to solve not only the convex problem , but also the non-convex problem which satisfies some conditions .
Algorithms of interior nodal generation and AFM triangulation in 2-DIM multi-connected regions are studied .
A Parallel Primal-Dual Interior Point Algorithm Based on the QR Decomposition
By taking the maximum normal dynamic load as the objective function , the rock bit roller bearing is optimized with four variables .
A graph based algorithm for generating the Delaunay triangulation of a point set within an arbitrary 2D domain
A New OPF Algorithm Based on Karmarkar ' Interior Point Method
Let C be a closed bounded convex subset of a real Banach space X with 0 being an interior point of C. Let G be a nonempty closed , boundedly relatively weakly compact subset of X.
In conclusion , it proposes a parallel primal-dual interior point algorithm based on the QR decomposition and lists some test results .
When the NT search direction is used , we get the first wide neighborhood interior-point algorithm with the same complexity as small neighborhood IPMs over symmetric cones .
Geometry parameters of dual Y junction subjected to stated situations were optimized using inner point solutions method integrated by improved POWELL means .
Problems concerning internal penalty functions solving minimum values by Powell are pointed out . Modification is made by analysing the method of Powell .
We propose a new trust region projected Hessian algorithm with nonmonotonic backtracking interior point technique for linear constrained optimization .
Lastly , the model of Transient Stability Constrained OPF ( TSCOPF ) with UPFC is established , and also solved by interior point method .
Study on optimal power flow based on primal-dual interior point algorithm under perturbed KKT conditions and branch-and-bound method
For a given positive integer d , the symbol Ad ( D ) denotes the maximum number of internally disjoint paths of length at most d between any two vertices with distance at least two in the network D ;
The simulation results obtained from a series of IEEE standard test systems showed that the algorithm proposed is robust and in good convergence so that it will have a bright future in addressing power system optimization problems .
Establishing the formulation of conventional OPF problem , and applying a perturbed-KKT-conditions-based primal-dual interior point algorithm ( P-KKT-PDIP ) to solve it .
This paper proposes a methodology of the calculating of available transfer capability ( ATC ), in which Advanced Newton approach and SUMT interior point method are cooperated to calculate optimal power flow for single point ATC .
By using the result of skew-symmetric problem in interior point methods theory , the new proofs of the theorems of Farkas , Gale and Gordan were obtained .
Chapter 2 in this paper introduces the sequential systems of linear equations ( SSLE ) method to solve P_ μ and gives the whole scheme of the IP method and the corresponding convergence .
T This paper dealt with the problem about the optimum design for multi-loop feedback band-pass filter by the use of the constrained interior penalty function-Powell optimum method , and made an experiment which shows that the optimum result is available .
The integer variables and continuous variables of upper-layer unit commitment without network security constrains were solved by Benders decomposition method . The sub-layer model was solved by interior point method .
By leading in the nonlinear complementarity function , the constraints of complementarity relaxation conditions in KKT equation of interior point method are changed into equality constraints and can be solved by Newton method .
Based on L1 norm model and interior point , a novel power flow algorithm is presented in this paper . Using the perturbed KKT conditions , an interior point algorithm is proposed to solve the general power flow problems .
By adopting the Fletcher 's penalty function as the merit function , combining trust region strategy and nonmonotone line search technique will switch to backtracking interior point direction composed by the two subproblems to obtain an acceptable interior point step .
A polynomial predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm for linear programming with box constraints
Non-linear oscillation of a charged particle in a uniformly charged circle