
  • 网络large sample statistics
  1. 研究主要创新点在于将利益相关者权利非对称视角引入CoPS创新风险研究,构建起新的风险生成机理模型并结合案例研究方法和大样本统计方法对模型开展了实证检验。

    The main innovation of the present study is the introduction of a perspective of stakeholder interest-power asymmetry to CoPS risk research , and builds a new risk formation mechanism model , and makes an empirical research with case study method as well as large sample statistics method .

  2. 作者通过理论分析及大样本统计检验,以平顶链为例论述了上述观点,并探讨了谐应关系的应用。

    This paper expounded the viewpoint through theoretical analysis and satistics test in a lage sample of flat-top chains as an example and discussed the applications of the concord .

  3. 本文通过大样本统计方法,搜集了从以色列建国至奥尔默特时期38个案例,证明了假设的合理性。

    The paper utilizes mass statistical method , collects 38 cases form the building of Israel state to Olmert administration , and proves the rightness of the above mentioned four hypothesizes .

  4. 对那些难以量化的现象和原理,大样本统计检验方法在分析上显得力不从心,对背后的深层次原因分析不够深入。

    For those difficult to quantify the phenomenon and principle , large sample statistical tests appeared to be inadequate in the analysis of deep-seated reasons behind the analysis is not deep enough .

  5. 同时通过大样本统计的研究方法以及实证研究的结论,也为各方面的利益相关者进行决策提供了理论支持,因此本文的研究结果对今后的研究和管理实践都具有一定的指导意义。

    At the same time , the empirical results also providing a theoretical support for the stakeholders making relevant decisions . Therefore , the results of this article have a positive significance both in future research and management practices .

  6. 收集湖北省各市州1994~2000年经济发展数据及其相关数据,利用GIS常用多层面复合分析和大样本数理统计相结合的分析方法,分析了湖北省近6年经济发展的地区差异规律。

    With the collection of economic data and other related data of 17 districts from 1994 to 2000 , the regional disparity of economic development in Hubei , has been analyzed by means of multi-levels analyses with GIS and multi-samples statistics .

  7. 此外,讨论了在数据完整充足情况下,利用大样本数据统计方法来确定节点的条件概率,和在数据缺失情况下利用EM算法来获取节点的条件概率的方法。

    In addition to this , the paper also discusses the integrity of data in sufficient circumstances which will use large samples statistical methods to determine conditional probability and circumstances in missing data which will use EM algorithm to obtain node conditional probability .

  8. 我们通过对大样本恒星的统计分析分别得到了晚型主序星磁活动与恒星自转参量间以及磁活动与恒星色指数之间更广泛意义的数值关系。

    Using large samples , we gain several credible numeric relation between different magnetic activity index and rotational parameters .

  9. 通过对大样本调查问卷的统计分析,揭示了我国企业所选择的投资决策方法和企业特征之间的关系。

    The relationship between the methods of investment decision and the characteristics of the enterprises in China was analyzed with the statistical analysis .

  10. 应进行大范围大样本流行病学研究,统计发病率,研究当代证型分布,发掘常见证型,进一步阐明病机,总结用药规律,便于临床推广应用。

    We should carry out large-scale epidemiological studies of a large sample , and statistics incidence , study the distribution of contemporary syndrome type , explore common syndrome type , summing up the drug law , in order to facilitating the clinical application .